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Energy Flow in Ecosystem

In this article you will find information about the energy flow in the ecosystem, different trophic levels in the ecosystem and different types of food chains.

The energy flow in the ecosystem between various trophic levels regulates life on the Earth. Our ecosystem runs by moving nutrients and energy sourced by many external resources in the atmosphere. Here, let us learn why energy flow in an ecosystem is always important, and the processes that are involved in it.

Energy flow

For each living organism, the prime energy source comes from the food’s chemical energy. This obtained energy travels among various trophic levels alongside the food cycle. The energy flow in the ecosystem depends on two thermodynamics laws: 

According to the first law, one can not create energy or destroy it. Instead, it tends to shift from one form to another.  As per the second law of thermodynamics, the more energy is transferred, the more is wasted. 

What is the meaning of energy flow in an ecosystem?

The energy flow in the ecosystem is the primary driver of survival for many organisms. For each organism that exists in the world, the Sun is the primary energy source. Interestingly, we have been leveraging less than 50% of the actual radiation efficiency of the Sun. Here, we mean the percentage of radiation that plants use to perform photosynthesis by efficient radiation. 

Due to the Earth’s atmosphere, most radiation of the Sun reflects into space. Here the efficient radiation is named PAR or photosynthetically active radiation. On average, Earth receives 40 to 50% of energy from PAR. From this, plants on the Earth use up to 2- 10% of energy to perform photosynthesis. Therefore this percentage of PAR runs the whole world s plants are the prime food producer in our ecosystem. Moreover, all the organisms depend on them for energy, food, and survival in some way or the other. 

The energy flow is always run by the food web and food chain in an ecosystem. During the energy flow in the ecosystem process, the plants produce chemical energy with the help of chloroplasts when they come in contact with sunlight.  

The energy obtained after the photosynthesis process is stored in numerous organic matters in the plants. Further, due to the rule of the ecosystem, this energy transfers to the primary consumers. Primary consumers are hobby words that eat plants as their food. 

After this chemical energy is stored in the plant’s organic matter, it converts into kinetic energy. Moreover, when the energy converts into heat, energy degradation takes place. 

Different roles of secondary consumers come into play in this framework of energy flow in an ecosystem. Further degradation of energy takes place when carnivores consume the herbivores as food. More degradation will occur when tertiary consumers eat carnivorous organisms as their food. 

This is why energy flow in the ecosystem is unidirectional. 

Aside from this, energy flow in the food chain ecosystem runs by the 10% law. As per the 10% law, the amount of energy that transfers from one trophic level to the next remains only 10%. Moreover, the remaining power is disseminated in the environment. 

Explain the different trophic levels in the ecosystem

The energy flow in the ecosystem divides consumers and producers into different feeding groups. This classification is known as trophic levels. 

First trophic level: The producer group or the plants represent the first trophic level. 

Second trophic level: The primary consumers are the herbivores representing this category. 

Third trophic level: Secondary consumers or primary carnivores.

Final trophic level: In this category tertiary consumers or top carnivorous groups are included. 

What are the different types of the food chain in the ecosystem?

Grazing food chain (GFC) 

This is the primary type of food chain. Here energy flow in the ecosystem starts with plants being producers. The energy transfers from plants to primary consumers and then to secondary consumers. It goes on like this in the cycle. 

Saprophytic or Detritus food chain (DFC) –

The energy flow in the ecosystem through this form of food chain involves the dead organic substance. The substance contains the lowest food chain level, followed by decomposers. 

Parasitic food chain (PFC)- 

Here, exploitation of big organisms that can be both producers and consumers occurs. Thus, the food goes to the other minor organism.


The energy flow in the ecosystem is one of the major factors that support the survival of such a great number of organisms. Energy flow is the flow of energy through living things within an ecosystem.A trophic level is the group of organisms within an ecosystem which occupy the same level in a food chain. The movement of energy from the higher trophic levels and its distribution and loss as heat to the lower trophic levels in the environment is unidirectional.