CAT 2023 » CAT Study Material » Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension » Paragraphs with Out of Context Sentences

Paragraphs with Out of Context Sentences

In this article, we will learn about the out of context type sentences from a jumbled paragraph.

There will be a minimum two questions asked to you in your CAT examination related to the ‘out of context sentences’ from a jumbled paragraph. The level of difficulty in the various types of questions relying on jumbled paragraphs in the CAT has already been high enough, and on top of that, a surprise element arrived in the CAT 2011 that is – the question to choose an ‘Out of Context statement in jumbled paragraphs.’ Because it was something that the applicants had not seen before, they had a difficult time with it and found it difficult to solve the kindly surprise that CAT had prepared for them. 

Know the structure of this type of questions in CAT

The format of this type of question is the same as that of any other jumbled and random text. It is made up of four sentences that are all mixed together and are labelled A, B, C, and D respectively. When put in this order, these four sentences will produce a logical paragraph; nevertheless, one of the sentences will be taken out of context and will communicate a different idea than the others when taken together. An aspirant is required to identify the “out of context sentence” that is hidden among the jumbled collection of sentences.

How to prepare for this and crack it 

The goal is to decipher the jumbled paragraph and identify the “out of context sentence,” both of which were hidden inside it. Is it really so difficult to do a paraphrase jumble?

It is not the case, and if you think back to your elementary school days when you used to answer riddles and solve small puzzles for fun and play, you may find that if you had continued with what you were doing at that time, you probably would not have had to cram your head so much with information regarding this aspect of verbal ability. However, given that you already possess it, you are obligated to you can do anything if you have enough talent and insight.

When put in the correct order, these four or five sentences will produce a logical paragraph; nevertheless, one of the sentences will be taken out of context and will communicate a different idea than the others when considered as a whole. Remember the rules for picking the odd guy out of the four or five related terms; the same concept still applies, but it requires a far more sophisticated mental process and comprehension in order to click the proper sequence.

Make an effort to find the solutions to the following word puzzles: If I were to write, “choose the odd man out of the following five words”.

Example :- A. Engineer  B. Architect   C. Mechanic  D. Mason    E. Blacksmith 

Ans :- C. Mechanic 

Mechanic is odd one out of context since he doesn’t help in building the house or an industry. Similarly, when you try to find an odd one out of context sentences, the following things should be known to you such as: – actions, objects, statements, whether the identical idea is followed in the whole paragraph or some of the words or statements are changed. If the paragraph is all about the persons who helps in building the house; all the sentences/word describe it but one of the sentences proposes some relevant actin to be taken on the issue – this sentence has got to be out of context.

TRICK:-  If a sentence doesn’t appears to convey the continuity to the thread of a complete thought , it should be placed as a out of context sentence. 


The goal was to decipher the jumbled paragraph and identify the “out of context sentence,” both of which were hidden inside it. As the CAT has the reputation of bringing surprises every year, even though this is denied every year, the few mentors who foresee such surprises usually try to gear up the aspirants for any eventuality that may arise like this, and the only “Mantra” is a varied study pattern.


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the CAT Examination Preparation.

A. Post-acquisition The Nokia Siemens Networks (NSN) brand will be rebranded as a Nokia subsidiary in the near future. B. Nokia will continue to consolidate NSN for the purposes of financial reporting as well as for the goal of strengthening the firm. C. the completion of which was anticipated to take place during the third quarter D. The transaction has been sanctioned by the boards of directors of both firms. E. awaiting authorization from the relevant regulatory authorities

Answer. B. is out of context as it transforms to other areas, may be to other paragraph depicting the idea how it wi...Read full

A. Tax preparation and filing may be a difficult and time-consuming process for business owners. B. In order to better handle their tax obligations, some business owners have sought the assistance of professionals. C. Obscure restrictions have the potential to stifle the majority of business owners and operators. D. New businesses have consistently cited the quality of the workforce as one of the most significant challenges they face.

Answer. B. What is the joint thread here? A, C and D tally the challenges that entrepreneurs/ startups face. B  how...Read full

A. As a result, cholesterol is prevented from obstructing blood arteries, which in turn lowers the chance of having a heart attack. B. The fruit has a high concentration of vitamins A and C, both of which work to inhibit the oxidation of cholesterol. C. The papaya, which is a fruit that is native to South America, has recently gained a lot of popularity. D. Cholesterol is one of the most significant threats posed by contemporary lifestyle choices, particularly for obese people.

Answer. D is the odd one out as it emphases only on cholesterol.

A. The character of Batman sprang from the frustration and melancholy experienced by a young boy who was forced to contend with a hopeless circumstance. B. The reason Batman doesn't kill is because he adheres to the philosophy that even the most despicable criminals have the ability to rise beyond their station in life and do remarkable things. C. This is pretty comparable to how existentialism was developed out of the depressing conclusion that the cosmos may not care about humans at all. Existentialism was conceived as a response to this realisation. D. Existentialism is a school of thought that, at its most fundamental level, seeks to attain mastery over the awareness that, in the grand scheme of things, we are irrelevant.

Answer. B is the only option that is not afraid with the feeling of hopelessness.

A. The magistrate reported feeling giddy right before leaving the courtroom, which was the last thing he did. B. A large number of media personnel had amassed at the main entrance with their cameras prepared to take pictures. But the police used a male suspect. C. However, prior to moving further with the remand process, the judicial magistrate consulted with judicial personnel from the Madras high court. D., who required medical attention and was transported to the government hospital in Tirupur.

Answer. C indicates the decision taken by the judicial magistrate observing after the case – which is a distractio...Read full