CBSE Class 11 » CBSE Class 11 Study Materials » Biology » Being Alive – What Does It Means?

Being Alive – What Does It Means?

Being alive is one of the most profound experiences that we can have. It gives us the freedom to have a world that we can shape with our being.

Death, the cessation of all vital functions, is something every living thing faces. But what is it that makes an organism alive? Philosophers and scientists have grappled with this question since days of old. Is it the ability to reproduce? Is it simply being able to move around? We will attempt to unpack what it means to be alive, and whether there are ‘qualities’ that are unique to living things.

    What does it mean to be alive?

    What does it mean to be a living organism? What does it mean to be a living being? We’ve all asked ourselves these questions and yet we find it hard to come up with a response. We’re sure that you’ve heard or know that to be alive means to be active and to be the opposite of being dead. However, what is it that makes us alive? To be alive is to be active, to be able to move, to be able to breath, to be able to eat, to be able to see, to be able to hear, to be able to think, and to be able to move about and explore the world around us. That’s what it means to be alive.

      What is a living organism?

      A living organism is a multicellular eukaryotic organism that exhibits the characteristics of life. Living things can exist as independent organisms, such as plants and animals, or as colonies, such as microorganisms. The study of living organisms is called biology. The term life and its associated terms in biology are used for organisms that are either capable of or spontaneous movement, such as single-celled organisms. A living organism is an entity that demonstrates the characteristics of life. These characteristics include the ability to metabolize, maintain homeostasis, respond to stimuli, grow and reproduce. The requirement for all living organisms, even the simplest prokaryotes, is the ability to maintain internal homeostasis while converting or using energy from their environment.

        Some of the differences between living and non-living beings?

        Before we get into what makes living things different from non-living things, let’s take a moment to define the two terms. Living organisms are incredibly complex, and the way they interact with their environment is different from the way non-living organisms do. Living organisms are able to react, adapt, and evolve to different conditions in their environment, and also to reproduce and multiply. Living organisms also have the ability to function independently, or with other organisms, to maintain homeostasis in their environment. Non-living organisms do not have the ability to adapt to their environment. They do not reproduce, and they do not evolve. They have no way of maintaining homeostasis on their own, and they do not interact with their environment. Do living things control their behavior? We say that living things are alive. It means that they are able to control their behavior, and they can use it to do other things. A living thing can move around, find food, make friends with other living things, and do many other things. Living things can also grow, change, and reproduce.


          Life on Earth is defined as being any form of plant, animal or bacterium that makes its own food from the elements of air, water and soil. The eukaryotic cells of plants and animals are able to perform these tasks using organelles such as mitochondria, chloroplasts and other subcellular components. Living organisms must also be able to reproduce to continue the species. In our universe, we live in a very spectacular time where there is life everywhere we look. We live in a universe that is 13.8 billion years old. We are at the stage of the universe where there are a plethora of life forms in existence. Humans have been on this planet now for approximately 200,000 years, but in the grand scheme of things, this is a very short time. Life on Earth is quite limited compared to the age of the universe.