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Isomerases with Examples

Isomerization reactions are important in biology, and isomers differ in biological function and pharmacological effects. Using a combination of manual and computer methods, we catalogued the isomerization reactions that have been seen in biology.

 This strategy provides a solid foundation for comparing and categorizing reactions into classes. We may learn more about the biology of isomerization by comparing our findings to the Enzyme Commission (EC) classification, which is the industry standard for representing enzyme function based on the overall chemistry of the catalyzed reaction. Stereoisomer reactions can be easily classified into two categories (racemases/epimerases & cis-trans isomerases), while structural isomerism reactions are more diverse and difficult to categories using a structured methodology. This research gives an overview.

Biomolecules’ 3D structure and composition are inextricably intertwined. One of the enzymes’ most remarkable abilities is their ability to preferentially recognize related compounds, such as isomers. Glutamate racemase, for example, catalysis the interconversion of the isomers L-glutamate and D-glutamate, the first of which is one of the 20 amino acids required to construct proteins and the second of which is an important component of bacterial cell walls (1). Isomers of the same medicine are frequently identified; the tragic story of thalidomide, for example, revealed how minor variations in the spatial arrangement of the atoms can have dramatic biological repercussions.

Racemization and epimerization are examples of isomerization processes catalyzed by isomerases. They haven’t been employed in a lot of industrial settings. However, one of the most effective enzyme-based biocatalytic processes uses an isomerase: the synthesis of high-fructose corn syrup using glucose isomerase (HFCS). In the food and beverage sector, HFCS is utilized as a sugar substitute for sucrose. On an industrial scale, glucose isomerization to HFCS is done in prolonged detention reactors using immobilized glucose isomerases. The amount of HFCS generated by glucose isomerase each year exceeds a million tons.

Isomerase Reactions in The Enzyme Biocatalysis Universe

The total number of bond modifications was added together and standardized by the number of reactions in each subclass. The bond modifications alone cannot be used to categorize enzyme reactions into the six primary classes, as this heat map clearly shows.

The total number of bond modifications was added together and standardized by the number of reactions in each subclass. The bond modifications alone cannot be used to categorize enzyme reactions into the six primary classes, as this heat map clearly shows. Stereo isomerase reactions [racemases, epimerases (EC 5.1), and cis-trans isomerases (EC 5.2)] are different and have little in common with other subclasses. The general chemistry of these isomerases is astonishingly simple, in contrast to the complicated chemistry of other EC subclasses.

Metabolic Pool

In cellular biology, the conception of metabolism pools is pivotal. Metabolic pools are made up of metabolites that are products of/ or substrates for essential cell responses, allowing one type of patch to be converted into another, similar to carbs to lipids.

There’s a force of motes within a cell (or an organelle like the chloroplast) on which an enzyme can serve. The metabolic pool refers to the size of the force.

Glycolysis as well as Kreb’s cycle, for illustration, are open systems. A two-way inflow of accouterments into and out of an open system 

  • Different composites enter the pathways at different places. Carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins can all be oxidized in this manner.
  • Some of the intermediate routes can be excluded at the same time. They are employed in the conflation process.

As a result, a metabolic pool is formed by the products of glycolysis and Kreb’s cycle. Substances can be added to or removed from this pool grounded on the body’s requirements. Metabolism refers to the chemical responses that do within the cells of the body to convert food into energy. This energy is needed for everything our bodies do, from moving to allowing to developing. The chemical responses of metabolism are controlled by certain proteins in the body.

  • Metabolic pathways include the processes of producing and breaking down glucose motes.
  •  A metabolic route is a set of chemical events that are linked together and feed one another. The route takes one or further morning motes and transforms them into products via a race of intercedes.
    The foods we consume and the liquids we drink give us with energy. Carbs, protein, and lipids are the three main sources of energy, with carbohydrates being the most significant. 
  • When carbs are exhausted, your body can also calculate protein and lipids for energy.
    Macronutrients are the nutrients that offer energy to the body (carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins). 
  • Carbohydrates and proteins both contain roughly the same quantum of energy per gram of food.
    Food provides calories to fuel exercise and revitalises your body. Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are all sources of calories. 
  • Vitamins and minerals, contrary to popular belief, don’t give energy. (Still, they’re involved in the conversion of nutrients into energy and are a pivotal part of a healthy diet.)


Isomerases are enzymes that catalyse the production of an isomer from a substrate. In other words, they allow for the intramolecular transfer of certain functional groups without the need to add or remove atoms from the substrate. This transformation can be expressed simply as A B, where A and B are isomers.

Many metabolic routes, such as the citric acid cycle and the glycolytic pathway, require isomerases. Enzyme numbers begin with EC 5 for all isomerases. Racemization, cis-trans isomerization, enolization, and a variety of other isomerization can be carried out. Triosephosphate isomerase, diphosphoglycerate mutase, and photo isomerase are examples of isomerases.

Isomerization, for example, prepares the molecule for future oxidation and decarboxylation by shifting the hydroxyl group of citrates from a tertiary to a secondary position in the citric acid cycle’s conversion of citrate to isocitrate. In addition, by preparing the molecule for oxidation states, isomerases can catalyze phosphorylation reaction pathways throughout the Krebs Cycle. Isomerases permit the shift in position without changing the substrate or product’s overall chemical composition.


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