Types of Para Jumbles

Para jumbles are jumbled paragraphs. You are given a paragraph, but the sentences inside that paragraph are not in the correct order. This is the basic format. In order to solve the para-jumble, you will first need to locate the sentence that serves as the introduction to the paragraph, and then you will need to locate the sentences that follow that sentence.

In the Bank examinations, you should plan on answering at least four to six questions pertaining to the Para Jumble chapter. Either you will be given a collection of sentences with the first sentence and the end sentence already repaired, you will be asked to fix other phrases, or you will be given a sentence with its parts jumbled and you will need to work out the correct sequence to put them in.

Different kinds of para-jumbles

In the first variety, you are only provided with four or five sentences, which then need to be reorganised into a paragraph.

In the second type, both the introductory statement and the concluding sentence are predetermined, and it is up to the students to rearrange the remaining sentences in the correct order.

The third variety requires not only that the sentences in the given paragraph be changed, but also that the altered sentences themselves be reorganised.

How to Decipher the Letters in a Para-jumble

Examine each of the following sentences: Read or skim over all of the sentences to gain an overall feel for the subject. Examine the text and see if you can figure out what it’s trying to say.

After you have finished the first phase of scanning, it will be easy for you to figure out the first sentence, also known as the commencing sentence, because it typically shows a place, time, name, general theme, concept, and so on. It will be the one delivering some introduction sentence, which indicates that it will present the subject matter. Once you have the theme of the paragraph firmly established in your mind, you can start looking for the beginning statement.

Make an effort to establish a connection between the sentence that opens each Para-Jumble and the sentences that follow: Establishing a connection between any two assertions is the most effective method for completing this phase. After you have found a link, you will be able to determine which statements are going to fit together. The choice that does not contain a pair has the best chance of being the one that should be chosen. You need to pay attention to the sentences that are connected to one another in a straightforward manner by a pronoun, an acronym, or by commencing with the articles that come after the opening words.

Make an effort to identify all of the Mandatory Pairs: Now that we’ve reached the main part of the puzzle, we need to take a look at all of the mandatory pairs based on noun-adjective and noun-pronoun pairs. These pairs can also be based on a cause-and-effect relationship; for example, the phrases “due to,” “as,” “since,” “in order to,” “because,” “so-that,” “because,” and “consequently” will provide a hint as to how to find It could be a pair from the time sequence with terms like “before,” “after,” “later,” and so on. The final one is a Pair based on an Example.

Now looking for some words to transition into it:

Transition words include words like ‘and,’ ‘but,”so,’ and ‘because,’ among others. They make it easier for the reader to identify the connections between phrases, sentences, and even entire paragraphs. In addition to this, it provides information on the upcoming activities that will take place in the Para-Jumbles.

The following are some examples of terms that can be used to help you develop a transitional sentence: nevertheless, although, despite the fact that, nevertheless, but, notwithstanding, notwithstanding, on the contrary, nevertheless, while, however, rather than, etc.

Find the Concluding Statement: Using the preceding paragraph as a guide, locate the statement that summarises the entire paper. This remark will provide some kind of moral, summarise the whole text, offer a solution to the situation, and other similar things.

You may generally anticipate receiving between between five and six marks for this chapter on bank tests. When it comes to the main exam, you should prepare yourself for more than 5 or 6 questions. Because of their fears, a lot of students choose to skip this chapter. If one is adequately prepared, however, it is possible for virtually anyone to achieve satisfactory results in this chapter. If you want to become an expert in this section, you are going to need to practise on a daily basis. You will have a much easier time raising your overall score in the English portion if you do well in this chapter.


The term “para-jumble” refers to a paragraph in which the sentences of the paragraph are jumbled and are each given a number or letter as a label. We are expected to rearrange the sentences in an appropriate manner such that they link to one another and make a logical paragraph, and in order to accomplish this rearrangement, we must select the appropriate option from the options that have been provided to us. The name of the topic is rather deceptive because the activity that we will be performing here is not rearranging the paragraphs but rather sorting out the sentences that are jumbled within each paragraph. This kind of question appears pretty frequently on a variety of different competitive examinations.


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the CAT Examination Preparation.

How do you explain jumbled sentences?

Answer. Jumbled sentences are a collection of words or sentences that have been jumbled up and need to be reassemble...Read full

What does jumble mean when used in a sentence?

Answer. Jumble sentence example. He followed her up a scramble of rocks all the way to the ridgetop where she was st...Read full

What does "para jumbles" mean when it comes to the bank exam?

Answer. Jumbled paragraphs, also known as “para jumbles,” are collections of statements that have been r...Read full

How many jumbled paraphrases are there in total?

Answer. There are 120 possible combinations for a five-sentence para-jumble question and any given combination will ...Read full

What are Para jumbles questions?

Answer. Parajumbles literally mean jumbled paragraphs. In the Parajumbles questions, candidates are given a set of r...Read full