Management Accounting

In this article, we will learn about Management Accounting, account manager, what is management accounting, who coined the concept of management accounting and more.

Management accounting is the application of professional skills and knowledge in the preparation of financial and accounting information in such a way that it will assist internal management in the formulation of policies, planning, and control of the firm’s operations.The primary goal of management accounting is to assist management in making decisions. It doesn’t have a set structure or format.

Management Accounting

Management accounting is a field of accounting which concentrates on a company’s revenues and expenses, as well as asset utilisation. Unusual spikes and decreases in revenues and expenses are noted and reported to management by someone working in management accounting. The goal of this analysis is to take action to improve a company’s financial performance. James H. Bliss was the person who coined the concept of management accounting.

Management accounting generates reports which are meant to be used within a company. Because this information is not accessible to the public, it is exempt from any reporting requirements imposed by accounting standards like generally accepted accounting principles. Instead, the accounting department can create reports in any style they wish to highlight relevant data.

Account Manager

An account manager is an entry- to mid-level person who is in charge of the day-to-day operations of a customer’s account within a company. Within a corporation, an account manager is the business person with whom a client has the most one-on-one contact. Account managers are employed by companies to ensure that customers’ needs are addressed.

It’s common for an account manager to perform multiple tasks. They frequently need to modify their focus based on the client’s specific scenario and level of satisfaction with their present account status. The account manager was frequently a salesperson, customer service agent, technical specialist, and financial counsellor all rolled into one.

Objectives of Management Accounting

The major goal of management accounting is to assist the organization’s management team in making better and more effective decisions. The financial data is given with the managers so that they may efficiently carry out corporate operations and other critical tasks.

There are many objectives of management accounting which are given below.

Decision Making

The most important goal of management accounting is decision making. Managerial decisions are critical and play a critical part in determining the company’s future. If the organization’s managers are well-educated on the company’s financial health, they can make more informed and efficient decisions.


Management accounting is a continual and ongoing process. It does not have any financial accounting that follows a regular timeframe. As a result, financial data in management accounting is communicated with management on a regular basis, like daily, weekly, monthly, and so on. This pooled information is used by the organization’s managers to make business-related decisions.


Organizing resources is critical for the organization’s seamless commercial operations. Management is responsible for ensuring that all resources are available in adequate quantities to ensure that work is not disrupted. Management accounting aids managers in better organising and utilising resources.

Strategic Management

It is not necessary to understand the notion of management accounting. Depending on the needs of the company, each organisation can have a different management accounting structure. Let us consider an example, if a firm believes that a more in-depth examination and investigation of a given subject is required, it might act appropriately.

Drawbacks of Management Accounting


Setting up a management accounting system and generating regular reports is a time-consuming procedure that necessitates a significant financial commitment.

Less knowledge

Management accounting provides information in both financial and economic terms. The organization’s managers have a limited understanding of the economic concepts. As a result, they sometimes struggled to comprehend the information offered by management accounting.

Outdated data

Management accounting generates reports on the basis of past data, which becomes obsolete once the management has reached a decision. As a result, the entire management accounting approach is rendered ineffective.

Types of Management Accounting

There are many types of management accounting which are given here.

  1. Cash flow Analysis
  2. Product costing
  3. Constraint Analysis
  4. Inventory turnover analysis
  5. Accounts receivables management
  6. Financial leverage metrics

Cash Flow Analysis

A management accountant’s job is to figure out how cash affects business choices. Accrual accounting is used to record the financial information of numerous businesses. Accrual accounting, on the other hand, gives an accurate representation of an organization’s financial situation. Working capital management solutions may be used by the management accountant to improve the organization’s cash flow and ensure that the company has enough liquid assets to meet its current financial obligations.

Product Costing

The overall cost of producing goods and services is what product costing is all about. There are numerous types of costs, including fixed costs, variable costs, direct costs, and indirect costs. The goal of cost accounting is to identify and measure these costs, as well as to split the total overhead across all of the company’s products. The overhead expenses associated with the manufacture of a single product by the corporation are calculated and allocated by management accountants. The overhead costs are distributed according to the number of goods produced by the company or other production-related activities.

Constraint Analysis

The examination of restrictions in the sales process or production line is also part of management accounting. The management accountant is responsible for determining where the bottleneck is located and then assessing the impact of those constraints on the organization’s profit, sales, and cash flow. This data is then utilised to improve the efficiency of sales operations by making modifications to the manufacturing process.


Management accounting is a field of accounting which concentrates on a company’s revenues and expenses, as well as asset utilisation. James H. Bliss was the person who coined the concept of management accounting. There are many types of management accounting which are given here.

  1. Cash flow Analysis
  2. Product costing
  3. Constraint Analysis
  4. Inventory turnover analysis
  5. Accounts receivables management
  6. Financial leverage metrics

Management accounting evaluates the flow of cash in and out of the organisation once a certain business decision is implemented in a cash flow analysis.


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What is management accounting?

Ans. Management accounting, often known as managerial accounting, is a method of delivering financial information an...Read full

How many types of management accounting?

Ans. There are seven types of management accounting which are as follows; ...Read full

How does management accounting work?

Ans. Many aspects of accounting are included in managerial accounting. Its goal is to improve the quality of data on...Read full