CBSE Class 11 » CBSE Class 11 Study Materials » Chemistry » Concept of Nuclear Chemistry

Concept of Nuclear Chemistry

In this lecture we are going to learn about nuclear chemistry, father of nuclear chemistry, radiation, types of radiation.

In the early twentieth century, the discovery of radioactivity paved the way for the establishment and development of nuclear chemistry and nuclear weapons. The Nuclear Age began in the mid-twentieth century as a result of ground-breaking discoveries and the Second World War. Nuclear chemistry has demonstrated tremendous potential in a variety of fields, including nuclear power generation and war damage.

Nuclear Chemistry 

Nuclear chemistry is the study of the chemical and physical properties of elements that are involved in nuclear reactions or reactions that take place within the structure of the nucleus, as defined by the American Chemical Society. Modern nuclear chemistry, also known as radiochemistry, has become increasingly interdisciplinary in its applications, ranging from the study of element formation in space to the design of radiopharmaceuticals for use in diagnostic medicine and everything in between. The chemical technology developed by nuclear chemists has become so important that nuclear chemistry is now used by biologists, geologists, and physicists in the course of their respective research.

Scientists working in nuclear chemistry can be found in a wide range of research fields, including nuclear imaging, nuclear technology, and nuclear energy. They are frequently involved in efforts to improve the efficiency and safety of nuclear energy sources, as well as the storage and disposal of radioactive materials.

Nuclear chemists conduct basic research, applied research, and theoretical research in the field of nuclear chemistry. You may spend a significant amount of time in the laboratory and be responsible for the operation, maintenance, and repair of cutting-edge equipment. The proper care and maintenance of sample preparation materials and equipment, as well as the proper handling, storage and disposal of samples and other materials used in the laboratory, fall under your jurisdiction.

When Antoine Henri Bekrel discovered that photographic film can emit light that can be exposed even when uranium minerals are wrapped in black paper, it piqued the interest of Marie Curie, who was known as the “Father of Nuclear Chemistry.” She was able to demonstrate that thorium emits these rays by using an electrometer that could measure the electrical conductivity of air (the predecessor of the Geiger counter), which was invented by her husband Pierre and his younger brother Jack. This is the process that she referred to as radioactivity.

What Is Nuclear Chemistry?

A subdiscipline of chemistry, nuclear chemistry is concerned with the study of changes that occur in the nucleus of atoms of different elements. These nuclear transformations are a source of nuclear energy and radioactivity, and the energy released by nuclear reactions has a wide range of applications in science and technology. Nuclear chemistry, also known as radiochemistry, is a branch of science that studies the elements that make up the universe, as well as the design and development of radioactive drugs for medicinal purposes and a wide range of other scientific applications.

Nuclear Radiations

Nuclear radiation is the term used to describe the photons and particles that are emitted when nuclear reactions occur. The particles emitted by nuclear reactions have a tremendous amount of energy, which allows them to knock electrons out of atoms and molecules, causing them to become ionised as a result. As a result, nuclear radiation is referred to as ionising radiation in some circles.

Nuclear radiations include alpha rays, beta rays, and gamma rays, among other types of radiation. In nuclear reactions, ionising subatomic particles, such as alpha particles, neutrons, beta particles, mesons, muons, positrons, and cosmic rays, are released, as well as energetic subatomic particles. For example, during the fission of Uranium-235, the nuclear radiation that is emitted contains gamma-ray photons and neutrons, among other things.

Types of Radiations

• Alpha radiation: When an atom undergoes radioactive decay, it emits alpha particles, which are known as alpha radiation. When combined with two neutrons, an alpha particle has the same mass as a Helium-4 atom and is similar in appearance. As a result, the resulting element has an atomic number that is two units less than the originating element and an atomic mass that is four units less than the originating element. As an illustration, the alpha decay of uranium-238 occurs in the following way:

23892U 23490Th + 42He 

  • Beta Radiation: It is made up of a continuous stream of high-speed electrons. Beta-decay can be divided into two categories: beta plus and beta minus. A positively charged electron (positron) is emitted by the nucleus, and a proton is emitted and converted into a neutron during beta plus decay (neutrino). Beta decay occurs when the nucleus emits a neutron, which is transformed into a proton (antineutrino) and an electron by the action of the electron.

 Beta minus decay: 1n 1p+ + 0-1β + v̅

Beta plus decay: 11p+ 10n + 01β + v

127N 612C + 01β+

146C 147N + 0-1β

  • Gamma Radiation: Gamma radiation is a type of radiation that does not contain any particles. Instead, photons of energy are emitted from an unstable radioactive nucleus, which is responsible for the phenomenon. It is important to note that Gamma rays are electromagnetic radiation with short wavelengths and no charge or mass. They are produced when the remaining nucleons undergo stable rearrangements, and thus they are produced in conjunction with other radioactive emissions. They are produced when the remaining nucleons undergo stable rearrangements. Example:

  • 238 92U 23490Th + 42He + 200γ

Nuclear Fission

It is possible to simulate nuclear fission by simulating the splitting of a heavy nucleus into two lighter nuclei, which is known as nuclear fission. By bombarding a sample of Uranium-235 with neutrons, scientists were able to discover fission, which resulted in the production of lighter elements such as barium. An example of a typical nuclear chain reaction is when a dividing nucleus releases more than one neutron, which then collides with neighbouring nuclei and causes a series of self-sustaining nuclear fission reactions to occur. The rate of fission increases in a geometrical manner with each successive generation of events.

Nuclear Fusion

It is also possible to simulate nuclear reactions in which two or more nuclei of different elements combine to form a heavier and more stable nucleus by using computer simulation software. For the fusion process to begin, extremely high temperatures must be reached, which can only be achieved through nuclear fission reactions. Nuclear fusion generates enormous amounts of energy, which is the source of energy for the sun and all of the stars on the planet. Deuterium-deuterium (D-D) fusion and deuterium-tritium (D-T) fusion are two examples of fusion.

 21H 32He + 10n


21H + 31H 42He + 10n

Nuclear Radiations 

Nuclear radiation is the phenomenon of particles being emitted by atomic nuclei in the form of alpha rays, beta rays, and gamma rays. It is a type of radiation that can be seen in the visible spectrum.

Atoms and molecules are ionised when nuclear reactions occur because the particles emitted during the reaction are powerful enough to remove electrons from the atoms and molecules.

Applications of Nuclear Chemistry

Agricultural research and plant mutation breeding are being conducted in order to improve nutrition and food security.

• Radiolabelling is being used to manage the use of fertilisers.

• Keeping insect populations under control.

• Products for the general public

• Radioisotopes are used in smoke detectors, non-stick materials, clocks, and watches, among other things.

• Food

Father of nuclear chemistry

Otto Hahn was a pioneer in the fields of radioactivity and radiochemistry and is widely regarded as the “father of nuclear chemistry.”


Nuclear reactors, for example, are designed to perform nuclear processes. Radiochemistry is the study of the chemistry of radioactive elements such as actinides and radon, as well as the chemistry associated with the equipment that performs nuclear processes. There is a correlation between the corrosion of surfaces and the behaviour of surfaces when operating under normal and abnormal operating conditions (such as during an accident). One of the most important areas of research involves the behaviour of objects and materials after they have been placed in nuclear waste storage or disposal sites.


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