Questions Based on Mirror Images

In this article, we will learn about Letter/Number Images, Geometrical Images, Letter/Number Images and more.

A mirror image is a picture generated by placing a mirror in front of real image, or we may say that the reflection of an item into the mirror is termed its mirror image. There are two sorts of mirror image questions that are commonly posed in tests. There are two types of images: letter/number images & geometrical images. The question in Letter/ Number Images will be presented using a combination of the letters/words/numbers. Users must select their mirror pictures from a set of possibilities. Geometrical Images are figures with specified geometrical shapes.

Mirror Images

A mirror image or mirror reflection is the image of a body as viewed in a mirror. Right side of the body appear on the Left side of the body in such an image, and vice versa. As a result, a mirror-image is said to be laterally inverted, and the phenomenon is known as lateral inversion.

Some letters do not alter when reflected about which means that they are identical to their Mirror Images. A, H, I, M, O, T, U, V, W, X, Y are the letters with identical mirror images. Similarly, we have I l, o, v, w, and x in little letters that have same mirror image as their original images.

Objects with Different Mirror Image

Mirror image of a figure is usually different from the actual image due to differences in the left and right sides of the figure. 

Objects with Same Mirror Image

It is not uncommon for the mirror image to be similar to the actual figure. This is the case where the figure’s LHS and RHS halves are similar but in opposing directions. 

Types of Questions Based on Mirror Images

Based on the Horizontal Mirror

In such cases, a horizontal mirror is put at the bottom or top of the item, and the resulting image is similar to a water image. LHS & RHS remain constant in this sort of query.

Case 1: When mirror is placed horizontally at the bottom of object

Case 2: When mirror is placed horizontally at the top of object

Based on the Vertical Mirror

In such cases, a vertical mirror is positioned to the left or to the right of the object, and a common type of mirror image is generated in which the Left Hand Side (LHS) & the Right Hand Side (RHS) of the object swap positions while the top & bottom stay intact.

Case 1: When mirror is placed vertically right of the object

Case 2: When mirror is placed vertically left of the object

Letter/Number Images

In this sort of question, a number, letter, or a combination of the letters or numbers is provided, and applicants must discover their mirror images among the provided possibilities.

Mirror Image of the Clocks

In this sort of question, a candidate must determine the original locations of a clock’s hour & minute hands from positions of the hour and minute hands as viewed in a mirror. We must determine the true time in the clock using the time displayed by the mirror image of the clock.

Unless otherwise mentioned, the mirror is always retained in standard form, i.e., vertically, to produce the mirror image in the case of words, letters, and timepieces.


The reflection of a body in a mirror is referred to as its Mirror image. The top and bottom of image remain constant in mirror images, while the left and right sides of the image alternate.

In this article, we discussed the different types of questions based on mirror images.

The concept of mirror images is related to nonverbal thinking. In this topic, you will be given a genuine image as well as mirror images, and you must identify the correct mirror image.


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the CAT Examination Preparation.

A mirror-reflected clock shows quarter past three. What is the right time as displayed by the clock?

(A) 9 : 45    (B) 8 : 15    (C) 8 : 45    (D) 9 : 15 ANSWER . Opt...Read full

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