CBSE Class 11 » Difference Between » Compiler and Interpreter

Compiler and Interpreter

Compiler and interpreter are the programs which are used in order to convert the source code or high level language into the language understood by the computer.

The language in which people or programmers write is known as high level language or source code. This language is not understood by the computer itself so it has to translate into understandable machine code. The machine code is the code consisting of 0’s and 1’s . This combination of 0’s and 1’s is the only language understood by the computer. It is also known as the binary language.  To convert the high level language into the binary language the computer uses the specific programs known as the compiler and the interpreter. It depends on the computer program which language converter it uses. 

Compiler and Interpreter: Difference

The differences between compiler and interpreter are as follows :


The compiler usually reads the full program and then changes the complete program into the computer or binary language. On the other hand, an interpreter only reads a programming statement and then changes it into a binary form . It carries on this process till the time it does not finish the entire program. We can say that the compiler provides a one shot result of the entire program being run in the computer which is written in higher level language whereas the interpreter uses a statement after statement approach. 


While analyzing the source code the compiler is the one which takes more time and the interpreter takes lesser time than the interpreter. However things change as the compiler is seen to consume less time in the overall processing of the program than the interpreter. 

Object Code 

Object code is also referred to as object module at times. It is the product which comes through a compiler. It is a group of statements put in a proper sequence with certainly given instructions. These are usually written in programming languages/binary languages. 

Interpreter does not generate any kind of object code because it is not a part of it’s data processing and hence it has shown to consume less data as a result making it more efficient in matters relating data. Whereas generating an object code is the normal functioning of a compiler and hence consumes more data than the interpreter. 

The Interpreter is used in the Following Programming Languages

  1. JavaScript – JavaScript is a programming language which is used in many web engines. Its first appearance came on December 4,1995. This was 27 years ago however it got a stable release just in June 2021.
  2. Python – Python is a high level programming language which is generally used to write direct and clear codes for projects on a large as well as small scale. Its first appearance was on 20 February,1991 . This was 31 years ago however it only got a stable release on 14 January 2022.
  3. Ruby – Ruby is also a high level programming language which focuses on the program’s productivity and simplicity. It was first seen in 1995, which was 27 years from now. It only got its stable release on 18th February 2022.

The Compiler is used in the Following Programming Languages

  1. C – C is a programming language which is based on the program’s structure and proper procedure for writing the program. The language was programmed and designed by Dennis Ritchie. Its first appearance was in 1972. Although it’s been 50 years from now, the stable release was in June 2018 . 
  2. C++ – It is a programming language which is used for general purpose programming and it is famously the extension of the programming language known as C. It got it’s stable release by 15 December, 2020. It was first seen 37 years ago in 1987.
  3. Java – Java is one of the most popular high level languages used for making computer programs. May 23,1995 was the first time it was seen and it got a stable release on 14 September, 2021.


Interpreter and compiler both have their own merits and demerits . The uses of both are similar at times and are different cases. The main difference in these programs comes from their ways of performing their required actions. They both are used in a broad variety of programming languages just to change the high level language into the understandable low level language for the computer.


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