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Know the Classification of Management

Management functions include planning, controlling, coordinating, supervising, etc. It can be considered a process of completing any task efficiently and effectively. Here, efficiency refers to completing tasks perfectly and at a low cost.

Management is the process of bringing people together to achieve desired goals and objectives using available resources efficiently and effectively in all commercial and organisational activities. Organisations can be thought of as systems, and management can be described as human efforts that help a system produce beneficial results. Thus, management is required to enable collective effort toward achieving the organisation’s aims.

As managers are in charge of more work than a single individual usually handles, a smart manager integrates and assigns his/her tasks. A manager accomplishes this by serving as a clear line of communication inside the company. Motivation, creativity, discipline, and passion are needed to be injected into places where they don’t exist or aren’t necessarily desired.

Management is a field that is always changing. Start-ups across the world are experimenting with fresh, inventive approaches to resource alignment, decision-making, and managerial practices that can provide the optimal culture for growth.

Classification Of Management Functions

Management functions can be classified into two types:

  •           Managerial Function
  •           Operational Function

Managerial functions are further classified as

  •           Planning
  •           Organising
  •           Staffing
  •           Directing
  •           Controlling

Operational functions are further classified as

  •           Production
  •           Marketing
  •           Purchasing
  •           Financing
  •           Personnel

Management As Science, Art, and Profession

Management as science

Management as science can be termed an ordered collection of information that has answers to questions based on every phenomenon. Science’s hypothesis and concepts are defined by principles, and relatively similar work is practised in management.

Common factors

  •           Systematic structure – Physics and chemistry, which are an important part of science, have already established systematic concepts and divisions. Each division consists of its own set of rules and regulations to help anyone tackle certain new things in subjects. Similarly, management has its own set of principles that help an organisation to grow.
  •           Universal validity – Management principles and concepts are universally the same for any organisation. For example, concepts of financial management are the same for every company and universally valid. Situations and applications do not affect these sets of principles.
  •           Experiments – Science’s concepts and principles are predetermined and constantly tested through trial and error to justify them and produce new ideas. Similarly, management concepts are frequently put to the test to enhance the company’s procedures.

Management as art

To comprehend management as an art, we must first comprehend what art is. The capacity to use information and abilities to achieve desired results is defined as art. Artists have the ability to create one-of-a-kind solutions for difficult issues.

Critical factors that are common in management and art –

  •           Prior theoretical knowledge – Every art form and artist builds their ideas with their expertise. Theoretical knowledge applied in certain art forms includes theoretical knowledge in public speaking, acting schools for actors, knowledge of tones for musicians, etc. Similarly, specialists in management are provided with workflows and blueprints to study, test, and implement business concepts.
  •           Personalised approach – Each artist has a unique perspective on how to construct works of art. Every musician, for example, has their personal unique style; every painter has a preferred specialty, etc. Similarly, in management, each professional approaches challenges and proposes answers in their own unique way.
  •           Involves a lot of creativity – Every form of art relies greatly on imagination. Beautiful art is created through creative thought, which is unique to any individual artist. Similarly, in management, creative ideas have resulted in outstanding firms and globally recognised management principles.

Management as profession

A profession is a type of job in which a person provides services after gaining experience in a specific field. The company pays the professional as he/she provides the required service.

Some factors of professions that are familiar to Management are:

  •           Formal Education and Systems – Management, like any other profession, requires formal education and the development of systems to achieve desired positions. Students enrol in and excel in degrees such as BBA, MBA, and others to join the management of large companies.
  •           Restricted entry – Candidates must meet certain entry criteria to be considered for any management position. Educational qualifications, experience, efficiency, and expertise of certain software are some factors.
  •           Code of conduct and associations – Like any other profession, management has a code of conduct and ethics that every manager must follow. There are a number of management organisations that govern and certify managers for specific abilities.


Management can be classified as a collection of components that come together to form processes that cause social disruption. Optimal use of the procedure in management can assist businesses in achieving all the imaginable accomplishments in their respective fields.


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