CBSE Class 11 » CBSE Class 11 Study Materials » Chemistry » IDENTIFYING THE CHEMICAL PROPERTIES


Chemical properties are those properties in which a substance reacts with another substance to undergo a chemical change. Metals and non-metals can have different chemical properties.


Elements are basically divided into metal, non-metal, and metalloids. Metals and non-metals show different physical and chemical properties. 

Metals show most of the properties which are listed below-

  • They are good conductors of heat and electricity.
  • They are ductile which means they can be converted into wires.
  • They are malleable i.e. they can be drawn into thin sheets.
  • They have lustre.
  • They are found in silvery-grey or golden-yellow colour. 
  • They make a sonorous sound. 

Non-metals, on the other hand, show below-listed properties –

  • They are poor conductors of heat and electricity. 
  • They are not lustrous, malleable, or sonorous. 
  • They display a variety of colours.

 Hydrogen, oxygen, bromine, chlorine, and carbon are examples of non-metals.        


Let’s talk about the chemical properties of metals. Take a few metals like copper, iron, lead, zinc. Trying burning metal in the air. Magnesium burns in the air with a white flame. So, we infer that all metals combine with oxygen to form metal oxides.

                                           Metal + Oxygen = Metal Oxide

For example, Aluminium when burnt in the air forms aluminium oxide. 

                                            4 Al+3O2→2 Al2O3

We know that metals do not react with oxygen at the same time. Different metals show different reactivities towards oxygen. Silver and gold do not react with oxygen at high temperatures.

  • Reaction of metal with water- 

The metal reacts with water to form a metal oxide and Hydrogen gas. Metal oxides soluble in water dissolve in it to further form metal hydroxide. Though all metals do not react with water. 

                                      Metal + Water Metal Oxide + Hydrogen

                                      Metal Oxide + Water  Metal hydroxide

Metals like potassium and sodium when combined with cold water react violently. This reaction will be an exothermic reaction in which the evolved hydrogen catches fire. The metals like aluminium, zinc and iron do not react with water but they react with steam to form metal oxide and hydrogen. 

  • Reaction of metal with acids-

The metal when combined with acid forms salt and hydrogen gas. 

                                       Metal + Dilute Acid Salt + Hydrogen 

Hydrogen gas is not released when a metal reacts with nitric acid. Copper does not react with dilute HCl. The reactivity order decreases  Mg >Al> Zn> Fe. 

  • Reaction of metal with solutions of any other metals- 

Reactive metals would displace less reactive metals from their compounds in solution or molten form. 

Here, we can say that If metal A displaces metal B from its solution, it is more reactive than B.

                                 Metal A + Salt solution of B Salt solution of A + Metal B


  • Reaction with oxygen-

Non-metals when reacting with oxygen to form acid oxide.

  • Reaction with water-

Non–metals do not react with water but exceptions are there.


We have seen that elements are classified as metals and non-metals based on their properties. Metals are basically lustrous, malleable, ductile, and are good conductors of heat and electricity. Metals are forming positive ions by losing electrons to nonmetals. Metals when combined with oxygen form basic oxides. Aluminium oxide and zinc oxide both show the properties of basic as well as acidic oxides. Different metals react differently with water and dilute acids. Non-metals have opposite properties to metals. They are neither malleable nor ductile.


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