Verbal Analogies

An analogy compares two separate yet comparable events, situations, or circumstances. Verbal analogies compare two words.

An analogy draws parallels between two things that are otherwise different but share some commonalities. A common definition of an analogy is a comparison between two unrelated but similar situations.

“having comparable attributes (or) similarity (or) correspondence” is the literal translation of the term “having the same features (or) likeness of one object to another in specific areas.” Analogy is defined as “having comparable attributes (or) similarity (or) correspondence.” The purpose of analogy is to evaluate our capability of determining the relationship between the two question pairs that are presented to us, and then to identify the two sets of words that can be derived from that discovery that are most similar to one another. In other words, analogy is meant to test our ability to determine the relationship between the two question pairs that are presented to us.

In the event that one thing, word, digit, or activity has any resemblance to another thing, word, digit, or activity in terms of its qualities, kind, shape, size, feature, etc., then it is said that the likeness exists. This can be the case whether the resemblance is superficial or profound.The questions are analogy-based, so if you’re given a relationship between words, letters, or numbers and asked to locate another similar relationship among the choices offered, you’ll be using analogy. The following criteria are used to generate analogy questions: The questions are predicated on drawn analogies.

Strong vocabulary : 

One of the most important things to think about is whether or not you have a good vocabulary. You are expected to not only know the definitions of words as given in the dictionary or their primary meanings, but also be conversant with the terms’ secondary meanings. The secondary meaning of a term refers to any meaning that a word can have in addition to the meaning that it is given in dictionaries when the word is defined.

A “school of fish,” for instance, might alternatively be referred to as a “group of fish.”

The ability to grasp the interconnectedness of the words posed in a question :  

If you have a strong vocabulary and sufficient experience in the field, you will have no trouble solving problems that call for analogy. This is especially true if you are familiar with the topic. You need to be familiar with a few fundamental categories of relationships if you want to have a better understanding of the questions. This is required if you want to have a better understanding of the questions.

Understanding linguistic analogies requires a strong grasp of relationship dynamics. They test not only your ability to recognise a connection between two words, but also your capacity to recognise a comparable connection between two other pairs of words. In addition to determining whether or not you have a firm grip on the words themselves, a verbal analogy test can also assess your capacity to manage interpersonal connections as well as your mental flexibility. The capacity to describe the connection between the words in a pair, rather than the meaning of the words themselves, is the single most critical part of properly utilising analogies.

Different Kinds of Analogies : 

It is possible to place an analogy into one of these four primary categories by using the content of the question, which refers to the thing that is utilised in the question and is made of. Each of these primary categories provides a description of the meaning of the analogy. In verbal thinking, some instances of analogies that might be employed include the following:

The word analogy, the number analogy, the alphabet analogy, and the mixed analogy are the four varieties of analogies that can be found.

There are many different types of questions that are based on analogy, and the analogy question type that is tested in verbal reasoning is split down further into nine different subtypes. These subtypes are categorised according to the kind of questions that are requested on various kinds of examinations. Examining this, which relates to both the question and the options, can help you determine the difference between the two, as it is the key to doing so. We made these groups to help test takers better understand the material and the format of the questions they’d be asked. We did this to give the candidates an edge in the election. There was careful consideration given to both government tests and the recruitment of IT professionals when designing this system.

Some of the processes that are involved in analogous pair completion include similar pair selection, analogous pair completion, analogy detection, and analogous pair completion.

Comparison That Is Uncomplicated Or Straightforward,

This tool provides a variety of features, some of which include the detection of analogies, the selection of double analogies, the detection of multiple word analogies, and the selection of words that are analogous to one another.


An analogy draws parallels between two things that are otherwise different but share some commonalities. A common definition of an analogy is a comparison between two unrelated but similar situations. What we call a “verbal analogy” is a comparison that draws parallels between two sets of words. If you want to be taken seriously, you should give some thought to how extensive and varied your vocabulary is. You are not only expected to be familiar with the fundamental and secondary meanings of words, but also with their dictionary definitions.


Frequently asked questions

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What exactly is meant by the term "verbal analogy with example"?

Answer: The learner participates in verbal analogies by being presented with one pair of similar words and a third t...Read full

What do verbal analogies measure?

Answer: The ability to quantify verbal analytical understanding is called verbal analogy. The purpose of this exerci...Read full

What kind of test is called analogy?

Answer: Analogies are a type of question that you might see on a quiz in which you are given a pair of words and the...Read full

How is it possible to evaluate the significance of an analogy?

Answer: An analogy is the foundation of any line of thinking that falls under the category of “analogical reas...Read full

How many different applications of the analogy line of argument are there?

Answer: The alphabet analogy and the number analogy are the two most common sorts of analogies that arise in the pro...Read full