CBSE Class 11 » CBSE Class 11 Study Materials » Chemistry » Factors Affecting Equilibria

Factors Affecting Equilibria

What is Ideal gas and Real Gas Equation, Why do gases deviate from the ideal behaviour, What are the Factors that are Considered While Dealing with the behavior of Real Gases, UPSC Notes


The topic of equilibrium and the factors affecting equilibria have severe involvement in the syllabus of class 11th. This process acquires its importance in understanding various elements and their reacting nature. The Unacademy notes about factors affecting equilibrium state the different conditions of variations. The study includes the record of the change occurring due to these variations. These notes highlight the chemical reactions, their importance, and the variable nature of elements. Hence the Unacademy notes apparent all the core doubts regarding the process of equilibrium and its associated effects on the topic. Hence let’s get on board to understand the chemistry basics and step into the future with confidence.


Chemical equilibrium is the process that mentions the state of the system does not undergo any type of change. This is a state in which the reactant’s concentration and the product’s concentration do not change over time. There are many factors affecting Equilibria by which the reaction of the product depends. Any element attains the state of equilibrium when its rate of forwarding reaction becomes equal to the rate of reverse action. 


When there is no change in the records, the concentration of the reaction equalises with the concentration of the products. This is the state of dynamic equilibrium. Many of the elements react variably with the different conditions and many factors affecting EquilibriaTo attain this balance in the concentration of elements, many factors have to come in balance at the same interval of time. According to the reaction and variation, there are two types of chemical equilibrium:

  • Homogeneous equilibrium:

In this type of chemical equilibrium, the reactants and the products are present in the same phase. There are two variations in this type of equilibrium. In the first place, the number of molecules of the product is equal to the number of molecules of the reactants. In the second type, these phases have variable values. Two distinct elements when comes to the single-phase with their core reacting nature the variation occurs according to the factors affecting Equilibria. Hence, to balance, many aspects have to react at the same interval of time.

  • Heterogeneous equilibrium:

In this type of chemical equilibrium, the product molecules and the molecules of the reactants are present in different phases. Hence this type of equilibrium includes the balance of two distinct phases and the reaction of elements in their respective phases. When the different reactants are present in two phases to attain the balance, there are many factors affecting Equilibria. 

Despite these types, the ionic equilibrium is also a type where many chemical equilibrium factors are responsible for balancing the ions of the different elements.

Factors affecting Equilibria:

Many factors affect the elements to attain the state of equilibrium. These factors are responsible for any type of change occurring in the elements in equilibrium. The factors affecting Equilibria may vary the period t acquire the equilibrium state. Here are some of them:

  • Concentration:

The effect of concentration and temperature on the chemical equilibrium of the element has a huge impact. The concentration of reactants relieves the reaction and consumption of the substance. Similarly, the substance concentration relieves the value when it is in removable condition. This happens when the direction of the substance replenishes the direction of the concentration. 

When the concentration of the reactants and the composition are in a variable position, there is a visible change in the chemical equilibrium at this stage. This is the initial factor affecting Equilibria which is responsible for unstable equilibrium.

  • Pressure:

The change in pressure occurs due to a change in the volume of the reactants and products. The pressure change is the prime factor affecting Equilibria because it changes the gaseous reaction taking place in the chemical equilibrium. Change in pressure results in the change of molecules in the products and reactants. The volume of reactants varies concerning the increasing pressure, and thus it is one of the critical factors affecting chemical equilibrium.

  • Temperature:

The temperature change follows Le Chatelier’s principle during the chemical equilibrium. The temperature increases in any chemical procedure, and the exothermic reaction decreases over time. There is an endothermic reaction where there is an increase in the temperature and equilibrium constant increases. Hence when there is a variation in the temperature, the equilibrium constant also changes. Along with the equilibrium constant, the rate of reaction also changes according to the temperature.

  • Catalyst:

Catalyst is one of such factors affecting Equilibria, which is responsible for speeding up the chemical reaction process. The catalyst makes the reactants and the element reach the equilibrium state faster. It speeds up the forward reactions and the reverse reactions of the equilibrium procedure. Many industrial procedures use this agent for several chemical reactions.

  • Addition of inert gases:

There is no disturbance in chemical equilibrium when any type of inert gas participates in the procedures. The equilibrium constant only changes when the inert gas participating is a reactant or a product responsible for reaching the state of equilibrium.

Importance of chemical equilibrium:

Chemical equilibrium is essential for any chemical reaction in many industrial procedures. Here are some mentions:

  • Haber’s process: This is a process where the nitrogen combines hydrogen to form ammonia. Specific factors affecting Equilibria here are the low temperature, high pressure, and the iron acts here as the catalyst.
  • Contact process: This is the preparation process of Sulphuric acid by oxidizing Sulphur dioxide in the form of Sulphur trioxide. This procedure requires the chemical equilibrium for getting the reacting element. This is the fundamental reaction to get an oxidizing formation from an element.


Equilibrium and factors affecting Equilibria of an element undergo the variable study of element property. Each element has a different reacting nature and as per the various factors. The article spotlights these factors, interestingly explaining them to students. These notes elaborate on each topic to clear all the doubts and confusion regarding any topic. 


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