CAT 2023 » CAT Study Material » Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning » What Do You Understand By Logical Reasoning

What Do You Understand By Logical Reasoning

In this lecture we’re going to learn Analysing What Do You Understand By Logical Reasoning,online logical reasoning test and logical problems.

Simply described, logical thinking is the process of addressing issues using logic and common sense. There are several varieties of logical reasoning, including verbal, nonverbal, and analytical reasoning. 

Analogy, Classification, Coding Decoding, Blood Relation, Venn Diagram, Calendar, Clocks, Direction and Distance, Input Output, Puzzle, and so on are some of the most essential chapters in logical reasoning. 

Let us now look at the many sorts of logical reasoning.

Let’s take a look at the different types of questions that could appear in the Logical Reasoning section one by one:

  1. Verbal Argumentation

Candidates will be given numerous forms of reasoning questions in this type of logical thinking section, which will demand a strong mastery of English verbal qualities. Analogy, classification, coding decoding, blood relation, venn diagram, calendar, clocks, direction and distance, decision making, input output, puzzle, and so on are some of the verbal reasoning subjects.

  1. Intuitive Reasoning

Candidates will be given several forms of reasoning questions in this type of logical reasoning portion, which do not demand a great deal of grammatical knowledge. Nonverbal reasoning entails thoroughly examining the provided question and determining the correct answer. Analogy, classification, cube and dice, picture and figure counting, and other nonverbal reasonings are examples.

Important Logical Reasoning Topics:

Series: Alphabetical/Number/Alphanumeric




Calendar and Clock

Relationship via Blood

Distance and Direction


Sufficient data

Arrangement of Seating


Input/Output of the Machine

Rank and order


To solve logical reasoning, follow these steps:

Step 1: Because the logical reasoning component is one of the most difficult sections, applicants should read the question carefully before selecting an answer.

Step 2: Candidates must have a strong command of the English language in order to answer questions about verbal thinking.

Step 3: Candidates must thoroughly analyse the supplied statement and consider the mathematical choices in order to arrive at the final result while answering analytical reasoning problems.


1)Given the Series: 567 289 376 189 852, which number will be the lowest if all the digits are put in increasing order within the numbers?

Solution: if we arrange all the digits in an increasing order then 

we get: 567 289 367 189 258. 

As we can see here, 189 is the lowest number which comes from 189.

“She is sister-in-law of my only brother who is the father of Ganesh who is grandson of Navya’s spouse who is my father who has just two children,” Goldy told her companion when introducing a lady at the gathering.

What is Ganesh’s relationship with the lady?

Solution: We acquire the answer nephew by analysing all of the statements in the question and drawing a family tree for them. As a result, Ganesh is that lady’s nephew.

3) If December 25, 1990 was a Tuesday, when is December 25, 2020?


We calculate the number of odd days from 1990 to 2020, the number of odd days is 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 38 or 3 odd days.

So 3 odd days from Tuesday is a Friday.

Hence, the correct answer is Friday.

4)EL: HJ: DY: EL: HJ: DY:?


E(5) + 3 = H(8) and L(12) – 2 = J (10)

D(4) + 3 = G(7) and Y(25) – 2 = W are similar (23)

GW will thus take the role of the question mark.

5)Directions: Carefully read the following information and respond to the question.

P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, and W are eight people seated in a row (not necessarily in the same order) facing east. T is on the fourth row, to Q’s right. 

V is seated in the third row from the right end. Q is seated between U and W, who is third from the left of T, who is seated in a corner. P is seated to the left of U. R is seated at the row’s left corner.

How many persons are seated to W’s right?


V is seated in the third row from the right end.

R is seated at the row’s left corner.

T, who is seated in the corner.

T is on the fourth row, to Q’s right.

Between U and W, Q is seated.

P is seated to the left of U.

So, to W’s right, there are three people seated.


(a) The hospital has prohibited doctors from using cell phones while attending to patients in the OPD.

(b) The Patients’ Union reported to management that doctors’ cell phones were constantly ringing, and doctors were too preoccupied with answering them to pay attention to their patients.


The hospital management imposed the prohibition after receiving complaints from patients about doctors’ cell phone usage. As a result, we may confidently assert that statement (b) is the cause and statement (a) is the effect.


Working through a set of rules that govern a scenario is a method of problem-solving known as logical reasoning.An algorithm is a collection of rules or instructions.

Testing multiple sets of steps  or algorithms  to identify which sequence of rules leads to the proper solution is known as logical reasoning.

In practice, it entails determining or deducing other facts from supplied data. To reason logically, you must reach accurate conclusions based on presumptions.


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