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Para Jumbles Concepts and Examples

The term "para-jumble" refers to a paragraph in which the sentences that make up the paragraph are mixed up. So, what exactly is it that we are supposed to be doing here? It is necessary of us to arrange the sentences in an appropriate manner so that they link to one another and build a paragraph that makes sense.

The title of the article is somewhat deceptive because the focus of this discussion is not on jumbling paragraphs but rather on rearranging the sentences that are currently jumbled within a single paragraph. In recent years and across a variety of competitive examinations, this kind of question has become increasingly prevalent. You can improve your score in these types of examinations by taking the appropriate approach to the questions being asked.

Sample Para-Jumble:

When put in the correct order, the sentences that are provided in each question can be assembled into a logical paragraph. A letter is assigned to each sentence in this exercise. To create a coherent paragraph, choose, from among the available options, the sequence of phrases that makes the greatest sense to you.

A. On Monday, the secretary of state is scheduled to hold a day of talks with high-level political, military, and corporate figures to advance a “strategic conversation” aimed at further expanding US trade in India. The goal of these discussions is to further the expansion of US trade in India.

B. On Sunday, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton of the United States of America arrived in India for a series of strategic meetings. The purpose of these talks is to strengthen bilateral ties and secure more solid backing for the war in Afghanistan.

C. According to a reporter who was travelling with her, Clinton arrived in Delhi by jet before noon, in advance of the discussions that were scheduled to take place in the evening with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and President Pratibha Patel.

1. BAC

2. BCA

3. CBA

4. CAB

This is a question with a relatively simple answer, and I hope that all of you were able to recognise that the correct answer is BCA from Option 2.

In this particular instance, the correct answer can be determined by looking at the following crucial points:

Statement B is the optimal way to begin our discussion since it gives us a clear and concise overview of the topics that will be covered in the remaining paragraphs.

The explanation for the evening comes first in Statement C, followed by the explanation for the next day in Statement A. This progression moves the paragraph forward in the chronological sequence in which the events are scheduled.

Helpful Hints for Solving Para Jumbles

The solution to each given Para Jumble can involve applying one or more of these strategies. Be aware, however, that the specific way in which you put these hints into practise will depend on the Para Jumble question that you are given. Articles can be used as a clue to answer some difficulties, whereas pronouns might be required for the solution of other problems. The following is a list of some helpful hints for completing Para Jumbles:

1. Establishing the Position of the Opening Statement

In the Para Jumble, you’ll want to find the line that most clearly introduces a person, place, committee, or concept to the reader. That is probably going to be the first sentence that is said.


In the peace and quiet of his room, he was looking forward to the experience of unwrapping the presents.

An extravagant party was thrown in honour of Sanjay’s birthday.

The guests, however, urged that he open them up then and then.

A number of visitors came to his house with presents, varying in size from large to small.

First Line of the Introduction: It is quite clear that assertion B needs to go on the first line. This is due to the fact that the entire chapter focuses on birthday celebrations, including presents, guests, and activities. Therefore, the first sentence absolutely needs to provide an introduction to the individual whose birthday it is. In this particular instance, his name is used to refer to him, although in the other phrases, he is simply referred to as “he.” Another piece of evidence suggests that the first line of the paragraph is sentence B.

Check out the Reading Comprehension section as well.

2. Establishing the Overarching Concept

Always be able to identify the overarching idea of each Para Jumble. The natural progression of the narrative or the conversation is a significant factor in putting the paragraph in the appropriate order.

3. Participate in the Activities

There will be moments when the Para Jumble contains sentences referring to different activities. In situations like this, the question can typically be handled rather simply by determining which action takes place at what time.


He saves up some money and then invests it in a business endeavour that he launches with his sons.

He puts in long hours at work every night in order to bring in more money.

They decide to start a business producing clothing for guys and open a shop.

Later, he takes the clothes with him and sells them on the streets of New York.

He brings finished clothing from the sweatshop to his house at night so that his wife and his elder children can assist him in finishing them.

A Russian tailor artisan immigrates to the United States, learns the needle trade, and finds work in a sweetshop, earning a meagre wage.




The answer is that you should go in this order: F-E-B-D-A-C. The main focus is on the arduous journey that a tailor must take in order to achieve his goals. Monitoring of Activity:

Finding the sentence that should start this off is a piece of cake. Because sentence F elucidates both the individual and the nature of his labour, it serves as the initial declaration.

Next, a series of events will take place.

Earning a living requires hard labour, so a man gets a job in a store. After that, he returns home to continue his work with the assistance of his family. After that, he gets to work throughout the night in order to increase his income. His art is not ready for sale until he has laboured continuously throughout the day and night.

The sequence that was just presented to you should have provided you with some clues to the answer. Following F, the order is E, then B, then D.

The man will open a shop, according to the information provided in sentence C. Therefore, his first order of business is to secure the necessary funding. As a result, A will be placed ahead of C.

As a result, the sequence that follows is the most logical: F-E-B-D-A-C.


The term “para-jumble” refers to a paragraph in which the sentences of the paragraph are jumbled and are each given a number or letter as a label. We are expected to rearrange the sentences in an appropriate manner such that they link to one another and make a logical paragraph, and in order to accomplish this rearrangement, we must select the appropriate option from the options that have been provided to us. The name of the topic is rather deceptive because the activity that we will be performing here is not rearranging the paragraphs but rather sorting out the sentences that are jumbled within each paragraph. This kind of question appears pretty frequently on a variety of different competitive examinations.


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