CBSE Class 11 » CBSE Class 11 Study Materials » Biology » Human Health and Diseases

Human Health and Diseases

Learn about introduction to human health and diseases, the definition of health given by WHO, and concept and types of disease.

The World Health Organisation(WHO) explained the term health as “The state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. 

Being healthy should be an integral component of one’s daily routine. By living a healthy lifestyle, one can even avoid chronic or long-persisting diseases as well. Complete well-being is necessary for society to flourish and have economic, social, and mental development. People will be more efficient in their work; they will be more aware of themselves, society and others. Maintain a healthy lifestyle by following your body’s specifications. Some basic reasons for impairment in health: Lack of balanced diet, stress, anxiety, genetic disorders/diseases, consumption of alcohol and tobacco, etc.


Health can be defined as the state of the body in which the body is incomplete well-being in every aspect like physical, mental, physiological, and social well-being. People will be more efficient in their work; they will be more aware of themselves, society and others. 

Types Of Health-

Physical Health 

Physical health can be explained as the lack of any disease or disorder. It can include a range of aspects such as a balanced diet, weight management, dental health, personal hygiene, and sleep. Physical well-being is essential for overall happiness.

Traditional models of physical health would have deemed someone physically well if they were not afflicted with a significant ailment. Longer life spans have come as a result of modern medical advancements, and this has impacted how we consider physical health. Today’s definition might include everything from the absence of illness to one’s degree of fitness.

Mental health

Mental health is a condition of well-being in which a person recognises their potential, can cope with everyday stressors, works productively, and contributes to their community. A person’s mental health is determined by a variety of social, psychological, and biological factors at any one time.

The major threats to mental health are violence or emotional discomfort, or disturbance. The most disturbing element out of all sexual violence. Rapid societal change, demanding work environments, gender discrimination, social marginalisation, unhealthy lifestyles, physical ill-health, and human rights violations are all linked to poor mental health. People are more sensitive to mental health disorders due to different personalities and emotional quotients. 

Social Health

The ability to engage and build relations with others is referred to as social health. It also has to do with our adaptability in social situations. Social health has a great influence on health, social ties, and eventually morbidity.

Every day, we engage with others. Our emotional and physical health is influenced by the quality and quantity of our relationships. Maintaining a high level of social well-being allows you to form meaningful interpersonal interactions. Social interactions involve professional, familial, friendships, and other personal relationships. According to studies, those who have inadequate social contacts are at high risk to die younger than those who have high levels of involvement.


A disease is an abnormal condition that impacts the health of all or part of an organism without being caused by external harm.  The disease can be symptomatic or asymptomatic; it can have clear and distinct indications or whether no symptoms can be seen. Example-  genetic, organ dysfunction, immune system dysfunctions can result in a wide variety of diseases like autoimmune deficiencies, cancer, malaria, etc.

Types Of Diseases

  • Infectious Disease

These are those diseases that are communicable or are contagious. They spread from person to person through various modes like sneezing, coughing, adulterated food, dust, pollution, contaminated food and water, sexual means, etc. Agents responsible are bacteria, viruses, protozoans, etc. Examples of infectious diseases are- Tuberculosis, Common cold, Pneumonia, Malaria, dengue, Amoebiasis, etc.

  • Non- Infectious Disease

These are those diseases that are non-communicable or are non-contagious. They do not spread from person to person; instead, they are caused due to any impairment in the individual’s body,  by genetic means, absence of nutritional diet, exercise, use of addictive drugs (narcotics and opiates), and various other unhealthy lifestyles. Examples- Cancer, Stroke, Cardiac Failure, Angina, Diabetes, Hypertension, Hypothyroid, Gallstones, etc.


Health and disease are co-related. Some basic reasons for impairment in health: Lack of balanced diet, stress, anxiety, genetic disorders/diseases, consumption of alcohol and tobacco, etc. By maintaining a healthy lifestyle, one can reduce the chances of getting diseased and consequently reduce the mortality rate by adopting healthy methods of leading life like daily exercising, taking nutritional and balanced diet, avoiding tobacco and alcohol, routine health check-ups (at a specified period), etc. Healthy individuals are more aware of themselves and society and can bring awareness among the non-educated section of society.


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