Mean, Mode and Median

In this article we will learn about what are the Similarities and Differences of Mean, mode and median, importance of Mean, mode and median, Similarities of Mean, mode and median, Difference between Mean, Median and Mode.

The most commonly used measure of central tendency is the arithmetic means. A mean can be calculated for both discrete and continuous data sets. To find the mean of a group of numbers, add them all together and divide by the totals. In other words, it’s subtracting the average of all numbers.

When a set of numbers is arranged from smallest to largest, the middle number is called the median. The median is the middle value of any given series when it is arranged in ascending or descending order.

The mode, or the Number or Value with the highest frequency in a given sequence of numbers, is the most frequently repeated number in a particular set of observations. The modal value is another name for it.


The mathematical average of two or more numbers is called the mean. There are two sorts of means that can be calculated: arithmetic and geometric. The arithmetic mean is calculated by adding all the integers in a collection and dividing by the total number.

m=sum of the terms /number of terms


The middle number is determined by sorting all of the data points and selecting the one in the middle (or if there are two middle numbers, taking the mean of those two numbers).


A data set mode is the value that appears the most frequently. A set of data can have just one mode, multiple mode, or none at all. The mean, or average of a set, and the median, or middle value in a collection, are two other popular measures of central tendency.



L = Lower limit of class

h = Size of class interval 

f1 = Modal class Frequency

fm = Frequency of preceding class

f2 = Frequency of succeeding class

Difference between Mean, Median and Mode




The average of a group of observations is known as Mean.

The median is the middle number in a set of observations.

The mode is the most often occurring number in a set of observations.

Divide the total number of phrases by the sum of the numbers.

Sort the integers in descending or ascending order.

When a number occurs frequently in a series, the mode is calculated.

The mean is obtained after the preceding step is completed.

Remove the centre number, which is your median, once you’ve arranged everything from least to largest.

One or more modes can be selected. It’s also possible to have no mode at all.

The arithmetic mean, often known as a simple average or weighted average, is the arithmetic mean.

When there are even numbers in a series, the median is the simple average of the middle two. There is no mode if there is a single data set.

There is no mode if there is a single data set.

The mean is typically used when data is regularly distributed.

When data is distorted, the median is the most accurate representation.

The mode is preferred when the data distribution is nominal.


Importance of Mean, mode and median

The mean, median, and mode are all measurements of central tendency within a numerical distribution. The median is the midpoint of a value distribution among cases, with an equal number of cases above and below it.

When there are extreme values in the data set, the median may be more valuable than the mean because it is unaffected by the extreme value. When the most common item attribute or value of a data set is desired the mode is beneficial.

Similarities of Mean, mode and median

The term “average” is used to describe a variety of methods for determining which value best represents a sample. A statistician or mathematician would use the terms mean and average to refer to the average, which is the sum of all values divided by the total number of values.

The arithmetic mean is computed by multiplying many numbers together and dividing the result by the number of numbers.

Another type of average is the median. When a sequence of numbers is arranged by rank, it usually indicates the middle number.


The term “average” is used to describe a variety of methods for determining which value best represents a sample. A statistician or mathematician would use the term mean and average to refer to the average, which is the sum of all values divided by the total number of values.

The arithmetic mean is computed by multiplying many numbers together and dividing the result by the number of numbers.

Another type of average is the median. When a sequence of numbers is arranged by rank, it usually indicates the middle number.

In a set of data, the mode is the most common value.


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