CBSE Class 11 » Difference Between » Malloc and Calloc Functions

Malloc and Calloc Functions

Everything you need to know about the difference between malloc and calloc functions and other related topics in detail.

In the C programming language, the malloc() and calloc() procedures are used for memory management. The primary distinction between malloc() and calloc() is that calloc() always requires two parameters, whereas malloc() just requires one.

Malloc Functions

In C, the “malloc” or “memory allocation” technique is used to allocate a single huge amount of memory with the specified size dynamically. It returns a void pointer, which may be cast to any other type of pointer. It does not initialise memory at execution time, therefore each block is immediately initialised with the default trash value.

In C, what is the malloc () function

The malloc() method stands for system memory, and it dynamically allocates a block of memory. It reserves memory space for a certain size and returns a null pointer pointing to the memory address. The malloc() method returns a trash value. The returned pointer is of type void.

Benefits of Utilising Malloc ()

  • When you need to initialise anything at runtime, use malloc ()
  • Malloc should be used when you need to allocate elements that must exist beyond the processing of the existing memory block
  • If you absolutely must allocate memory bigger than the capacity of the stack, use malloc ()
  • It returns a pointer to the first byte of free memory
  • It enables designers to create memory only when it is needed

Calloc Functions

Calloc() is a memory management allocation method for allocating memory to complicated data formats such as arrays and structures. If this method refuses to allocate enough storage as provided, a null pointer is returned. Contiguous allocation is the complete version of the calloc function.

The calloc() method allocates memory for an array of nmemb elements of size bytes each and provides a reference to the memory that was allocated. The memory has been reset to zero. If nmemb or size is 0, calloc() returns NULL or a unique reference value that may be properly supplied to free later ().

Benefits of Utilising Calloc() 

  • When allotted memory must be set to zero
  • Calloc, which gives a pointer, can be used to acquire access to the memory heap
  • When you intend to reset the components to zero, use this function to return a memory reference
  • To avoid malloc() overflow, employ calloc() to request a page that’s also previously known to be zeroed

Malloc And Calloc Functions: Difference

Malloc Functions

  • The malloc() method allocates a single block of memory of a given size
  • The number of parameters passed to malloc() is one
  • The malloc() is more efficient
  • Malloc() is a fast function
  • Malloc() allocated a memory block with a trash value
  • The malloc() is used to allocate memory

Calloc Functions

  • The calloc() method assigns several memory blocks to a single variable
  • The calloc() function takes two parameters
  • Calloc() is a slower function
  • Calloc() is inefficient in terms of time
  • Calloc() allocates a memory block and initialises it to zero
  • Calloc() stands for contiguous allocation


We discussed malloc functions, calloc functions, and the difference between malloc and calloc functions and other related topics through the study material notes on the difference between malloc and calloc functions.

Dynamic memory valuation is the method of allocating memory while the program is running. Calloc(), free(), realloc(), and malloc() are four library procedures that may be used to allocate and free memory during program execution. Malloc() is a function that is used to allocate an additional block of memory. The Calloc() method is being used to construct numerous memory blocks.


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