CBSE Class 11 » CBSE Class 11 Study Materials » Biology » Basic Principles of Life

Basic Principles of Life

The study of life is referred to as biology.

“What exactly is life?” It has been a fundamental question occupying humans for thousands of years now. This question has recently been addressed by new research areas, particularly those located at the interface between the natural and life sciences. Biophysics, synthetic biology, and systems chemistry are examples of areas of study that are exploring and developing artificial cell systems that are no longer distinguishable as living or nonliving. Modern technology makes it possible to map and examine biological cells, which was previously impossible. Artificial systems that can simulate the processes of life or that can be developed from basic principles of life are becoming increasingly successful, according to the latest scientific findings.

As these approaches seek a greater understanding of life’s essential principles, they open the door to new and novel perspectives on life that can be used to enhance the philosophical perspective. The Volkswagen Foundation’s effort aims to fund one-of-a-kind and great projects at the intersection between the natural and living sciences, with a specific emphasis on this particular field of study.

Life: An overview

According to the biological concept of life, a living matter, or any matter that demonstrates certain characteristics such as response, growth, metabolism, energy transformation, and reproduction, is considered to be alive.

There are living beings in the world, and they are classified into categories known as taxonomies. Each individual is made up of one or more than one minimal living unit, which are collectively referred to as cells. The origin of life has been estimated to have occurred as far back as 4.1 billion years. Its origins can be traced back to fossils that extend back billions of years.

Characteristics of life

It is possible that nonliving entities exhibit some of these characteristics, but only living creatures exhibit all of the characteristics listed below:

1.The structure of the organisation

Living things are highly organised, which means they have specialised and coordinated pieces that work together as a whole. Everything alive on this planet is composed of either one or multiple cells, depending on their size. Cells are widely regarded as the most essential building blocks of life.

Even unicellular organisms are unique and sophisticated in their own right. Inside each cell, atoms combine to form molecules, which in turn combine to form organelles and other cell components. In multicellular creatures, those cells that are similar to one another form tissues, which in turn work together to produce organs. Organs are body structures that perform various functions, and they work together to form organ systems. Organ systems are made up of a collection of organs.

Multicellular organisms, such as humans, are composed of a large number of cells. Cells in multicellular animals are highly specialised, with each cell performing a specific function. These cells are grouped together to form tissues, such as connective tissue, epithelial tissue, muscle, and nerve tissue, among others. Organs, such as the heart or the lungs, are made up of tissues that perform certain duties when the organism requires them to be performed.

2.Metabolic rate

The existence of life on Earth is dependent on a large number of chemical reactions that are interconnected. All species on this planet are able to do tasks such as moving around and capturing prey, growing, reproducing, and preserving the structural integrity of their respective bodies as a result of these reactions. In order to carry out the chemical reactions that allow them to maintain their existence, living beings must use energy and absorb nutrients. The sum of all biological reactions that take place in an organism is referred to as the organism’s metabolism.

Metabolism can be further broken into two categories: anabolism and catabolism. Anabolism is the process by which organisms construct complex compounds from simpler ones. Catabolism is the polar opposite of anabolism in terms of metabolic processes. Anabolic activities constantly use energy, but catabolic processes have the ability to release the energy that has been stored.


Each and every living entity on this planet regulates its internal environment in order to preserve the very small range of circumstances required for proper cellular activity. Homeostasis is defined as the preservation of a stable internal environment within a live creature despite the presence of a constantly changing environment outside the organism.


Every living entity on this planet goes through a process of controlled growth. Individual cells grow in size, whereas multicellular organisms collect a huge number of cells through the process of cell division. You began out as a single cell, and your growth is dependent on anabolic processes, which are responsible for the construction of huge, complex molecules such as proteins and DNA. The genetic material is represented by the DNA.

5.The act of reproducing

All living things have the ability to reproduce in order to generate new organisms. Reproduction can be either asexual, in which case only one organism is involved, or sexual, in which case two organisms are involved (two parents). Single-celled organisms, such as the dividing bacteria, have the ability to replicate themselves by simply dividing in two parts.

The process of sexual reproduction involves the generation of sperm and egg cells that contain half of a two-parent organism’s genetic information. These cells combine to form a new human with a complete genetic makeup from whence they were derived. Fertilization is the term used to describe this process.

6.Reaction to the situation

When living creatures exhibit “irritability,” this means that they react negatively to stimuli and alter in response to their environment. When coming into contact with a flame, for example, individuals instinctively move their hands away as quickly as they can. Sunflowers, for example, are among the plants that bend toward the sun. In some cases, a single-celled organism will migrate in order to reach a source of nutrition or to avoid exposure to a toxic toxin.

7.The process of evolution

According to the circumstances, populations of living organisms can undergo evolution in response to their environment. This implies that the genetic makeup of a population may evolve throughout time. Natural selection plays a role in the evolution of some organisms.

The prevalence of a heritable trait that provides a fitness benefit in a population may increase over time as the trait becomes more prevalent, resulting in the population being more well-suited to its environment. Adaptation is the term used to describe this process.


Biology is the scientific study of life and living beings in general. The study of biology encompasses everything from single-celled organisms to the most complex living organism on the planet: human beings. It encompasses both the study of genes and the study of the cells that give all living organisms their unique traits, including bacteria.

All life species on this planet have certain fundamental characteristics in common. Adaptation to the process of evolution occurs in cellular organisation, reproduction, metabolism (the mechanism through which energy is obtained and used), homeostasis, heredity, responsiveness, growth, and development, among other things. In unicellular organisms, the entire organism is made up of only one single cell, as opposed to multicellular organisms. Bacteria and protists are examples of such organisms. Multicellular organisms are composed of a large number of cells. They perform particular duties in their cells, which are found throughout the organism.


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