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IP Full Form

IP is a bunch of standards that are related to the routing and addressing of data or information on the internet.

There is a particular definition of IP which can refer to the process of data traversing, which can try to divide the internet into some smaller pieces which are considered as the packets. There are some roles of these packets. These packets try to attach the data or information related to IP and the packets are also reached in the appropriate place through IP.  The addresses of the packets are associated with the devices connected by the IP. 

IP Full Form 

The full form of IP is Internet Protocol. According to the description of the IP, the tiny pieces of the internet or the packets are reached in their particular addresses with the help of the devices related to the IP. Sometimes, these types of packets are filled with some essential data or information. 

On the other hand, IP is related to the network protocol. This type of protocol refers to the particular way which can help to format the data or information. For this reason, many more devices are able to communicate and identify each other. There is a need for this particular type of protocol. It is effective to mail letters, and also try to represent the appropriate information in an appropriate order. 

There is a specific description of the IP address. It is defined as an exclusive identifier that is related to the technical devices that can connect them to the internet. Every IP address is considered as the series and the characteristics. With the help of the series or the characteristics, the human-readable domains are translated into Ip addresses. 

There are some differences between the two versions of IP such as IP 4 and IP 6. The innovation time of IP 4 is 1983 whereas the innovation time of IP 6 is 2012. IP 4 is related to the automobile license plate numbers and tries to reform them periodically. On the other hand, IP 6 is related to the development of the capabilities of the sixth dimension of the internet. The 128-bit addresses are used by IP 6 which is similar to the 340 trillion addresses where IP 4 uses the 32-bit addresses. 

Types of IP

IP is considered the network-based communication protocol. There are some types of IP which are discussed below: 

TCP: This is the most significant type or part of the IP which is described as the stream protocol. This particular protocol is related to the connection which can create a relationship between the client and the server. The transmission of any kind of the information is related to the particular endpoints associated with the protocols. Another name of the TCP is a peer-to-peer protocol. 

HTTP: This is the other crucial type of the IP and it is defined as an appropriate protocol related to the transmission of the data presented on the www or the world wide web. HTTP includes graphics, multimedia, and texts. This type of protocol is also used for the creation of HTML. This particular type of protocol is related to the TCP.  

FTP: This is one of the essential types of IP which refers to the particular protocol related to the transmission of files between the computers which are associated with each other through a network called TCP e.g. Internet. 

Safety and security of IP

There are types of protocols related to the safety and security of the IP. These types are discussed below:

SSL protocols: It is secure-sockets-layer which is indeed an encryption related internet security based protocol. SSL is the predecessor for the modern TLS to be encrypted. This is the most significant type of the protocol related to the security of IP. It is a particular type of security protocol that is based on the encryption of the internet. This type of protocol is necessary for the security and safety of the data and information. 

TLS protocols: This is the other essential type of the security protocol which is important for the safety of IP. This is defined as the process based on the pseudo-random algorithm process. It is basically used for the safety and the privacy of the internet.  

Set protocols: It can be related to the electronic transactions which are associated with the payment system in the credit card in a wider section of the society.


From the above discussion, it can be concluded that there are many types of protocols and one of the important protocols is IP. IP has some versions and among them, the latest version is IPv6. There are also some types of IP such as FTP, TCP, and many more. Some rules and regulations are related to the particular type of protocol.


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