CAT 2023 » CAT Study Material » Quantitative Ability (Mathematics) » Ratio and Proportion is Used in Daily Life Situations

Ratio and Proportion is Used in Daily Life Situations

People will employ a ratio & proportion in the actual world in a variety of places and activities. When working with money and shopping, ratios & proportions are used. They’re also used to compare different numbers.


A ratio is a mathematical expression for size difference between two or more variables. The values aren’t the real values, but rather a way to compare them.

For instance, when a litter of 6 puppies has 4 girls and 2 boys, the girl -to – boy ratio is 4:2 or 2:1. The simplest form is used for writing ratios. It’s the 2:1 ratio in this case. According to the ratio, there are two girl puppies for every one boy dog. There will be two guy puppies if there are four girl puppies. As a result, a ratio provides a comparison rather than a precise value.


A share, part, or number assessed in comparison to a total is regarded to as proportion in general. As per the definition of proportion, 2 ratios are in proportion when they are equal. It is a statement or equation that shows that 2 ratios or fractions are equivalent.

A mathematical comparison of two numbers is called proportion. If two sets of supplied numbers increase or decrease in the same ratio, the ratios are also directly proportional to one another, according to proportion. Proportions are represented by :: or =.

For instance, the time it takes a train to travel 50 kilometres per hour is the same as the time it takes to travel 250 kilometres in 5 hours.

Real World Usage Ratios & Proportions

It can be difficult to envision how mathematical principles will be applied in real life. Ratios, which are mathematical relationships, are excellent real-world examples of math. Cooking, grocery shopping, and getting from one place to another place are 3 main real-life scenarios where ratios are not only common but also necessary for proper, cost-effective performance.

Two of the main mathematical skills are ratios and proportions. There are a plethora of daily actions that can be done with those two mathematical instruments. When we think about it, ratios & proportions can be utilised in practically every aspect of life, not only baking, building, and determining the height of a figure without calculating it; they can be applied in almost any job or hobby. Using ratios & proportions is a life skill as well as a math skill.

Grocery Shopping

In actual life, the grocery shop is a good supply of ratios. You may simply illustrate ratios while checking the prices of different groceries by utilising 2 different boxes of cereal.  When a 10 -ounce box of cereal cost $3 and a 20 – ounce box costs $5, the 20-ounce box is the better deal since each ounce of the cereal is less expensive. You can see the relationship between amount & size by dividing number of the ounces of cereal by the price. Each ounce of the cereal in the smaller box costs 30 cents; each ounce of cereal in the larger box costs 25 cents.

Special Ratios

Pi (3.14) & phi (1.618) are two exceptional ratios that are frequently observed in real life (1.618). The ratio of circumference of the circle to its diameter is termed as Pi. Pi is used to calculate the circumference of circular swimming pool that use the radius or diameter in the actual world.

Phi, or the golden ratio, was discovered by Euclid as a method to determine line segments & shape relationships. In biological connections, the golden ratio is used frequently. For instance, dividing the length of your forearm by the length of your hand yields a figure close to 1.618, or phi.


Ratios are used to compare numbers in quantitative terms in real-world situations. A ratio can be used to determine the size of one quantity in relation to another.

A mathematical formula which asserts that 2 ratios are equivalent or similar is considered as proportion.

There are many real world usage ratios & proportions which are:

Every structure you see is the product of a precise ratio and amount of cement and sand.

The screen size of the television you are watching has a certain ratio.

Every element of life employs the Golden Ratio.


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