One Word Substitution

In this article we have discussed about one word substitution and its examples. We have also discussed about word roots and their importance.

Long and lengthy statements or definitions can be replaced with a “one-word substitutes.” Because words, phrases, and meanings are all elements of a speech, one word replacement comes under the category of ‘Vocabulary.’ One word substitutes extended, lengthened, and explained circumstances to make the language crisp, brief, and intact. ‘Verbatim’ is another term for ‘one-word substitutes.’ ‘One-word substitution’ is a method that involves replacing a word with a context without compromising the meaning of the supplied context.


One-word substitutes are significant because they make English communication far more brief, transparent, and simple. Words may be remembered and larger concepts can be communicated with a single word. Expressing “She is someone who puts forward an ideology that she herself does not believe” is far more difficult than simply saying “She is a Hypocrite.” Our sentences get more precise and complicated as a result of one-word substitutions. These substitutes also assist us in classifying words based on suffixes, making it easier to organise and group comparable terms.


– The meaning is the same, but it’s shorter.

– Assists in avoiding language repetition.

– Keeps the language and writing brief while yet being snappy.

– Enhances the language

-The language is stated succinctly.

– Makes the framework easier to comprehend and understand.

Examples of One Word Substitution

Research Related

Astronomy- the study of stars.

Geology- the study of rocks and soil.

Anthropology- the study of humanity’s evolution.

Group Related

 A brood-A young animal family

 A Horde- huge gathering of individual

Shoal- a group of fish swimming together.

People Related

Cosmopolitans- people that consider the entire globe to be their home.

Recluse- a person who lives alone.

Philanthropist- a person who cares about humanity. 

Profession Related

Cartographer- a person who creates maps or charts.

Radio jockey- a person who hosts or broadcasts a radio show.

Chauffeur- someone who is hired to drive a hired automobile.


Aesthetics- Beauty appreciation based on a set of principles. 

Bohemian- a unique way of living life.

Bonfire- Huge fire for celebration

Rejuvenate- someone who feels youthful.

Mint- a site where coins are manufactured.

Regalia- the insignia of monarchy.

Virtue- one’s ethically excellent behaviour.

Savour- enjoy something for a lengthy period of time.

Satire- a type of humour that describes a person’s flaws.

Misnomer- Using an improper term or name

Whine- a person’s raving.

Mundane- ordinary and uninteresting

Mercenary- a soldier who battles just for profit.

Sinecure- an office with a high pay but no job.

Homicide- killing of a person by another person.

Egotist- a person who brags about their accomplishments.

Remiss- doesn’t show enough care and attention.

Narcissist- a person who is obsessed with oneself.

Word Root

A word root is the fundamental component of a word (less any suffixes and prefixes).

A prefix can be added to the front of a word root to modify its meaning, or a suffix can be added to the rear to change its meaning. A suffix and a prefix are frequently added to a word root to modify its meaning. (Affixes include prefixes and suffixes.)

Importance of Word Root

Here are four compelling reasons to pay attention to word roots.

1- Helps in vocabulary by using root terms.

If someone is learning English, memorising some basic word origins and the most frequent prefixes and suffixes might help in expanding vocabulary rapidly.

2- Helps in decoding the meanings of big words using the knowledge of word roots and affixes.

Recognizing the word root and by comprehending any affixes may often decipher the meaning of words. Here’s an example of how to use the word “disrespectfully” in a sentence:

The word “disrespectfully” is pronounced dis-respect-ful-ly. This leads to phrases like “not-respect-full-of-adverb,” which may be translated as “done in a way that is devoid of respect.” And that’s a wonderful place to start when trying to figure out what it means.)

3- Use an affix to cut down on the number of words in the sentence.

Whenever an affix is added to a word, its meaning changes. One can sometimes use this to cut word count and generate a more fluid text.

unaware > not aware

doubtful > not sure

4- Aids with spelling by breaking down big words.

The term “antidisestablishmentarianism” is most recognised for its length rather than what it stands for (28 letters and 12 syllables). it seems quite difficult to spell but It’s quite straightforward if its broken down into its word root and affixes.Ex-


Examples of Root Method

1 Thei– meaning- God or religion

  Ist– meaning- follower


Theist- the one who believes in God

Atheist- one who don’t believe in God.

Monotheist-    mono+theist means the one who believes in one God.

  1. Cracy– meaning- govt /system


Democracy – implies govt of people

Autocracy – implies dictatorship

Theocracy – implies the government is of religious people like priest, bishops etc.

  1. Anti– meaning- opposite of


Antibody– a chemical that kills microbes.

Antiseptics- used to prevent infection.

Antisocial– behaviour that goes against social norms.


One-word substitutes are significant  in English language du to their importance in making communication far more brief, transparent, and simple. Simple words are better remembered by us and larger concepts can be communicated easily using a single word.


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