CAT 2023 » CAT Study Material » Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning » Partial Differential Equations Classification

Partial Differential Equations Classification

In engineering, partial differential equations (PDEs) are the most prevalent method for modelling physical issues. PDEs can be solved using a variety of approaches, including finite element methods.

A partial differential equation is a sort of differential equation in mathematics in which the equation comprises unknown multi variables with partial derivatives. It’s a variant of a standard differential equation.

Partial differential equations are made up of a function with several unknown variables and their partial derivatives. In other words, partial differential equations aid in the calculation of partial derivatives for functions having several variables. These equations are classified as differential equations. Sound, heat, fluid flow, and waves are all examples of natural phenomena that can be studied using partial differential equations.

PDE stands for partial differential equations. These equations are used to express situations involving an unknown function with numerous dependent and independent variables, as well as the partial derivatives of that function with respect to the independent variables.

Partial differential equations are a type of differential equation that introduces relationships between the partial derivatives of a multivariable function that is unknown. Several dependent and independent variables can make up a multivariable function. A partial solution is an equation that can solve a given partial differential problem.

Classification of partial differential equations

In mechanics, there are three different forms of second-order PDEs. Elliptic, hyperbolic, and parabolic are the three types.

Elliptic PDEs are elasticity equations without inertial terms. Wave propagation is described by hyperbolic PDEs. A parabolic PDE is an example of a heat conduction equation.

Each type of PDE has distinct characteristics that aid in determining whether a given finite element approach is acceptable for the PDE’s problem. Interestingly, just knowing the type of PDE can tell us how smooth the solution is, how quickly information propagates, and how the beginning and boundary conditions affect the solution.

Hyperbolic PDEs

The smoothness of the solution in hyperbolic PDEs is determined by the smoothness of the initial and boundary conditions. For example, if there is a leap in the data at the beginning or at the boundary, the jump will propagate through the solution as a shock. Even if the initial and boundary conditions are smooth, shocks may emerge if the PDE is nonlinear. Information travels at a finite speed in a system described with a hyperbolic PDE, referred to as the wave speed. Until the wave arrives, no information is sent.

The PDE is called hyperbolic if, 

               b2 – 4ac > 0

Elliptical PDEs

In contrast, even if the beginning and boundary conditions are rough, the solutions of elliptic PDEs are always smooth (though there may be singularities at sharp corners). Furthermore, boundary data at any point in the domain has an impact on the solution at all locations in the domain.

The PDE is called elliptical if, 

              b2 – 4ac < 0

Parabolic PDEs

Time-dependent parabolic PDEs commonly reflect diffusion-like phenomena. In space, solutions are smooth, but singularities may exist. In a parabolic system, however, information moves at an unlimited rate.

The PDE is called parabolic if, 

              b2 – 4ac = 0

Applications of partial differential equations

Physical and other issues involving functions of several variables, such as the transmission of heat or sound, fluid flow, elasticity, electrostatics, electrodynamics, thermodynamics, and so on, are solved using partial differential equations.

In subjects like physics and engineering, partial differential equations are commonly used. The following are some partial differential equations applications:

  • Heat propagation equations are modelled using partial differential equations. uxx = ut is the equation to use.

  • The wave equation describes how light and sound travel. This is a second-order partial differential equation with the solution uxx – uyy = 0.

  • Another prominent second-order partial differential equation used to build financial models is the Black-Scholes equation.


In engineering, partial differential equations (PDEs) are the most prevalent method for modelling physical issues. PDEs can be solved using a variety of approaches, including finite element methods. A partial differential equation is a sort of differential equation in mathematics in which the equation comprises unknown multi variables with partial derivatives.

In other words, partial differential equations aid in the calculation of partial derivatives for functions having several variables. These equations are classified as differential equations. Partial differential equations are a type of differential equation that introduces relationships between the partial derivatives of a multivariable function that is unknown.

In mechanics, there are three different forms of second-order PDEs. Elliptic, hyperbolic, and parabolic are the three types.

Each type of PDE has distinct characteristics that aid in determining whether a given finite element approach is acceptable for the PDE’s problem. The smoothness of the solution in hyperbolic PDEs is determined by the smoothness of the initial and boundary conditions. In contrast, even if the beginning and boundary conditions are rough, the solutions of elliptic PDEs are always smooth (though there may be singularities at sharp corners). Time-dependent parabolic PDEs commonly reflect diffusion-like phenomena. In space, solutions are smooth, but singularities may exist.


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