Verbal Reasoning

In this article, we will learn about the verbal reasoning concepts, basic verbal reasoning terminologies, intelligence quotient and emotional quotient.

The ability to recognise and discriminate between one’s Intelligence Quotient and Emotional Quotient requires a talent known as Verbal Reasoning. As humans, we have a tough time making judgments, and as a result, we often wind up selecting a position that is more aligned with what is dear to our hearts than with what is considered to be the ethical or morally just choice.

Those who aspire to become managers and are currently studying for management exams need to be aware that managers of large companies read a large number of documents on a daily basis and must be able to quickly understand the essential components of each document while ignoring the irrelevant details. The CAT includes questions titled “Verbal Reasoning” that measure a student’s ability to demonstrate this skill. As a consequence of this, increased weight is placed on the reasoning portion of the majority of MBA entrance tests. 

Basic verbal Ability Terminologies: 

Before we begin to work through any reasoning questions, the candidates have to demonstrate that they have a solid grasp of these fundamental concepts. 


The premise of an argument is either an assumption that something is true or a statement or paragraph that will incite or justify a conclusion. In other words, a premise can be either an assumption or a statement. The format of a question that requires reasoning will be in the form of a paragraph. The term “premise” refers to this particular paragraph in Verbal Reasoning. 


In order to constitute an argument, there must be at least two declarative sentences, which are referred to as the premises, and one additional declarative sentence, which is referred to as the conclusion. 


The premise is brought to a close by the conclusion. A single line of reasoning can only ever lead to one possible conclusion. It is a statement in an argument that indicates what the author is trying to express or prove to the reader, and it typically comes at the beginning of the argument. Terms like Finally, Hence, Therefore, As a Result, Thus, and In Conclusion are all examples of finishing words that could be used in a concluding sentence. 


To arrive at a conclusion, one must first arrive at an assumption, which is what one seeks to comprehend and which fits the premise the best. It establishes a connection between the premise and the conclusion by doing so. 

Steps to solve verbal ability questions: 

  • Please take the time to properly read the question and do not rush through marking the answers.
  • Do not speculate on the answers because the possibilities that are provided are very similar, and candidates who do so risk losing marks due to confusion.
  • In the event that candidates are unsure about the answer, they might begin by crossing off the incorrect answers, which may make it simpler for them to arrive at the proper response.
  • Do not make the questions more difficult than they need to be, and do not become anxious simply because the question that is being asked is lengthy. 

Intelligence quotient: 

The intelligence quotient, also known as IQ, is a score that is derived from a battery of standardised tests or subtests that are aimed to evaluate an individual’s level of intelligence. William Stern, a psychologist, came up with the abbreviation “IQ” to stand for the German word “Intelligenzquotient.” He proposed this name in a book that was published in 1912 for a rating system for IQ tests that were administered at the University of Breslau.

IQs are subject to change depending on the circumstances. Many approaches assess a person’s IQ. An individual’s relative intellect can be represented by a number obtained from an intelligence test (IQ test). One of the numerous standardised test formats available for accessing human information can be used to calculate an individual’s intelligence score. 


  • The IQ test helps to determine an individual’s capacity for logical reasoning. Its purpose is to determine how well individuals can make use of knowledge and technology in order to react and make predictions.
  • It provides the opportunity to obtain information on the candidates’ memories.
  • IQ tests can assist educators in determining which pupils would benefit from receiving additional support.
  • In addition, many different businesses use this examination as a means of choosing employees. 

Emotional quotient: 

The capacity to integrate one’s ideas and feelings in order to arrive at the best possible conclusions is the hallmark of emotional intelligence. It’s about becoming more astute with your emotions.

According to the Six Seconds Model of Emotional Intelligence, it is divided into three different activities:

  • Self-awareness: To become more aware, one must clearly see what one feels and does.
  • Choice: Choose to be more intentional by carrying out the activities that you intend to carry out.
  • Purpose: Be more purposeful by acting as though you are doing it for a reason. 

These goals can be quantified and put into motion with the help of eight different types of emotional intelligence skills. 


A healthy relationship with yourself and others requires a high level of emotional intelligence as a prerequisite. Numerous studies have found a correlation between emotional intelligence and important aspects of life success, such as increased productivity, quality of life, and happiness and wellbeing in relationships. It has been established that emotional intelligence is twice as predictive of performance as intellectual capability. 


Your child will be able to acquire attributes such as perception, understanding and the ability to solve complex topic problems, empathy and logical reasoning, and ensure that they have a wonderful vocabulary if they have good skills in verbal reasoning.


Frequently asked questions

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