CBSE Class 11 » Difference Between » Static and Dynamic Memory Allocation

Static and Dynamic Memory Allocation

This article will discuss static and dynamic memory allocation, their definition and their functions in a technological environment. The topic of static memory allocation and dynamic memory allocation is an important topic to know about as it is asked during some examinations and is also a vital section discussed in technology. Furthermore, the article will further explain important information on other static and dynamic memory allocation topics.

What is static and dynamic memory allocation?

Memory allocation is the process of assigning specific areas in a system’s memory to a programming language or code written for execution. This may include allocating some portion or even all of the computer memory. A program’s data and instructions are mapped to such a virtualized memory as well as physical memories’ addresses.

Memory Allocation Techniques

Memory allocations are generally divided into two categories, as described below in the following section:

  • Allocation of static memory 
  • Allocation of dynamic memory 

One main distinction between the two seems to be so that the Static Memory Allocation enables for a constant memory size following allocation, whereas Dynamic Memory Allocation permits for memory size alterations following allocation.

Memory Allocation: Memory resource management or allocation is the process of allocating physical as well as virtual system memory to computer apps and different services. Memory allocation takes place during, or it may take before program execution. Memory allocations are generally divided into two categories, as mentioned above.

Static memory allocation


Static memory, often called Compile time Memory Allocation, seems to be a technique enabling allocation of memory when the compilation of data is done with a constant size. Variables inside the program are allocated memory by a compiler that the programmer uses.

Before executing the said operation, the volume of data necessary for the operation is defined. The algorithm guesses the Fixed memory size if it really is unspecified. Smaller sizes result in inefficient processing, whereas larger sizes result in waste.

This Allotment procedure is executed even before the execution of the program begins, instead of being allocated during the program’s implementation.

This form seems helpful to arrays whenever the static phrase is being used as it helps provide some specific parameters throughout the C programming language.

Features of static memory allocation:

  • Stated static variables are usually allocated either by the compiler, they could be retrieved through using some specific operation, which would be associated with a variable and this variable is called a pointer
  • Static variables are fixed and can’t be altered
  • Memory allocation or allotment is done during the coding phase
  • In this case, Stack Memory gets utilised
  • Even if the static memory allocation technique seems quick, it’s indeed inefficient
  • During the first allotment and after it’s done, memory can never be reused
  • During the first allotment and after it’s done, memory can never be changed
  • This allotment procedure seems straightforward


Dynamic memory allocation


Dynamic Memory allotment, frequently referred to as Run time allocation of memory, seems to be a technique enabling allocation of memory during the execution process. Whenever the code is executed for the very first instance, it provides allocation of memory.

This allots precise storage for data and memory for the Dynamic content at execution, minimizing storage waste.

While the execution of the program is done, it generates overhead for each action through the system, slowing down the overall procedure. This offers more efficiency during the allocation process by performing tasks on various program areas, thus reducing waste.

Features of dynamic memory:

  • The pointer variable seems to be alloted to a value and appears to be later returned by several functions
  • Throughout processing, memory allocation is done
  • Memory might get allocated as well as freed at any given moment
  • Here, a heap memory seems to be utilized for the process
  • Dynamic memory allocation is generally slower than static memory allocation but it is far better and much more efficient
  • The program’s execution seems complex
  • Memory may very well be flexibly expanded as well as reclaimed or reused

Key differences of Static and Dynamic memory:





Memory Capacity and Recyclability 

Dynamic memory can never be fixed; it may well be recycled as well as reused for many purposes

Static memory is fixed and can never be reused or resized

Commands in c++

calloc(), free() seem to be some of the operations used for this sort of allocations and they are all found within stdlib.h main program

The stat() function could be used to establish static allocation

Allocation memory 

This manages as well as stores data in heap type memory.

This manages as well as stores data via stack memory.

Allocation period 

It enables memory allocation throughout processing

It enables memory allocation during building or programming time


The dynamic memory allocation strategy exceeds the static memory allocation mechanism in terms of efficiency

Performance becomes slower throughout this memory allocation strategy compared to the static memory allocation

Memory usage

At any point during the application, the allocated memory in dynamic scenarios can be discharged and reinstated

From the beginning to the end of the programme, the allocated memory to the program


This article explains in detail about the differences in Static and dynamic memory allocation. The static memory allocation is usually slower and is fixed when compared to the dynamic memory allocation. The article covers all the essential topics and differences.


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