Awareness on Foreign Language

This article sheds light on what is foreign language is, its importance and awareness on foreign language.

A foreign language is a language that is not generally spoken in the speaker’s native country. There must, however, be a clear distinction made between a foreign language and a second language. It is also a language that is not spoken in the person’s own country.

Bilingual or multilingual children are those that learn more than one language from birth or at a young age. These children have many mother languages and therefore neither language is foreign to them. even if one of them is a foreign language to the vast majority of people in the country where they were born. A child learning English from his English father and Irish at school in Ireland, for example, may communicate in both languages. They don’t speak each other’s languages, though. 

In general, children are thought to have an edge over adults when it comes to learning a foreign language. On the contrary, adult students  have been demonstrated to be better at acquiring a foreign language than children in studies. It’s because grownups have a better understanding of how grammar works and are better at learning words. 

Difference Between Second Language and Foreign Language

A second language is one that a person learns after his or her mother tongue, especially if they live in an area where it is widely spoken. A foreign language, on the other hand, is any language that is not spoken by the people of a certain location. The fundamental difference between the two is that the former refers to a language that is officially recognised and spoken in a certain geographical area, whereas the latter refers to a language that is not widely spoken in that area. In India and Pakistan, for example, English is a second language, as is French in Algeria and Tunisia. Spanish is a foreign language in India, and English is a foreign language in China (mainland).

Foreign Language Words used in English Language

English is one of the most amazing, flavorfully complex melting pots of linguistic ingredients from various cultures that has been simmering for (in some cases) centuries. Loanwords are linguistic components that have been borrowed and assimilated into English. The loanwords have become so prevalent that the foreign taste has been lost on many speakers.

However, things aren’t always so simple. It can be difficult to distinguish between learnt and popular loanwords at times. The term “ballet” is derived from the French word “ballet,” and the titles for the various positions and steps in ballet have kept their original French names. Ballet is a common loanword in this context. The word is most commonly associated with a type of dance among English speakers. Ballet’s specialised terms, on the other hand, could be considered learned loanwords because they’re familiar to dancers and choreographers (who are highly trained professionals) but largely unknown to those outside the field. 80 percent of English is made up of loanwords.

10 common English words with foreign origin: Banana; Ketchup ; Lemon; Wanderlust; Ballet; Karaoke ;Paparazzi ;Penguin; Victim ; Guru. 

Importance of Foreign Language

Language has an impact on the daily lives of people of all races, creeds, and geographical regions. Language allows us to communicate our emotions, desires, and questions to the world around us. Words, gestures, and tone are combined to express a wide range of emotions. A big part of what allows us to harness our intrinsic ability to develop lasting ties with one another, differentiating people from the rest of the animal kingdom, is the unique and diverse techniques human beings can employ to communicate through written and spoken language.

The value of communication is sometimes ignored. Traveling the world for business or pleasure necessitates a desire and readiness to adapt to different cultures and practises. Of course, adaptability includes the capacity to communicate with new individuals in a variety of dialects. Nevertheless to say that inability to communicate in a new nation is somewhat equivalent of having a becomes next to impossible to adjust in the city and get along with people.

Moreover, in today’s increasingly combined global business community, the volume to communicate in various languages is becoming increasingly crucial. One of the first steps in establishing a long-term, secure worldwide business joining is to communicate directly with new clients and organisations in their native language. Being able to do so puts any multilingual person far ahead of his or her colleagues in the race for jobs and high-ranking positions. Language is such an important part of preparing pupils for success in their future professional activities that practically every Western country requires at least two years of a foreign language in high school. The majority of institutions provide opportunity to acquire a foreign language at a young age. 

How Can We Build Foreign Language Awareness? 

Individuals can learn by examining the structure and use of their own language, whether there are parallels or disparities between them. For example, visual cues can be used to compare word order,  Word etymology (the study of the origins of words) can also be used to identify patterns in the genesis of words and their meanings. The way a learner’s first language expresses respect or formality/informality, for example, aids pupils in recognising parallels between the languages and motivates them to ‘question’ or ‘notice’ how they are related. Language awareness can be increased by open discussions, by pointing out similarities and assisting them to express, etc. 


Foreign language is a language which is generally not widely spoken in native country but in other parts of the world. Often it is confused with a second language. Second language is the language one studies in addition with mother language to communicate in his geographical area and a foreign language is a language which is not generally  spoken in his region. An awareness for learning foreign language is quintessential as it copes with the demand and need of multilingualism, broadens scope for jobs and makes people more humble, understanding and hospitable with people from other countries.


Frequently asked questions

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What is foreign language?

Answer. A foreign language is one that is not extensively spoken and used by the citizens of a community, society, o...Read full

What is the difference between a second language and foreign language ?

Answer. A second language is one that a person learns after his or her mother ...Read full

Why is it important to study foreign language?

Answer. It is important to study foreign language as it copes with the demand and need of multilingualism, broadens ...Read full

How can you define language?

Answer. Language is defined as the principal method of communication among humans. It consist of words structured in...Read full

Define multilingualism.

Answer. Someone or something which can speak or express in multiple languages