Habit and Habitat

Cockroaches are insects of the order Blattodea that also include termites. About 30 of the 4,600 species of cockroaches are related to human habitat. Some species are well known as pests. Some species, such as the sociable German cockroach, have complex social structures such as communal shelter, social dependence, communication, and kin recognition.

Cockroaches are an ancient group whose ancestors began in the Carboniferous, about 350 to 350 million years ago. However, these early ancestors did not have the internal ovipositor of modern cockroaches. Cockroaches are rather generalized insects with no specific adaptations (e.g. sucking the mouthparts of aphids and other true beetles). They have chewing mouths and are perhaps one of the most primitive living fledgling insects. They are common, hardy insects that can withstand a wide range of climates, from arctic cold to tropical heat. Tropical cockroaches are frequently much larger than temperate species.

Some species, such as the sociable German cockroach, have complex social structures such as communal shelter, social dependence, communication, and kin recognition. Although most species are harmless and found in a variety of habitats around the world, they are commonly described as filthy pests. Cockroaches can sometimes play a role as carriers of intestinal diseases, such as diarrhoea, dysentery, typhoid fever and cholera.


  • Cockroaches are social insects. 
  • A large number of species tend to be sociable or gregarious, and few show parental care. Cockroaches formed bonds because they respond to environmental cues, but it is now thought that pheromones are involved in these behaviors.
  • Some species excrete in the feces with the participation of the gut microbiome, while others use glands located in the mandible. Pheromones produced in the epidermis allow cockroaches to distinguish different populations of cockroaches by smell. 
  • Although behaviors related to this have been studied in only a few species, German cockroaches leave fecal traces along with an odor gradient. Other cockroaches follow those trails to find food and water sources and where other cockroaches are hiding. Thus, cockroaches exhibit emergent behavior in which collective or herd behavior is a simple series of individual interactions.
  • The circadian rhythm may also be regulated by complex hormonal regulators, of which only a few have been studied. 6.The pest species readily adapts to a variety of environmental conditions, but prefers warm conditions inside buildings. 
  • Many tropical species prefer warmer environments. Cockroaches are primarily nocturnal and will flee when exposed to light. The exception is Asian cockroaches, which fly mainly at night, but are attracted to light surfaces and pale colors.

Collective decision-making

Gregarious cockroaches make collective decisions when choosing food. When enough individuals (“quorum”) use the food source, it signals the newly arrived cockroaches to stay there longer without moving. Other mathematical models have been developed to describe the dynamics and recognition of homogeneous sets. Cooperation and competition are balanced in the collective behavior of cockroaches when making decisions. The cockroach seems to use only two pieces of information to decide where to go: how dark it is and how many other cockroaches there are. The study uses cockroach-sized robots with special odors that look realistic to cockroaches, and show that if there are enough insects to form a critical mass in one place, the cockroaches collectively decide where to hide, even if ignited abnormally given location.


Some species make a buzzing noise while other cockroaches make a chattering noise. Gromphadorhina species and Archiblatta hoeveni produce sound through the modified spiracles on fourth abdominal segment. In the former species, several different hisses are produced, including disturbance sounds, produced by grown-up and larger nymphs; and aggressive, courtship and copulatory sounds produced by adult males. Between its thorax and abdomen, Henschoutedenia epilamproides contains a stridulatory organ, although the purpose of the sound it produces is unknown. Several Australian species practice acoustic and vibration behavior as an aspect of courting. They have been observed to hiss and whistle in the air passing through the spiracles. 

Social behavior

When you enter quarantine, the German cockroach shows the behavior and other behaviors when represented by the group. In one study, the insulated cockroaches were less likely to be able to take less and explore their shelter, have less time, less interaction with less lost, less securities, and took longer to recognize women with susceptible women. Because these changes have occurred in many contexts, the author provided that the authors constructed behavioral syndrome. These results may be relevant to reducing the implementation of individual individuals and emerging rates for individual individuals or to reduce the fact that there was no training period to find out that others were similar to their antenna. A separate American cockroach seems to be aware of how they are “figures” on how they are looking for a refuge. Also, group personality is not simply the sum of individual choices, but a reflection of conformity and collective decision-making.

Lihoreau and his colleagues stated 

The sociobiology of domestic cockroaches … is characterized by communal shelter, overlapping generations, group openness, equal reproductive potential of group members, lack of occupational expertise, and high levels of social dependence. can be done with, central location foraging, social information transfer, kin recognition, and metapopulation structures.


Cockroaches are widespread around the world and live in a variety of environments, especially in the tropics and subtropics. 

  • Cockroaches can survive in severe cold, allowing them to exist in the Arctic. Some species produce antifreeze from glycerin, which can withstand temperatures as high as -122°C (-188°F).
  • In North America, 50 species are found across the continent, divided into five families. 450 species are found in Australia. Only about four widely distributed species are generally considered pests.
  • Cockroaches occupy a variety of habitats. Many people live among fallen leaves, tangled tree trunks, rotting trees, in tree stumps, in holes under bark, under piles of logs, and among garbage.
  • Some live in arid areas and have developed coping mechanisms that do not have access to water sources. Others live in water, live near the surface of water bodies, including bromeliad phytotelmata, and dive in search of food.
  • Most breathe through the water surface with the tip of their abdomen that acts as a tube, but some carry air bubbles under the chest shield when submerged.
  • Others live in forest canopies, which may be one of the major invertebrates. 


Cockroaches have been a part of human society since the dawn of time. Cockroaches are one of the most prevalent pests found in houses and other structures. Insects took shorter breaths in dry surroundings than they did in moist environments. Cockroaches will lose less water as a result of this. Cockroaches’ ingenious breath-holding adaptation has allowed them to colonise drier settings throughout time. It might also help them flourish in future climates that have been altered by global warming.


Frequently asked questions

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To which order does Cockroach belong to and how many species are related to human habitat.?

Ans. Cockroaches are insects of the order Blattodea that also include termites. About 30 of the 4,600 specie...Read full

List some intestinal disease caused by Cockroach.?

Ans. Cockroaches can sometimes play a role as carriers of intestinal diseases, such as diarrhoea, dysentery,...Read full

Which species of Cockroach produce sound on the fourth abdominal segment.?

Ans. Gromphadorhina species and Archiblatta hoeveni produce sound through the modified spiracles on fourth a...Read full

What Lihoreau and his colleagues stated about the sociobiology of domestic cockroaches.?

Ans. They stated that the sociobiology of domestic cockroaches is char...Read full

Mention the temperature to which a Cockroach can withstand.?

Ans. Cockroaches can survive in severe cold, allowing them to exist in the Arctic. Some species produce anti...Read full