Data Correction

Get complete details of CBSE Class 11 Correction of Data by reading more about it.

CBSE Data Correction

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) receives several data correction requests from students. These requests are difficult to accept by schools and CBSE, for the reason that they may lead to the creation of a new identity. Thus, CBSE has made it clear that schools will not change the record of any student after the data is submitted to CBSE on the registration portal. The data of Class 11 students will be according to Class 10 certification, and cannot be changed after it has been submitted on the CBSE registration portal.

Schools, from the year 2019, are requested to guide students about the importance of filling up the correct information and the precautions that need to be taken by candidates while registering themselves on the portal of CBSE for class IX. The following measures need to be taken into consideration –

  • Make students aware of the fact that correct data should be provided for registration
  • A registration card will be given to students as well as their parents to ensure the correctness of registration details
  • The list of candidates will be as per the information provided in the registration records
  • Parents are required to sign the LOC which will be considered as a confirmation of the correctness of the data 
  • The undertaking will be obtained regarding the correctness of data on the admit card by students and their parents
  • Parents are required to sign the undertaking at the back of class X and XII certificates after they have checked the data and made sure it’s perfect

Accordingly, schools need to brief the students about the following points-

  • Students are requested to provide their expanded names, father’s name, and mother’s name
  • The abbreviations should not be given
  • The data given by students may be cross-checked with all the other documents such as date of birth certificate, Aadhar, school records, passport, etc.
  • When visiting abroad, they will assume the requirement of the surname
  • The visiting country may demand both first and last name
  • The date of birth is according to the DOB certificate and school records
  • No salutations to be added to the name

While uploading the data, schools will be required to ensure the following points:

  • Spellings of the name of students, father, mother, guardian are perfect and as per the original admission and withdrawal register of the school
  • The full name of students/father/mother/guardian should be provided to avoid any chances of mistakes
  • Abbreviations are not allowed
  • The date of birth is accurate and according to the original register of admission and withdrawal kept by the school
  • The combination of subjects is right and following the scheme of studies
  • Subject codes need to be chosen properly and especially in the listed subjects-

a) Class IX:

Hindi-  A (002), Hindi- B (085)

Urdu A (003), Urdu B (303)

Mathematics standard (041), Mathematics Basic (241)

b) Class XI:

Hindi Core (302), Hindi Elective (002), English Core (301), English Elective (001), Sanskrit Core (322), Sanskrit Elective (022), Urdu Core (303), Urdu Elective (003), Mathematics (041), Applied Mathematics (241).