CBSE Class 11 » CBSE Class 11 Study Materials » Business Studies » The Study on Fayol’s Concept of Principles of Management

The Study on Fayol’s Concept of Principles of Management

Fayol’s concept of principles of management was developed without being dependent on any other theories of management of his time. His thoughts had a huge emphasis on a managerial role

in organisations. Fayol got interested in the complexities of management, particularly at the organisational level, and wanted to formulate general management concepts that could be adopted by all the organisations. After his theories got published in a paper in 1908, he gained international fame, and his work led to him publishing his magnum opus, “Administration Industrielle et Générale” (“General and Industrial Management”). Fayol became renowned as the father of modern management and for his administrative theory is sometimes referred to as “Fayolism”. 

The Five Functions of Fayol’s concept of principles of management are:

  1. Planning; 
  2. Organising; 
  3. Command; 
  4. Coordination; 
  5. Control.

The most important thing about the application of the theory by Fayol can be stated as that it can be followed by any sort of business and organisation. His theories are a simple model on how particular management interacts with its employees and how it handles all the problems and misunderstandings. His management theories cover a wide range of concepts. His theories are still regarded as the most useful and effective guide to the managing staff.

The 14 principles of management created by Henri Fayol are:- 

  1. Division of Work- Henri believed that assigning a separate task to workers would improve the product’s quality. Similarly, he concluded that work division promotes workers’ productivity, efficiency, accuracy, and speed. This principle works on both the technical and managerial levels of work.
  2. Authority and Responsibility- These are the two key terms of management. Responsibility makes workers accountable for the work done under their supervision and management’s authority makes it easier to work efficiently.
  3. Discipline- Nothing can be accomplished without discipline. The work of management is made easier and more comprehensive by good performance and appropriate interrelationships. Employees’ good ethics also aids in the smooth development and advancement of their professional careers.
  4. Unity of Command- This indicates that an employee must report and follow only one manager. When an employee is required to report to many managers, a conflict of interest arises, which can lead to misunderstanding.
  5. Unity of Direction- Whosoever is involved in the same activity should share a common aim. It can also be stated that everyone in a particular firm must have similar aims to make work easier. 
  6. Subordination of Individual Interest- It states that in a particular company, one must work together with his/her team to achieve the common good rather than working alone for personal gain.
  7. Remuneration- This plays a major role in inspiring a company’s employees. There are two types of remuneration: monetary and non-monetary. However, it should depend on the effort of an individual.
  8. Centralization- The management responsible for the decision-making procedure in any organisation should be impartial. Henri highlighted that it is important to maintain a proper balance between power and hierarchy.
  9. Scalar Chain- Fayol emphasised that hierarchy should be from top to bottom. This is required so that every worker knows who their superior is and can get in touch with them If required.
  10. Order- Positive work culture is a must for any organisation as it boosts productivity.
  11. Equity- Workers are supposed to be treated with respect without any partiality. It is the manager’s responsibility to ensure that no employees are discriminated against.
  12. Stability- An employee must feel safe to deliver their best work. The management must provide security to their employees. 
  13. Initiative- Management should support and encourage employees to take initiative in the workplace. It will help them to become more interested in what they do and value what they do.

    14. Esprit De’ Corps- It Is the  job of management to support and motivate their employees. A positive work environment builds trust and mutual understanding between the organisation and employees.

Most of the start-up companies follow the application of the theory by Fayol to stably build their management structure. It is always important to build a proper foundation since the starting of any particular organisation or institution.


Fayol’s concept of principles of management promotes teamwork and collaboration for the mutual betterment of the company and employees. In the face of current changing market conditions, the Five Functions demonstrate the necessity for organisations to plan. Fayol was one of the first to realise that management is a never-ending process. Fayol talked about motivating people by inspiring initiative, demanding respect via ideals, and ensuring that individuals have the time and

the training they need to be happy and effective at work before he wrote about human resources management.


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