Run- Through Antonyms

A word which has a different meaning from another word is said to be an antonym in linguistic terms.We have also discussed the types and roles of antonyms.

Definition of Antonyms

A word which has a different meaning from another word is said to be an antonym in linguistic terms. The word “antonym,” which is often referred to as a counterterm, is made up of two Greek words: “anti,” which means “opposite,” and “-onym,” which derives from “onoma,” which means “name.” Being the opposite of a synonym, that is a term that has the same definition as another word, the word “antonym” is itself an antonym.

Adjectives like “hot” and “cold” are popular examples of antonyms, but these can also be adverbs, prepositions or nouns. 

The Role of Antonyms

  • Antonyms are useful in explaining the lexicography used in dictionary definitions.
  • They seem to be a useful technique for creating the antithesis in writing as well. Additionally, literature uses figurative antonym meaning as a means of expression.
  • It may be argued that they significantly contribute to the enrichment of the vocabulary and language due to their word-formation linguistic capacity.
  • Importance of antonyms is seen in the learning of the mother tongue,  second language, and in this instance, the English language.

Types of Antonyms

The most common kinds of antonyms in English are:

Auto-antonym: A term which has two meanings, one of which is the opposite, is said to be auto-antonymic. It goes by several names, such as “cononym” and “Janus word.” The words “bound,” “dust,” “consult,” and “quick” are some auto-antonyms.

Complementary antonyms: Complementary antonyms are closely related terms that are utterly opposed to one another. They are also called as direct antonyms or paradoxical antonyms. They are separate entities that may exist without regard to one another. “Night and day” and “inhale and exhale” are a couple of examples of complementing antonyms.

Converse antonyms: Also known as relational antonyms, converse antonyms are words that are inseparably linked. For instance, “near” and “far” are converse antonyms since it is impossible to measure how close an item is without first calculating how distant it is.

Graded: Graded antonyms distinguish amongst different words having similar meanings by showing differences or grades. While “happy” and words like “pleased,” “gratified,” “overjoyed,” and “content” are related, each word’s meaning varies.

Using Prefixes to Create Antonyms

A few prefixes can help make antonymous links between words more obvious:

Dis-: The antonyms “dislike (like),” “disappear (appear),” “disobedient (obedient),” and “discomfort (comfort)” are a few examples.

Im- and In-: By prefixing new words with either “im-” or “in-,” one can produce antonyms. Injustice (justice), intolerance (tolerance), impossible (possible), and impatience (patient) are a few examples.

Mis-: The antonyms “misinformation (information),” “misconduct (conduct),” “mislead (lead),” and “misunderstand (understand)” may all be made by adding the prefix “mis-.”

Non- and un-: With some nouns, the prefixes “non-” and “un-” will form an antonym. Uncertain (certain), non-compliant (compliant), uneasy (ease), and nonverbal (verbal) are a few examples.

Meaning of Opposite

adjective: Located, placed, or laying face-to-face with something else or another object, or in similar positions with reference to a line, space, or thing:

opposing corners of a space.

opposed: opposing sides in a dispute;

Noun: the antithesis or contrary of something or someone.

a contrast.

Preposition: across from; facing

The honouree sat opposite me during the luncheon, facing me. 

He has acted alongside several leading actresses in roles that are complimentary or analogous to.

ANTONYM: agreeable, comparable, like, compatible

Examples of Antonyms

Run through- hoard

night — day

dead — alive

exterior — interior

pass — fail

entrance — exit

servant — master

buy — sell

above — below

give — receive

instructor — pupil

borrow — lend

instructor — pupil

hard — easy

early — late

happy — wistful

dark — pale

wise — foolish

fat — slim

young — elderly

warm — cool

fast — slow

Artificial – Natural 

Arrive – Depart 

Argue – Agree 

All – None 

Amateur – Professional 

Alive – Dead

Advanced – Elementary 

Adult – Child 

Ancestor – Descendant 

Angel – Devil 

Boy – Girl 

Build – Destroy 

Buy – Sell 

Borrow – Lend 

Body – Soul 

Blunt – Sharp 

Bitter – Sweet 

Bottom – Top 

Boring – Exciting 

Busy – Lazy 

Ceiling – Floor 

Catch – Miss 

Careful – Careless 

Calm – Excited 

Close – Open 

Cold – Hot 

Clear – Cloudy 

Child – Adult 

Certainly – Probably 

Callous – Sensitive 

Die – Live

Dictatorship – Republic 

Dainty – Clumsy 

Desperate – Hopeful 

Divide – Unite 

Domestic – Foreign 

Distant – Near 

Different – Alike 

Drama – Comedy 

Dull – Interesting 

Emigration – Immigration 

Empty – Full 

Eager – Apathetic 

Everything – Nothing 

Evening – Morning 

Even – Odd 

Exclude – Include 

Expensive – Cheap 

Export – Import

Exit – Entrance 

Foreground – Background 

For – Against 

Forbid – Allow 

Flippant – Somber 

Flat – Hilly 

Future – Past 

Frequently – Occasionally 

Funny – Serious 

Free- Dependent 

Friend – Enemy 

Gaiety – Misery 

Give – Take 

Guest – Host 

Guilty – Innocent 

Gentle – Violent 

Gentleman – Lady 

General – Particular 

Grown-Up – Child 

Good – Bad 

Giant – Tiny 

Heavy – Light 

Heaven – Hell 

Hopeful – Desperate 

Health – Disease 

Hate – Love 

Harvest – Plant 

Handsome – Ugly 

Happy – Sad 

High – Low 

Here – There 

Intentional – Accidental 

Intelligent – Silly 

Inside – Outside 

Ignore – Notice 

Increase – Reduce 

Interrupt – Continue 

Insult – Compliment 

Ill – Healthy 

Ignore – Notice 

Import – Export 

Loser – Winner 

Lower – Higher 

Marry – Divorce

Mend – Break 

Midnight – Noon 

Melt – Freeze 

Negative – Affirmative 

Native – Foreigner 

Nasty – Nice 

Narrow – Broad


Antonyms are an important part of English language since it does not only develop one’s vocabulary but also helps in excelling cognitive and verbal abilities.


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the CAT Examination Preparation.

What are the 3 types of antonyms?

Answer. The three types of antonyms are- i) auto-antonym ii) complementary antonym iii) converse antonym....Read full

What are antonyms used for?

Answer. An unknown word’s meaning can be ascertained by comparing it to a recognised antonym.

How is an antonym created?

Answer. A term that means the exact opposite of another word is called an anto...Read full

Why is knowledge of antonyms crucial?

Answer. Words with the exact opposite connotation to a particular term are known as antonyms. Studying antonyms canÂ...Read full

What do prefix and suffix mean?

Answer. A prefix is a word component that is introduced toward the beginning of words to alter its meaning. A suffix...Read full

What does a natural antonym mean?

Answer. According to nature; having to do with or referring to nature. Antonyms. unnaturalness unnatural lack of col...Read full

How do prefixes and suffixes work to form words?

Answer. By simply adding 2, 3, or 4 alphabets to the beginning or end of a word, prefixes and suffixes can alter its...Read full