What is a Combination

While reading this article you may grasp the concept of combination. Here we also discussed topics like formulas of combination.

A combination is a method of picking things from a collection in which the order of selection is irrelevant. Let’s say we have three numbers: P, Q, and R. Combination determines how many ways we may choose two numbers from each group.

It is feasible to count the number of combinations in smaller circumstances, but the potential of a set of combinations increases with the number of groups of elements or sets. As a result, a formula has been developed to determine the number of items that can be selected, which we shall explain in this article. We’ll also use theorems and proofs to discuss the relationship between permutation and combination.

Mathematical Definition of Combination

“An arrangement of objects in which the order in which the objects are selected is not important,” says the definition. The combination denotes “object selection,” with the order of the items having no bearing.

For example, if we wish to buy a milkshake and may choose any three flavours from Apple, Banana, Cherry, and Durian, the combinations Apple, Banana, and Cherry are the same as Banana, Apple, Cherry. So, if we’re going to build a flavour combination out of these options, let’s start by shortening the names of the fruits by choosing the first letter of their names. For the question above, there are only four potential answers: ABC, ABD, ACD, and BCD. Also, keep in mind that this is the only combination that exists. The combination Formula makes this simple to comprehend.

Formula for Combination

The number of subgroups of three things taken from four objects is the same as the number of combinations of four objects taken three at a time. Take, for example, three fruits: an apple, an orange, and a pear. From this set, three two-fruit combinations can be drawn: an apple and a pear, an apple and an orange, or a pear and an orange.

A k-combination of a set is officially defined as a subset of k different items of S. The number of k-combinations is equal to the binomial coefficient if the set has n items.

nck = [(n)(n-1)(n-2)…(n-k+1)] /[(k-1)(k-2)….]

which is equivalent to;

nck = n!/k!(n-k)!, when n>k

When n<k = 0, nCk = 0.

Where n is the number of different objects from which to choose

C stands for “combination.”

K = number of places to fill (Where k can be replaced by r also)

nCr, nCr, C(n,r), Cnr can also be used to express the combination.

Permutation and Combination Relationship

Combination is a sort of permutation in which the order of the choices is ignored. As a result, the number of permutations is always more than the number of combinations. The fundamental distinction between permutation and combination is this. Let’s see how these two are related now.

nPr = nCr.r! is a theorem.

We have r! permutations for each nCr combination because r objects in each combination can be rearranged in r! ways.



= [n!/r!(n-r)!].r!

= n!/(n-r)!

As a result, the theorem is valid.


Combination is a sort of permutation in which the order of the choices is ignored. As a result, the number of permutations is always more than the number of combinations.

An arrangement of objects in which the order in which the objects are selected is not important.

A combination is a method of picking things from a collection in which the order of selection is irrelevant. Let’s say we have three numbers: P, Q, and R. Combination determines how many ways we may choose two numbers from each group


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