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Microbes in Industrial Production

Advancement in science and technology have led to the synthesis of huge variety of products using microorganisms that are beneficial to human beings as well as the commercial sectors for production of beverages and bakery items.

Using microbial action in the industries is a part of industrial microbiology. Presently, mass production of various types of products are being done by manipulating the microbes in multiple ways. The grain based food industry that includes all type of breads, cakes, pies, pastries, and similar food requires high demand for fermenting microbes. Large fermentors are used for this purpose. Beverage industry is completely dependent on microbes for production of different types of drinks. Participation of microbes in the pharmaceutical industry has also led to great advancement in medicine and antibiotics. Discovery of penicillin by Alexander Fleming was a coincidence when he observed mould  Penicillium notatum. Microorganisms  like fungus, bacterias have also contributed in the making of chemicals that include organic acids and enzymes. Enzymes are being used in various industries producing detergents and bottled fruit juices.

Fermented Beverages:

Fermented drinks: 

  • Ancient methods of fermenting included the use of yeast for making beverages like vine, whisky, brandy and rum
  • For the fermentation process, Saccharomyces cerevisiae along with other microbial metabolism does the work.
  • The huge surplus demand for fermented drinks that includes wine, whiskey, brandy or  rum, beer etc requires production of Microbes in handsome amounts to meet the market demands large vessels called fermentors are set up.
  • Alcoholic drinks are categorised depending upon the raw material used for fermentation and the method of processing it can be with distillation or without distillation
  • Fermentation broth is used to add flavour to the drink. Brandy and rum are manufactured in fermented broth by distillation. Whereas wine and beer don’t require distillation.

Fermented foods:

  • The same yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, used for beverages is also used in the production of breads, commonly called the brewer’s yeast.
  • The bread and bakery industry is a dynamic sector that provides a variety of food items to millions of consumers every day. As many people throughout the world eat bread and wheat based meal atleast once per day, the demand is humongous.
  • The present generation is asking for handy and ready-made goods that are easily accessible and unique in taste. Making of malted cereals and fruit juices is a part of this effort to satisfy the present needs. Microbes have been manipulated in different ways to achieve this.

Microbes in Antibiotics:


  • In 1999, Alexander Fleming accidentally discovered penicillin notatum during his study on staphylococcus bacteria.
  • He left the bacteria uncovered, on which the fungus created bacteria free zones on the culture plate. Fleming isolated this mould and created a fresh plate and named it Penicillium notatum.
  • He showed that it was extremely effective even at low concentrations and had the ability to prevent bacterial growth even when diluted.
  • Ernest Chain and Howard Florey further studied and presented the fully established antibiotic later on. They were awarded the Nobel Prize in 1945.

Uses of antibiotics:

  • Further discoveries led to more antibiotics with different compositions that had the ability to cure the deadliest diseases.
  • Diseases such as plague, UTIs, whooping cough, strep throat, leprosy, diphtheria could be treated using antibiotics.
  • Millions of humans and animals were saved from being killed due to infectious diseases and were provided with better quality of life.

Chemical, Enzymes and Bioactive molecules:

Microbes producing Organic acids:

  • Microbes like Aspergillus niger (fungus), Acetobacter aceti (bacterium), bacterium clostridium butylicum bacterium  and lactobacillus chiefly produce acids  that are consumed for different purposes.
  • Ethanol production is done using yeast. It respires anaerobically to break down pyruvate into alcohol.

Microbes producing Enzymes:

  •  Enzymes with special characteristics in biotechnology includes proteases, amylase, cellulase, lipases, pectinases etc 
  • Microbes have special ability to biosynthesis special enzymes due to their special resistance characters.
  • Detergent and soap have the power to remove tough stains and oils. This is due to the enzyme lipase.
  • Proteases and pectinases are widely used in fruit juices and bottled drinks to make them more appealing and enhancing.

Microbes as bioactive molecules:

  • Through genetic engineering bacterium streptococcus has been modified to produce Streptokinase which plays an important role in removing clot during myocardial infarction ( heart attack).
  • Fungus Trichoderma polysporum is used to manufacture cyclosporin A, is a type of bioactive molecule that acts as immunosuppressive agent during organ transplant.
  • Monascus purpureus (yeast) is a statin that helps in lowering blood cholesterol level by inhibiting the cholesterol synthesising enzyme.


Scientists have researched and developed unique concepts of making human lives better and easier. The ecosystem  inhabits microorganisms in an enormous amount. Through Genetic engineering these organisms are put to better use in both the health and commercial sectors. Demands are rising every single day and so is the effort to maximise production of such useful Microbes. 

We talk about readymade preservative food that is in high demand in the new generation. It is important to keep in mind that they must be kept fresh and hygienic. Products that are high in quality rise in the market and are able to meet the ends. The efforts to manipulate microbes and create a whole massive industry have been a task for the researchers. It has made life easier and better.


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Write down the uses of antibiotics?

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What main type of industries are involved in using microbes?

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What are statins?

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