Net Worth

Net worth is the value of a person's or organization's assets less the obligations they owe (debts). The net worth formula aids in estimating corporate equity.

Net worth is the total value of all of your assets, both financial and non-financial, less any obligations you owe. Your net worth may be used to gauge your financial health. Your net worth is the sum of your assets and liabilities at a given moment in time. When calculating your net worth, you take into consideration all of your assets less any obligations you owe. Calculating your net worth on a regular basis allows you to obtain a sense of where you’re at with your money and receive insight into how to enhance your financial life.

What is Net worth?

Net worth is the value of a person’s or organization’s assets less the obligations they owe (debts). The net worth formula aids in estimating corporate equity. It may be employed at many different levels, including personal, group, organisation, government, and whole cities/countries. Net worth in business reflects an organization’s financial health; it is equal to the difference between the value of all its assets and liabilities, which can be simply calculated using the net worth formula.

What You Can Do to Increase Your Net Worth?

Regardless of means and medians, everyone may take actions to raise their net worth.

Pay off your debts –  Debt reduction minimises your responsibilities. The less your responsibilities, the more your assets may be utilised to your financial advantage. To get ahead of your debt, consider employing the snowball or avalanche strategy.

Increase your earnings – Increase your income by asking for a raise at work or launching a side job if possible. You might also look at options to start a passive income stream, such as dividend investing or purchasing and renting out real estate.

Net Worth Calculation

The computation of net worth appears to be straightforward, but the most significant aspect is how assets and liabilities are determined and what goes into the asset and liability buckets. The processes of calculating an individual’s net worth are outlined below.

Asset Calculation

Everything in our life that has some worth can be considered as an asset. It can encompass an individual’s goods such as a house, automobile, or piece of art, as well as their bank accounts, insurance policies, and investments. Personal items, such as clothing and furniture, are not normally considered assets since they are not auctioned in the event of bankruptcy or liquidation.

Liabilities Calculation

Any financial obligations that must be repaid are classified as liabilities. Loans, mortgages, rent, and bills are all examples of debt. When estimating liabilities, use current repayments rather than those that will be due in the near future.

Net worth calculation

For example, if we are calculating an individual’s net worth at the end of the year and they pay their electricity bill each month, we will only take the amount due for that month (say, December) and exclude any subsequent charges for January or February of the following year. Subtract your entire obligations from your total assets to get your net worth. It makes no difference how large or tiny the number is for this exercise. It makes no difference whether the number is negative. Your net worth is a starting point against which you may compare yourself in the future. Repeat this technique at least once a year, and compare the results to the prior year’s. You may compare the two to see if you are making financial progress or falling further behind on your goals. If you’ve started an ambitious savings or debt-repayment strategy, you may wish to reassess your net worth more frequently. Estimates should be modest, especially when it comes to property and automobile values. Inflating the value of huge assets may appear to be a smart idea on paper, but it will not provide an accurate picture of your net worth.

There are two forms of Net Worth

Business Net Worth

This is referred to as book value or shareholders’ equity by experts. Before investing or collaborating with a firm, lenders examine this worth. The greater a company’s net worth, the more confident lenders will be that it will repay a loan. Typically, a company’s net worth rises or falls in proportion to the value of its stocks.

Personal Finance Net Worth

This simply refers to a single person’s net wealth. Individuals with a high net worth have amassed a large quantity of wealth. Three well-known examples are Bill Gates, Elon Musk, and Jeff Bezos. Estimates should be modest, especially when it comes to property and automobile values. Inflating the value of huge assets may appear to be a smart idea on paper, but it will not provide an accurate picture of your net worth.


Net worth is the total value of all of your assets, both financial and non-financial, less any obligations you owe. Your net worth may be used to gauge your financial health. Your net worth is the sum of your assets and liabilities at a given moment in time. Calculating your net worth on a regular basis allows you to obtain a sense of where you are at with your money and receive insight into how to enhance your financial life. The computation of net worth appears to be straightforward, but the most significant aspect is how assets and liabilities are determined and what goes into the asset and liability buckets. Your net worth is a starting point against which you may compare yourself in the future. 


Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the CBSE Class 11 Examination Preparation.

Who is a millionaire in terms of net worth?

Answer. A millionaire is defined as someone who has a net worth of one million dollars. It’s a straightforward...Read full

What is the definition of net worth in financial statements?

Answer. A net worth statement is a financial instrument that indicates your current financial situation. It is simil...Read full

What is the meaning of net worth?

Answer. Net worth is a quantitative notion that assesses an entity’s value and may be applied to people, organ...Read full

Why is my bank requesting my net worth?

Answer. They want to know where your money originates from so they can establish if you are a money launderer. It...Read full

What is Business net worth?

Answer. Business net worth is referred to as book value or shareholders’ equity by experts. Before investing o...Read full