Causes of Flood

A flood is defined as an excess of water that submerges territory that is normally exposed to the elements. The term "tide" can refer to both the outflow of water and the inflow of water in the sense of "flowing water."


Flooding is a term that refers to an extremely large amount of water. When there is an outpouring of water in a particular location, it is referred to as being “flooded.” Flooding is the term used to describe the condition that occurs when water becomes uncontrollable. It is possible for the flood to manifest itself in a variety of ways, such as in the form of severe rains when a dam breaks. Furthermore, the melting of snow can result in flash flooding as well. Despite the fact that floods result in an overflowing and wide distribution of water, they are not deemed safe for drinking. So floods bring with them a variety of diseases such as typhoid fever, cholera, and a host of other illnesses. 

Causes of flood

Flooding is most often caused by natural disasters. It is also possible that it is caused by man-made elements. It has a devastating impact on both human life and property. Flooding can be caused by a variety of different factors and conditions. Some of the most notable are as follows:


Massive rainfall

During severe rains, drainage systems and effective infrastructure design are of great assistance. They make it possible to drain excess water into reservoirs in a straightforward manner. However, when there is a lot of rain, the systems become inoperable. As a result, a deluge occurs.

Overflowing of the rivers

The people who live beside the river are always at risk of losing their lives due to the overflowing of the rivers. A series of dams is constructed in order to avoid such a situation. However, if these dams are not adequately maintained, they can cause flooding and significant damage.

Collapsed dams

When heavy rains fall, the dams that have been constructed begin to fail. Thus, the flood scenario for the people living in the surrounding area becomes even more critical.


Flooding occurs when there is a rapid melting of snow owing to significant precipitation and other circumstances, resulting in the accumulation of water. Adoption of long-term solutions for dealing with excessive precipitation can aid in the management of the flooding issue.


Cutting down trees in a careless manner, often known as deforestation, is a significant contributor to man-made flooding. Soil erosion and crop loss are both prevented by the presence of trees in the landscape. The vegetation is also becoming more diverse as a result of the increase in the number of trees. This also serves to block the torrential downpours, preventing flooding.

Climate change 

Human-induced climate change increases the likelihood of floods, which is exacerbated further by human activities. Human beings cut down a vast number of trees, which has a negative impact on the photosynthetic process. As a result, increased levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere induce climate change, increasing the likelihood of natural disasters such as floods and other natural disasters.

Emission of greenhouse gases

In addition to degrading the ozone layer by burning fossil fuels, industrial impacts and pollution are contributing to the increase in greenhouse gases, which is becoming a major source of man-made flooding.

causes of boscastle flood

  • Rainfall that has been particularly heavy in some areas – In one hour, 89 millimetres of rain fell.
  • Due to recent rainfall, the earth has become saturated.
  • The land’s topography is described here. The environment upstream of Boscastle, which consisted of a steep-sided valley, served as a funnel, funnelling massive amounts of water into the town.
  • In the settlement proper, there are narrow river channels.

Prevention of flood

  • There should be legislation in place to prevent indiscriminate dumping and the construction of structures in swampy areas.
  • The depth and width of the riverbed could be expanded as the riverbed’s capacity to carry heavier loads increases exponentially, reducing the size of the floodplain as a result of this.
  • As a result of the river systems, it is possible to build a network of canals, which in turn leads to flooding. This would also have a positive impact on the agriculture economy and section. Because of the potential environmental impact and the requirement for safety elements, extreme caution must be exercised during the design and construction phases.
  • The construction of reservoirs for the storage of floodwater and the release of floodwater at manageable rates, for example, the construction of artificial dams and canals along flood areas to assist in flood control, as well as the provision of water for irrigation of farms, particularly during the dry season, are recommended.
  • Proper urban planning may be advocated in order to avoid urban flooding, and a public education campaign on the consequences of floods can be conducted.
  • Construction of bridges and culverts, as well as the installation of environmental cleanliness, will allow culverts to be drained.
  • At the banks of rivers and streambeds, stone, masonry, or vegetation should be used to mat the bed. This should be scrupulously adhered to whenever rivers cross through cities, and especially when they do so near bridges.
  • Residential and commercial structures that are being erected should have foundations that are robust enough to survive flooding conditions.


Flooding is a term that refers to an extremely large amount of water. When there is an outpouring of water in a particular location, it is referred to as being “flooded.” Flooding is the term used to describe the condition that occurs when water becomes uncontrollable.Flooding is most often caused by natural disasters. It is also possible that it is caused by man-made elements. It has a devastating impact on both human life and property.Flooding also occurs when there is a rapid melting of snow owing to significant precipitation and other circumstances, resulting in the accumulation of water.


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