What are Factors

A factor is a number or algebraic expression that evenly divides another number or expression, leaving no remainder.

A factor is a Latin term that roughly translates to “doer,” “creator,” or “performer.” A number that divides the provided number is called a factor of a number in mathematics. As a result, a factor is simply the number’s divisor. Both multiplication and division can be used to find the factors. The divisibility rules can be used as well.

Factoring is a helpful ability for finding factors that may be applied to real-life scenarios like splitting anything into equal parts or dividing in rows and columns, comparing costs, transferring money, comprehending time, and doing calculations while travelling.

What are Factors

A factor in math is a number that equally divides another number, leaving no residue. Factors can also be algebraic expressions that divide a second expression evenly. Factors and multiples are used in almost every aspect of our lives, from putting items in boxes, to handling money, to recognising patterns in numbers, solving ratios, and working with expanding and reducing fractions.

Factor Definition

A factor is a number that divides a given integer by itself, leaving no residue. Number factors are numbers or algebraic expressions that divide a given number or expression equally. Positive or negative factors might be found in a number.

Let’s look for factors of eight, for example. Because 8 is factorable, as 1 × 8 and 2 × 4 We also know that the product of two negative numbers is always positive. As a result, the factors are 1, -1, 2, -2, 4, -4, 8, and -8, respectively. When it comes to factors, however, only positive numbers, both whole and fractional, are taken into account.

Properties of Factors

The qualities of factors of a number are numerous. The qualities of factors are outlined below:

A number can only have so many variables.

A number’s factor is always smaller or equal to the given number.

Except for 0 and 1, every integer has two factors: one and itself.

The factors are found using division and multiplication operations.

How to Determine a Number’s Factors

To discover the factors, we can utilize “Division” as well as “Multiplication.”

Divisional Factors

Using division to get a number’s factors:

Find all the numbers that are less than or equal to the number given.

Each of the numbers is multiplied by the provided number.

The factors of the integer are the divisors that result in a zero remainder.

For instance, divide 6 to find the positive factors.


1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 are all positive numbers less than or equal to 6. Divide each of these numbers by 6.

We can see that the remainder is zero when divisors 1, 2, 3, and 6 are used. 6 factors are thus 1, 2, 3, and 6.

Factors by Multiplication

Multiplication is used to find the factors.

In several different methods, write the given number as the product of two numbers.

The factors of the given number are all the numbers that are involved in these products.

Counting Factors

Using the procedures below, we can determine how many factors a particular number has.

Step 1: Determine its prime factorization, or how to write it as a product of primes.

Step 2: Using exponent form, write the prime factorization.

Step 3: For each exponent, add one.

Step 4: Multiply each of the integers that result. This product returns the amount of factors that the provided integer has.


An algebraic expression can also have factors. 6x factors include 1, 2, 3, 6, x, 2x, 3x, and 6x, for example. In algebra, there are various methods for locating factors. Here are some of them:

Factoring Expressions

Factoring Quadratic Expressions

Factoring Polynomials

Example: Locate 64’s favourable factors.

The answer is 32, which is half of the number given. To get the factors of 64, all we have to do is divide 64 by the digits 1 to 32 and see if we get a zero as a result. We can see that when we divide 64 by each of the digits 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32, the remainder is 0. We also know that every number has two constant factors: one and the number itself. As a result, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, and 64 are the factors of 64.

Example: Which statement(s) below is/are correct?

A number’s factor can be larger than the number itself.

Some numbers can be multiplied indefinitely.

1. “A number’s factor can be bigger than the number” is incorrect. The divisors of a number that leave 0 as the remainder are known as factors. As a result, they’re never greater than the number. As a result, the correct response is False.

2. It is FALSE to say that “certain integers can have an unlimited number of factors.” A number can only have so many variables. As a result, False is the response.


Every number is multiplied by 1. There are at least two components in any number other than one.

A factor is a number that divides a given integer by itself, leaving no residue. Positive or negative factors might be found in a number. In terms of numbers, they are limited. Factors of 7 are 1 and 7, for example. 8, 1, 2, 4, and 8 are the factors. A number’s total number of factors is calculated using the factors formula. (a+1) (b+1) (c+1) is the total number of components for a number N whose prime factorization is Xa x Yb x Zc.


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What exactly do you mean when you say "factors"?

Answer: 1: A factor that influences the outcome I made my decision based on price. ...Read full

What is the best way to locate a factor?

Answer: Find all the numbers that are less than or equal to the number given. ...Read full

In mathematics, what is a factor?

Answer: A number or algebraic expression that divides another number or expression evenly—that is, without leaving...Read full

What are the many kinds of factors?

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How are factors taught?

Answer: Starting at 1 and working your way up is the greatest strategy for teaching pupils how to find factor pairs....Read full