Computer Science

Click here to get access to the Computer Science Syllabus for Standard 11th.

Computer Science is one of the most essential subjects in 11th standard. Students can access the syllabus as mentioned below to get an idea about the different aspects related to the subject. 

Unit I: Computer Systems and Organisation 

  • Basic Computer Organisation 
    • Introduction to the computer system
    • Software
    • Hardware
    • Input Device
    • CPU
    • Output Device
    • Memory (Primary, Cache and Secondary)
    • Units of Memory (Bit, Byte, MB, KB, GB, PB, TB) 
  • Types of software 
    • System Software (Operating Systems, System Utilities, Device Drivers)
    • Programming Tools and Language Translators (Assembler, Compiler & Interpreter)
    • Application Software 
  • Operating system (OS) 
    • OS User Interface 
    • Functions of the Operating System
  • Boolean logic- 
    • NOT
    • OR
    • AND
    • NAND
    • XOR
    • NOR
    • Truth Table
    • De Morgan’s Laws 
    • Logic Circuits 
  • Number system- 
    • Octal
    • Binary
    • Decimal 
    • Hexadecimal Number System
    • Conversion Between Number Systems
  • Encoding schemes- 
    • ISCII 
    • ASCII
    • UNICODE (UTF8, UTF32)

Unit II: Computational Thinking and Programming – 1 

  • Introduction to problem-solving- 
    • Developing an Algorithm
    • Steps For Problem-Solving (Analysing the Problem
    • Representation of Algorithms Using Flow Chart and Pseudocode
    • Coding, Testing and Debugging)
    • Decomposition 
  • Familiarization with the basics of Python programming- 
    • Features Of Python
    • Introduction To Python
    • Executing A Simple “Hello World” Program
  • Execution Modes- 
    • Python Character Set
    • Interactive Mode and Script Mode
    • Variables
    • Python Tokens (Keyword, Identifier, Literal, Operator, Punctuator)
    • R-Value
    • Concept of L-Value 
    • Use of Comments 
  • Knowledge of data types- 
    • Boolean
    • Number (Integer, Floating-Point, Complex)
    • None
    • Sequence (String, Tuple, List)
    • Immutable Data Types 
    • Mapping (Dictionary)
    • Mutable 
  • Operators- 
    • Relational Operators
    • Arithmetic Operators
    • Assignment Operator
    • Logical Operators
    • Identity Operators(Is, Is Not)
    • Augmented Assignment Operators
    • Membership Operators(In, Not In) 
  • Expressions, Statement, Type Conversion & Input/Output- 
    • Expression
    • Precedence of Operators
    • Python Statement
    • Evaluation of Expression
    • Accepting Data as Input From the Console and Displaying Output 
    • Type Conversion (Explicit & Implicit Conversion)
  • Errors- 
    • Logical Errors
    • Syntax Errors
    • Runtime Errors 
  • The Flow of Control-
    • Use of Indentation
    • Introduction
    • Conditional 
    • Sequential Flow
    • Iterative Flow Control 
  • Conditional Statements- 
    • if-else
    • if
    • Flowcharts
    • if-elif-else
  • Simple Programs- 
    • Sort 3 Numbers 
    • Absolute Value
    • Divisibility of a Number 
  • Iterative statements- 
    • Range Function
    • For Loop
    • Flowcharts
    • While Loop
    • Nested Loops
    • Break and Continue Statements

  • Suggested Programs- 
    • Summation of Series
    • Generating Pattern
    • Finding The Factorial of a Positive Number 
  • Strings- 
    • Indexing
    • Introduction
    • Traversing A String Using A Loop
    • String Operations (Repetition, Concatenation, Membership & Slicing)
  • Built-In Functions-
    • capitalize()
    • len()
    • lower()
    • title()
    • count()
    • upper()
    • index()
    • find()
    • startswith()
    • endswith()
    • isalpha()
    • isalnum()
    • islower()
    • isdigit()
    • isspace()
    • isupper()
    • rstrip()
    • lstrip()
    • replace()
    • strip()
    • partition()
    • join()
    • split() 


  • Lists- 
    • Indexing
    • Introduction
    • Traversing a List Using Loops 
    • List Operations (Repetition, Concatenation, Membership & Slicing)
  • Built-In Functions- 
    • list()
    • len()
    • extend()
    • append()
    • count()
    • insert()
    • remove()
    • index()
    • reverse()
    • pop()
    • sorted()
    • sort()
    • max()
    • min()
    • nested lists
    • sum()
  • Suggested Programs- 
    • Mean of Numeric Values Stored in a List
    • Finding the Maximum
    • Minimum
    • Linear Search on a list of numbers and counting the frequency of elements in a list 
  • Tuples- 
    • Indexing
    • Introduction
    • Tuple Operations (Repetition, Concatenation, Membership & Slicing)
  • Built-In Functions-
    • tuple()
    • len()
    • index()
    • count()
    • min()
    • sorted()
    • sum()
    • max()
    • nested tuple
    • tuple assignment
  • Suggested Programs-
    • Finding the Maximum
    • Finding the Minimum
    • Linear Search on a Tuple of Numbers
    • Mean of Values Stored in a Tuple
    • Counting the Frequency of Elements in a Tuple 
  • Dictionary-
    • Introduction
    • The Mutability of Dictionary (Adding a New Item, Modifying an Existing Item)
    • Accessing items in a Dictionary Using Keys
    • Traversing a Dictionary
  • Built-In Functions- 
    • dict()
    • len()
    • values()
    • keys()
    • get()
    • items()
    • del()
    • update()
    • fromkeys()
    • clear()
    • pop()
    • copy()
    • setdefault()
    • popitem()
    • min()
    • max()
    • sorted()
    • count()
    • copy()
  • Suggested Programs-.
    • Count the Number of times a Character appears In a given String using a Dictionary
    • Create a Dictionary with Names of Employees
    • Their Salary and Access them
  • Introduction to Python modules-
    • Importing Module using ‘import ‘ and using from statement
    • Importing Math Module (pi, e, fabs, sqrt, floor, ceil, pow, sin, cos, tan)
    • Random Module (random, randrange, randint)
    • Statistics Module (mean, mode, median)

Unit III: Society, Law and Ethics 

  • Digital Footprints 
  • Digital society and Netizen-
    • Net Etiquettes
    • Communication Etiquettes
    • Social Media Etiquettes 
  • Data protection 
    • Intellectual Property Right (patent, copyright, trademark)
    • Violation of IPR ( copyright infringement, plagiarism, trademark infringement)
    • Open Source Softwares 
    • Licensing (Creative Commons, GPL and Apache) 
  • Cyber-crime
    • Hacking
    • Definition
    • Phishing
    • Eavesdropping
    • Ransomware
    • Fraud Emails
    • Preventing Cybercrime 
  • Cyber Safety
    • Identity Protection
    • Safely Browsing The Web
    • Cyber Trolls 
    • Confidentiality
    • Bullying 
  • Safely accessing websites
    • Malware
    • Adware 
    • Viruses
    • Trojans
  • Indian Information Technology Act (IT Act) 
  • E-waste management- proper disposal of used electronic gadgets 
  • Technology & Society- Gender and disability issues while teaching and using computers