Students who got admitted in class XI this academic year 2022-23 must prepare for the examinations properly to get good scores. Below is the compiled Home Science curriculum for the academic year 2022-23 given according to the latest CBSE notification.
Unit 1: Introduction to Home Science
- What is Home Science
- Home Science is important for both boys and girls
- Areas of Home Science
- Career options for Home Science
Unit 2: Understanding oneself: Adolescence
Chapter 1: Understanding the self
- What is Self?
- Personal dimension
- Self- concept
- Social dimension
- Self-esteem
- What is Identity?
- Social identity
- Personal identity
- Self during Infancy: characteristics
- Self during middle childhood: characteristics
- Self during early childhood: characteristics
- Self during adolescence: characteristics
- Identity development
- Real vs Ideal self
- Identity crisis
- Influences on identity
- Developing a sense of self and identity
- Influences on the formation of identity
- Biological and physical changes
- Emotional changes
- Socio-cultural context
- Cognitive changes
Chapter 2: Food, nutrition, health, and fitness
- Introduction
- Definition of food, nutrients, nutrition
- Balanced diet
- Definition
- Using Basic food Groups for planning Balanced Diets
- Food guide pyramid
- Health and Fitness
- Vegetarian food Guide
- Dietary patterns in Adolescence
- Irregular meals and skipping meals
- Fast foods
- Snacking
- Dieting
- Modifying diet-related behavior
- Diet journal
- Exercise
- Healthy eating habits
- Substance use and abuse
- Snacks
- Drinking water
- Factors influencing eating behaviour
- Key terms and their meaning
- Eating disorders in adolescence
Chapter 3: Management of resources
- Introduction
- Classification of resources
- Human /non-human resources
- Individual / shared resources
- Natural/community resources
- Human and non-human resources
- Human resources
- Knowledge
- Skills/ strength/ aptitude
- Motivation/ interest
- Time
- Energy
- Non-human resources
- Money
- Material resources
- Human resources
- Individual and shared resources
- Shared resources
- Individual resources
- Natural and community resources
- Natural resources
- Community resources
- Characteristics of resources
- Accessibility
- Utility
- Interchangeability
- Manageable
- Managing Resources
- Management process
- Planning – Steps in planning
- Organizing
- Controlling
- Implementing
- Evaluation
Chapter 4: Fabric around us
- Introduction to fiber properties
- Definition of yarns, fibers, textile products, finishing
- Classification of textile fibers
- Filament/staple fibres
- Natural/Manufactured (manmade) fibres
- Types of Natural Fibres
- Cellulosic fibers
- Mineral fibers
- Protein fibers
- Natural rubber
- Types of Manufactured Fibres
- Regenerated cellulosic fibers
- Protein fibers
- Modified cellulosic fibers
- non-cellulosic fibers
- Mineral fibers
- Some Important fibers and their properties
- Cotton
- Wool
- Silk
- Linen
- Rayon
- Nylon
- Acrylic
- Polyester
- Elastomeric fibers
- Yarns
- Yarn processing
- Cleaning
- Attenuating, drawing out, and twisting
- Making into a sliver
- Yarn terminology
- Yarn number
- Yarn and thread
- Yarn twist
- Fabric production
- Weaving
- Braiding
- Knitting
- Nets
- Laces
- Textile Finishing
- Printing
- Finishing with color
Chapter 5: Media communication technology
- Communication and Communication Technology
- What is Communication
- How does communication take place
- Classification of communication
- What is media
- Media classification and functions
- What is communication technology
- Classification of communication technologies
- Modern communication technologies
Unit 3: Understanding family, community, and society
Chapter 1: Concerns and needs in diverse context
- Nutrition, health, and hygiene
- Health and its Dimensions
- Social health
- Physical health
- Mental health
- Health care Indicators of Health
- Importance of nutrients
- Nutrition and Health
- Factors affecting the nutritional well being
- Food and nutrient security
- Good health to all
- Care for the vulnerable
- Safe environment
- Nutritional Problems and their consequences
- Malnutrition
- Overnutrition
- Undernutrition
- Hygiene and Sanitation
- Personal Hygiene
- Food Hygiene
- Environmental Hygiene
- Water safety-Qualities of potable water, methods of water purification(Boiling, chlorine, storage and electric filter, RO)
- Health and its Dimensions
- Resources availability and management
- Time Management
- Definition of time plan
- Steps in making time plan
- How good is your time management (Activity)?
- Tips for effective time management
- Tools in time management—Peak load period, Work curve, Rest /break periods, Work simplification
- Space Management
- Principles of space planning
- Space and the home
- Time Management
Unit 4: Childhood
Chapter 1: Survival, growth and development
- The meaning of survival
- Areas of development
- Physical development
- Cognitive development
- Sensory development
- Motor development
- Language development
- Social development
- Emotional development
- Growth and development
- Good Nutrition
- Stages in development
- Neonate
- Reflexes
- Sensory capabilities
- Neonate
- Development across stages from infancy to adolescence
- Physical and motor development
- Socioemotional development
- Language development
- Cognitive development
- Mental processes involved in thinking
- Stages of cognitive development
- Sensory-motor stage
- Concrete operational stage
- Pre-operational stage
- Formal operational stage
Chapter 2: Nutrition, health and well-being
- Introduction
- Nutrition, Health and Well-being during infancy (birth – 12 months)
- Dietary requirements of infants
- Breastfeeding
- Benefits of breastfeeding
- Complementary foods
- Feeding the low birth weight infants
- Guidelines for complementary feeding
- Immunization
- Common health and nutrition problems in infants and young children
- Nutrition, Health and well-being of preschool children (1-6 years)
- Nutritional needs of preschool children
- Planning balanced meals for preschool children
- Some examples of low-cost snacks
- Guidelines for healthy eating for preschoolers
- Feeding children with specific needs
- Immunization
- Nutrition, Health and well-being of school-age children (7-12 years)
- Nutritional requirements of school children
- Factors that influence diet intake of preschool-age and school-age children
- Planning diets for school-age children
- Healthy habits
- Health and nutrition issues of school-age children
Chapter 3: Our Apparel
- Clothing functions and the selection of clothes
- Modesty
- Status and prestige
- Protection
- Adornment
- Factors affecting the selection of clothing in India
- Age
- Occasion
- Climate and season
- Fashion
- Income
- Understanding children’s basic clothing needs
- Comfort
- Safety
- Appearance
- Allowance for growth
- Self-help
- Easy care
- Fabrics
- Clothing requirements at different childhood stages
- Infancy (birth to six months)
- Toddlerhood (1-2 years)
- Creeping age (6 months to one year)
- Preschool age (2-6 years)
- Adolescents (11-19 years)
- Elementary school years (5-11 years)
- Clothes for children with special needs
Unit 5: Adulthood
Chapter 1: Health and wellness
- Importance of health and fitness
- Healthy & Unhealthy diet
- Do’s and Don’ts for health-promoting diets
- Fitness
- Wellness
- Importance of exercise and physical activities in adulthood
- Qualities of a person who is rated high on wellness
- Dimensions of wellness
- Social aspect
- Intellectual aspect
- Physical aspect
- Occupational aspect
- Spiritual aspect
- Emotional aspect
- Environmental aspect
- Financial aspect
- Stress and coping with stress
- Simple techniques to cope with stress
- Relaxation
- Reading
- Talking with friends/family
- Spirituality
- Music
- Yoga
- Hobby
Chapter 2: Financial management and planning
- Financial management
- Management
- Financial planning
- Money and its importance
- Family Income
- Money income
- Psychic income
- Real income: Direct and Indirect income
- Income management
- Steps in making budget
- Budget
- Advantages of planning family budgets
- Control in money management
- Checking to see how well the plan is progressing
- Mental and mechanical check
- Records and accounts
- Evaluation
- Adjusting wherever necessary
- Checking to see how well the plan is progressing
- Investment
- Savings
- Principles underlying sound investments
- Safety to the principle amount
- A reasonable rate of interest
- Recognition of effect of world conditions
- Liquidity
- Easy accessibility and convenience
- Investing in needed commodities
- After investment service
- Tax efficiency
- Time period
- Capacity
- Savings and investment avenues
- Post office
- Banks
- Unit Trust of India
- Mutual funds
- Provident funds
- Life insurance and medical insurance
- Chit fund
- Pension scheme
- Gold, house, land
- Others (new schemes)
- Credit
- 4C’s of credit: character, capacity, capital means, collateral
- Need of credit
Chapter 3: Care and maintenance of fabrics
- Mending
- Laundering
- Stain removal
- Vegetable stains
- Oil stains
- Animal stains
- Mineral stains
- Dye bleeding
- Techniques of stain removal
- Scraping
- Dipping
- Drop method
- Sponging
- Common stains and methods of removing
- Reagent for stain removal
- Removal of dirt: the cleaning process
- Methods of washing: friction, kneading & squeezing, suction, washing by machine
- Soaps and detergents
- Finishing
- Starches and stiffening agents
- Blues and optical brighteners
- Ironing
- Dry cleaning
- Wherever required latest data/figures to be used.
- Latest RDA’s to be used.
- Factors affecting fabric care
- Yarn structure
- Fabric construction
- Colour and finishes
- Care label
- Storage of textile products