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How Surds are Applied in Daily Life

In this article, we will learn how surds are applied in daily lives, the importance of surds and examples of surds.

Surds are irrational numbers that cannot be expressed as fractions or repeating decimal values. These numbers can only be represented as square roots and cannot be expressed as repeating decimals or fractions. Surds are square root representations of irrational integers that cannot be stated in fractional or repeating decimals, in other words. Surds are utilized to perform exact computations.

Types of Surds

Surds of various types are simple surds, pure surds, similar surds, mixed surds, compound surds, & binomial surds are the six various forms of surds. Let’s look at the various forms of surds now.

  • Simple Surd: A simple surd is one in which the root symbol contains only a single integer. √2 or √5 are two examples.

  • Pure Surds: Surds that are unreasonable are referred to as pure surds. For instance, 3–3√3

  • Similar Surds: Surds that share the same common factors are referred to as similar surds.

  • Mixed Surds: A mixed surd is a number that can be expressed as a product of rational and irrational numbers.

  • Compound Surds: A complicated surd is made up of two or more surds that have been added or subtracted.

  • Binomial Surd: Binomial surds are created when two surds combine to form a single surd.

Importance of Surds

Irrational numbers, such as √5 naturally, occur when Pythagoras’ theorem is applied. When we solve a quadratic equation using either the approach of completing the square or the quadratic formula, we obtain answers such as (3+ √11)/2, (3-√11)/2. Surds are involved in these figures. We can’t use decimals or fractions to express these numbers since they’re illogical. We may choose to approximate some issues with decimals, but we prefer to leave them in exact form for the most part. As a result, we must be able to handle these numbers and simplify combinations of them that arise while addressing a problem. There are several compelling reasons to do so:

  • When addressing problems, approximating irrationals with decimals might lead to rounding errors. As a result, it’s ideal to approximate at the end of a calculation as well as work with accurate values at each stage if at all possible. Information is lost as soon as we approximate.

  • Working with actual values allows us to spot crucial simplifications and gain additional knowledge that would be lost if we used decimals to approximate things.

  • Surds provide pupils with additional practice with algebraic concepts and strengthen their basic algebra knowledge. We can only combine similar surds, just as we can only combine like words in algebra.

  • Surds can be used to express a number of trigonometric ratios of 30°, 45°, and 60° (as well as other angles). Again, it’s preferable to leave the responses in exact rather than approximate form. In trigonometry, cos 72°  has a very nice result. This is far more impressive and provides more information than simply stating cos 72°, i.e., 0.30902 (accurate to 5 decimal places)!

  • In algebra, calculus, and subsequent mathematics, the approach of rationalizing the denominator, which was devised to handle surds in the denominator, appears in numerous settings. When working with the quotients of complex numbers, a similar approach is required.

For all of these reasons, every student planning to study maths at the senior level in such a calculus-based or statistics course should be able to manipulate and deal with surds.

Example of Surds

3 and -3 are the square roots of the integer nine. √9, on the other hand, always refers to the positive square root 3, not the negative square root 3, which can also be represented as -√9. There are two square roots for every positive number. When x is positive or zero, the expression √x is defined. The difficulty does not exist for cube roots because every number has precisely one cube root. As a result, (27)1/3 = 3 and (-8)1/3 = 2.

Because it may be stated as √12, a real number like √3 will be referred to as a surd. For the most part, we’ll only look at quadratic surds with square roots, √a. We’ll also call √2 + √3 a surd, despite the fact that it’s technically the sum of the two surds.

If a and b are both positive values, the following are the basic square root rules:

(√a)2 = a

√a2 = a

√a x √b = √ab

√a ÷ √b = √(a/b)

The first two remind us that squaring and getting a square root are inverse processes for positive values.

Simplifying Surds:

To correctly manipulate surds, we must be capable of expressing them in their most basic form. The numbers under the square root sign are said to be in their simplest form having no elements that are square (except of course 1). The surd, for example, can be simplified by composing.

√18 = √(9×2) = √9 x √2 = 3√2

The third rule given above was employed in the second stage. We can readily detect like surds by simplifying surds.

Turning the Process Around

We may need to reverse the process and write a surd in the form n√a rather than the form bn√a in order to compare the sizes of two or more surds.

From smallest to largest, write the following.

3√6, 2√15, 4√3

Solution:  3√6 = √54, 2√15 = √60, 4√3 = √48

Hence, 4√3 > 3√6 > 2√15

Addition and Subtraction of Surds

The total cannot be expressed simply. √2 + √3 in a more straightforward format. These two surds are referred to as unlike surds in the same way as 2x and 3y are referred to as unlike terms in algebra. 5√7 and 3√7, on the other hand, are surds. We can reduce the total of 5√7 + 3√7 to 8√7.

As a result, the sum or difference of like surds can only be simplified.

When working with surd expressions, it’s possible that we’ll come across surds that are unlike each other yet can be simplified to generate like surds. As a result, the surds should be simplified.

Multiplication and Division of Surds

When multiplying two surds, we simply multiply the numbers outside the square root symbol together and then simplify the result by multiplying the integers under the square root sign. The division follows a similar procedure.

a√b x c√d = ac√bd

a√b ÷ c√d = a√b / c√d


Surd is derived from the Latin word surds, which means deaf or silent. Irrational numbers were considered dumb by Arabians in the early days of mathematics. This suggests that these irrational numbers had no value. Only logical numbers were thought to be audible. Surds have become an important feature of modern mathematics.

Surds are the numbers that don’t have any roots. Numbers 4, 25, and 36, for example, have suitable roots of 2, 5, and 6, although numbers 7, 12, and 20 do not. Surds are incorrect numbers that do not have proper roots.


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