Relational Puzzle

In this article we will learn about relational puzzles and riddles related to it.

Relationship Puzzle inquiries are a fascinating subset of blood relation queries. A collection of persons and their relationships with one another are offered in relation to puzzle questions. The candidate will be expected to make an educated prediction as to how some of them may interact. To put it another way, the numerous permutations of the relationship tree must be comprehended. This is true for the entire section of reasoning ability!

Family relationship puzzles

A collection of persons and their relationships with one another are offered in relation to puzzle questions. The candidate will be expected to make an educated prediction as to how some of them may interact. To put it another way, the numerous permutations of the relationship tree must be comprehended.

Discover the common ancestor you share and your relationship to the common ancestor: grandchild, great grandchild, etc. to determine the relationship between two persons. If it helps, write down the name of a common ancestor. 

The standard and type of inquiries asked about blood relations have changed slightly over the years. Initially, the questions were less sophisticated and statement or dialogue-based, but as competition intensified, the variety of questions asked evolved as well.

Given that blood relations is one of the most popular ideas from which exam questions are derived, the following are the various methods in which blood relation questions may be asked in competitive exams for the benefit of candidates:

Dialogue/Conversation-Based Inquiries — In these types of questions, one individual defines his or her relationship with another (this may or may not be related to the person with whom the conversation is being made).

Blood relation questions are frequently asked in the style of a puzzle to make the questions more complicated. A piece of brief information regarding numerous people’s interconnections is provided, and sub-questions based on that information may be asked.

For example

Q.1 A is the sister of B. B’s mother is C. C’s father is D. D’s mother is E. So, what’s the connection between A and D?

Answer – Granddaughter

2.“She is the daughter of my grandfather’s only son,” Vipul explained. What is Vipul’s relationship to the girl ?

  • Father
  • Brother
  • Cousin
  • Uncle

Answer – brother

  1. “Her mother’s brother is the only son of my mother’s father,” Amar remarked, pointing to a girl in the photograph. What is the relationship between the girl’s mother and Amar?
  • Mother
  • Sister
  • Grandmother
  • Aunt

Answer- Aunt

Relation riddles with answers

Various family members and their relationships are involved in the questions of blood relatives. The questions provide some information about the different members of the family, and the candidates must determine the relationship between those people. The queries about blood ties can take a variety of forms, which are detailed below.

Types of Questions on Blood Relations

The blood relation questions come in a variety of formats to evaluate the candidates’ comprehension and interpretation ability. The types of questions are classified into three groups:

  • Direct questions from a conversation
  • Questions with a puzzle element
  • Questions based on symbols (or codes)

For examples ;

  1. Two boys are accepted into a school. When the headmaster inquires about their parents, they inform him that their parents are the same (father and mother). Upon further investigation, it was discovered that they both have the same birthday.

.The headmaster inquires, “Are you twins?”

The boys respond, “No.”

Is that even possible?


Yes, it is unquestionably doable. They were triplets, not twins.

  1. Ramu’s sister’s uncle’s wife’s daughter is that girl. What’s the connection between that girl and Ramu?


This question appears to be perplexing at first, however splitting the language into sections and then analyzing the relationship can be really simple. This statement can now be broken down into,

Ramu’s uncle of his sister which means his uncle too.

Ramu’s uncle and wife’s son which equals his cousin.

As a result, that girl is Ramu’s cousin.

  1. Pinki states, “His mother’s sole daughter is my mother,” as she shows a photo of a man. Pinki’s relationship to the man in the photo is unclear.


Pinki’s mother is the sister of the man in the photo, according to the sentence analysis. So, the man is Pinki’s uncle or Pinki is that man’s niece.

Blood relation riddles

Despite the fact that the questions are of the aforementioned categories, the problems they solve and the questions’ ultimate goal are always the same. Candidates must always identify the relationship between two specific entities, regardless of the question.

The types can be further divided into the following categories:

Blood tie between a single person and a mixed blood relation

A single person blood relationship is defined as a relationship between only two persons. Direct or indirect queries are acceptable. In a mixed-blood relationship, the hierarchy and relationships between members are taken into account. The many types of inquiries are described here, along with an example of each.

1″His mother is the only daughter of my mother,” a Reena stated, pointing to a man. What is the relationship between that man and Reena?

  • Mother
  • Sister
  • Grandmother
  • Daughter

Answer: Mother

  1. 12.Ravi and Deepak are brothers. Atul is Rekha’s younger brother. Ravi is Rekha’s son. What is Deepak’s relationship with Rekha?
  • Father
  • Nephew
  • Son
  • Brother

Answer : son


In this article we have discussed relational puzzles and their basic concepts. We have dealt with various family relationships puzzles , have dealt with various relation riddles with answers, and also come across blood relation riddles. We have seen from very basic questions to complex questions which will help in solving questions and help in better understanding.


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the UPSC Examination Preparation.

B.C's son A has a son D and a daughter E, and B's sister has a son D and a daughter E. D has a maternal uncle named F. What is the relationship between E and F? (A) Girlfriend (B) Sister (C) Wife (D) Niece

Solution- D is the answer.


A is B's son. C, B's sister, has two children, D and E. F is D's maternal uncle. What is the relationship between A and D? (A) Nephew (B) Cousin (C) Brother (D) Uncle

Solution- B is the answer

If I M is N's brother; (ii) B is N's brother; (iii) If M is D's brother, which of the following assertions is unquestionably true? (A) N is D's brother. (B) N is B's brother. (C) D is M's brother. (C) M is B's brother. (E) None of the preceding

Solution -D is the answer.

A, B, C, D, E, and F are the six children who are playing football. A and E are siblings. F is E's younger sister. C is A's uncle's only child. B and D are the sisters of C's father's brother. What is the relationship between D and A? (A)Uncle (B) sister (C) cousin (D) Niece

Solution- D is the answer


"The son of her sole brother is my wife's brother," someone stated, pointing to a lady. What is the lady's relationship to the individual? (A)Maternal aunt (B)Grandmother (C) Sister of father in law (D) None of these

Solution- c is the answer