CBSE Class 11 » CBSE Class 11 Study Materials » Biology » Benefits of Gene Therapy

Benefits of Gene Therapy

Discuss gene therapy, types of gene therapy, steps of gene therapy, and related topics.

Gene Therapy is a genetic component of genetic engineering. Strategies used in gene therapy include the administration of specific DNA or RNA sequences. Researchers hope that in the future, genetic therapies will help patients to be genetically engineered rather than taking drugs or having surgery.

Types of Gene Therapy:

There are two types of gene therapies that are in use nowadays. These are:

  1.     Somatic Gene Therapy
  2.     Germline Gene Therapy

Somatic Gene Therapy:

Somatic cell gene therapy involves locating a blood cell in a genetic person and introducing a normal gene to an inactive cell. This type of gene therapy does not prevent the disease from occurring in the next generation because it does not affect sperm and egg yolks. Somatic cell gene therapy only affects other cells in the body. Somatic cell gene treatment should be performed several times with the patient’s health problems because the effects do not last very long.

The first obstacle to somatic gene therapy is the successful insertion of a new gene into the genome. Inserting a gene into the wrong part of DNA may be more effective than preventing disease. In addition to requiring that the desired gene be revealed, the genetic expression of a new gene needs to be controlled to prevent excessive exposure to potentially disease-causing agents.

Germline Gene Therapy:

Alternative treatment of somatic cell genes for germline treatment. Germline treatment occurs in reproductive cells. It involves the genetic modification of viral cells that will pass on mutations to the next generation. This type of gene therapy should be done only once to make it permanent. Another type of antimicrobial treatment is to treat premature infants with harmful genes before returning them to the mother by combining them with in vitro fertilisation. Other antimicrobials are to treat sperm and egg yolks so that genetic defects do not pass to children. In the event of a genetic mutation, it will apply to the next generation.

Steps in Gene Therapy:

The first step in gene therapy is to diagnose genetic predisposition. This is done using a DNA probe. The DNA probe is directly related to the corresponding fragment of DNA. This procedure using the DNA probe is much clearer than other common methods of diagnosing genetic defects in humans. After proper diagnosis, healthy DNA can be implanted in a virus passed from one gene to another. The virus is then mixed with cells that are released from the patient and then injected into the patient. Bacteria are used because they have been genetically modified, but they are covered with a special protein. On top of this, protein masks are special proteins that bind to the surface of cells. Once these germs are in the body, they are trapped in their place in certain cells. Cells are then absorbed by bacteria or by invading cells.

Vectors for Gene therapy:

Retrovirus is a type of virus used in gene therapy. This is a virus that implicates its genetic code on the chromosomes of the host cell. Some viruses are used for a variety of genetic disorders. One of these is adenovirus used for patients with cystic fibrosis. For the virus to be used in gene therapy, a patient’s immune system needs to be weakened to fight the virus. If weakening a patient’s immune system is not an option then other vectors can be used instead of viruses to perform genetic therapy. Other noninvasive genetic therapies combine DNA into fatty liposomes. This process is effective because the cell membrane is made up of fatty tissue so that the liposomes can travel through the cell membrane to the center of the cell. Liposomes will then release their DNA material into the cell. And new DNA may be delivered directly to the skin cells or the tumour cells. There are no liposomes or specific DNA injections that act like viruses used in gene therapy.


Gene Therapy is a modern technology that helps in treating various diseases. It changes the gene expression and biological properties of tissues or cells. Gene therapy offers a promising new treatment for a wide range of diseases, including various cancers, hereditary diseases, and certain viral infections. However, more studies are needed to ensure the safety and effectiveness of these strategies. At present, genetic therapies are used only to treat disease when other treatments are ineffective.


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