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Tips to Solve Coded Relation Questions

In this article we know about coded relation questions.

The difficulty of reading a provided relationship-string, which is coded in a specific way, and then matching it with the connection indicated in the inquiry is known as a coded relationship.

The relationships in coded relationship questions are expressed by specific codes or symbols such as +,-,*,$, percent, and so on. After that, the candidate must analyse some given codes in order to determine the relationship between a group of people or to convey a specific relationship in coded form.

Coded Blood Relation:

Most competitive exams include a section on blood relations as part of the reasoning section. The term “blood relation” refers to the various relationships that exist among family members. You must determine the relationship between certain family members based on the information provided. In comparison to many other topics in the reasoning part, scoring marks in this topic is easy. As a result, you must be well-versed in many sorts of family relationships.

One of the most crucial areas from which 3-5 questions are expected in bank exams is coded blood relations. Questions about blood relations are asked either directly or in coded form, and both are significant.

Here is a list of several sorts of relationships you should be familiar with in order to answer questions on this topic:

Relationship Terms Used

The son of father or the son of mother 


Daughter of a father or a mother


Brother of the mother (younger or elder)

Maternal Uncle

Brother of the father (younger or elder)

Auntie (Paternal)

Sister of the father (younger or elder)


Sister of the mother (younger or elder)


wife of a son


Husband of a daughter


Husband of a sister


Brother of the husband or brother of the wife


wife of a brother


Wife’s sister or husband’s sister


Father of the husband or wife


Mother of the husband or wife


a son of a brother or sister


a daughter of a brother or a daughter of a sister


Daughter of an uncle or an aunt

Uncle’s son or aunt’s son


Father of father or mother 

 Grand father 

Mother of mother or father 


Father of grandfather 

Great grandfather 

Mother of grandmother 

Great grandmother 

Coded Blood relation questions: 

Types of blood relation problems:

Blood Relations of a Single Person

Mixed Blood Relations

Coded Blood Relations

Blood Relationships Between Single People (SPBR)

These are solely two-person relationships.

Some examples are as followed:

Q1. If ‘P + Q’ denotes that P is the mother of Q,

           ‘P ÷ Q’ denotes that P is the brother of Q,

           ‘P × Q’ denotes that P is the son of Q,

           ‘P – Q’ denotes that P is the sister of Q,

Which of the following denotes that C is the sister of D?

(a) C – P ÷ D

(b) P + D ÷ C

(c) D × P – C

(d) D – C × P

(e) None of these

Answer: a

C – P ÷ D can be drawn diagrammatically by using the given information:

‘C – P’ denotes that C is P’s sister.

‘P ÷ D’ denotes that P is the brother of D.

As C is the sister of P & P is the brother of D, we may say C is the sister of D.

  1. If ‘X + Y’ represents X is the father of Y,

           ‘X × Y’ represents X is the brother of Y,

           ‘X – Y’ represents X is the mother of Y,

Then which of the following is definitely true about C – A + B?

(a) B is A’s son 

(b) A is C’s son

(c) B is A’s father

(d) C is B’s mother

(e) None of these

Answer: ‘C – A’ means C is A’s mother

‘A + B’ means A is B’s father

As C is A’s mother and A is B’s father, we can say A is C’s son.

3. M * H @ D * K, denotes what relation of K with M?

(a) Mother

(b) Father

(c) mother in law

(d) Sister in law

(e) None of the above 

Answer (b)

M * H @ D * K

‘M * H’ means M is H’s son

‘H @ D’ means H is D’s mother 

‘D * K’ means D is K’s son 

Thus, we can say K is M’s father.

Coded Blood relation tricks:

There are some tips available to solve the Coded Blood relation questions whi h are  as followed. 

  1. Ask yourself the question.

This is the most effective method for resolving problems about blood relations. You try to relate every statement to yourself in this section. The statement’s first name might be your name, or it could be someone else’s.

  1. Break the question down into small chunks.

It’s easy to become perplexed when the statement is very long. So, to answer the given question, first break down each sentence into sub statements.

  1. Don’t make assumptions about a person’s gender.

We can’t make assumptions about the gender of any of the people in the question based on their names.

  1. As you solve, make clear diagrams.

Drawing a family tree, in which persons of the same generation are placed at the same level and the entire diagram is in the form of a hierarchy, is a simple approach for solving such issues with 100 percent accuracy.


Thus we get to know about what Blood relation questions under the Coded relation question. Coded relation questions are impressively important for development of higher order thinking as well as for improving problem solving ability. Coded relation questions are very important for any kind of competitive exams also. These are actually interesting if understood properly.


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