CAT 2023 » CAT Study Material » Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning » Tricks to Solve Blood Related Questions

Tricks to Solve Blood Related Questions

In this article, we will learn about tricks to solve blood related questions, relation problems and blood relation reasoning tricks.

One of the most difficult problems in logical reasoning is blood ties. However, if researched properly and solved with the aid of a family tree, it becomes rather simple to solve.

So, first and foremost, let’s define the term “blood relation”! As we all know, a relationship is the link that exists between two things or two people. So, when you talk of blood relations, we’re referring to a connection between two people formed through blood or, more obviously, birth.

What exactly is a family tree?

A tree, as we all know, has roots that are securely planted, and then it has a stem that branches out and bears leaves.

The same may be said of a family tree, in which our forefathers and mothers are the roots, and their children, grandchildren, and so on are the branches and leaves.

A family tree is a graphic or existing observational of our ancestors. A family tree not only helps us better understand our genealogy, but it also helps us comprehend our relationships with other people who share shared ancestors.

Tricks to Solve Blood Relation Related PROBLEMS:

1. Ask yourself the question.

It is the most useful strategy for resolving blood relationship issues. In this portion, you try to link every statement to yourself. It’s possible that the statement’s initial name is yours, or it may be someone else’s.

2. Break the question down into small chunks.

It’s easy to become perplexed when the claim is very long. So, in order to answer the question, break down each sentence into sub statements.

3. Don’t make gender assumptions about people.

Do not make assumptions about the gender of any of the people in the question based on their names.

4. As you solve, provide clear diagrams.

Drawing a family tree, in which persons of the same generation are placed at the same level and the entire diagram is in the form of a hierarchy, is a simple approach for solving such issues with 100 percent accuracy.

Indicate a plus sign (+) for a male candidate and a minus sign (–) for a female candidate.
Indicate {<=>} for Couple.
Indicate {- – – -} for Same Generation like brother – – – brother (or) sister – – – sister (or) sister – – -brother.
Indicate {–––––} for the different generations like father–––––son or mother––––son or father––––daughter or Mother ––––– daughter.

You may be familiar with a wide range of relationships in your native tongue. You should, without a doubt, be familiar with all sorts of relationships in English. The following table summarises several key relationships. To solve these types of difficulties, you should remember these relationships.

Father’s or mother’s son→ Brother
Father’s or mother’s daughter→ Sister
Father’s or mother’s brother→ Uncle
Father’s or mother’s sister→ Aunt
Father’s or mother’s father→ Grandfather
Father’s or mother’s mother→ Grandmother
Son’s wife→ Daughter-in-law
Daughter’s husband→ Son-in-law
Wife’s or Husband’s sister→ Sister-in-law
Wife’s or Husband’s brother→ Brother-in-law
Brother’s son→ Nephew
Brother’s daughter→ Niece
Aunt’s or Uncle’s son or daughter→ Cousin
Sister’s husband→ Brother-in-law
Brother’s wife→ Sister-in-law
Grandson’s or Granddaughter’s daughter→ Great Granddaughter.

Types of Concerns

  • Single Person Blood Relations
  • Mixed Blood Relations
  • Coded Blood Relations
  • Single Person Blood Relations (SPBR)
  • These are relations between 2 persons only.

Direct SPBR: When a communication is directed directly to a person, it is referred to as direct SPBR.

Example No. 1

Mary is introduced by John as the daughter of my father’s wife’s only son. What is Mary’s relationship to John?


My father’s wife→ mother

Only son of mother→ himself

Daughter of John→ daughter.

As a result, the answer is daughter.

SPBR (indirect): In this case, the conversation is carried out in an indirect manner.

Relationships of Mixed Blood

Mutual blood ties are dependent on more than 2 people in this case. Diagrams can be used to help solve these types of difficulties.

Example No. 2

C & D are sisters, but A & B are brothers. D’s sibling is A’s son. What is the relationship between B and C?


  • A’s kid is D’s sibling
  • A is C’s father 
  • Uncle is the brother of the father.

So, uncle is the solution.

Blood Relationships with Secret Codes:

Relationships are represented by codes & symbols such as +, –, /, and * in this type. Based on the above code, you must assess the appropriate relation. You may also require a diagrammatic depiction of the problem in order to solve it. Use the same symbolism as when dealing with mixed blood ties. Solve the coding equation starting with the last letter.

Example No. 3

P+Q indicates that P is Q’s spouse, 

P/Q indicates that P is Q’s sister, and 

P*Q indicates that P is Q’s son. 

What is the relationship between D and B in B/A*C+D?


  • C+D – C is D’s spouse, 
  • A*C – A is C’s son, 
  • B/A – B is A’s sister, 
  • Hence B is C’s daughter.

So, Mother is the answer.


One of the most essential issues in logical reasoning is blood ties.

The capacity to design a family tree and extract information from it, as well as knowledge of terminologies associated with various types of relationships, are two prerequisites for this topic. 

Only when a student engages in lengthy practice of these types of questions can they achieve perfection and confidence!


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