CAT 2023 » CAT Study Material » Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning » Overview on Verbal Classification Examples

Overview on Verbal Classification Examples

The candidate's verbal knowledge and abilities are put to the test during the verbal reasoning portion of an examination.

Questions that pertain to verbal reasoning typically test a candidate’s aptitude as well as their command over the English grammar and vocabulary skills. Analogy, classification, coding decoding, blood relation, Venn diagram, calendar, clocks, direction and distance, decision making, input output, puzzles, and so on are some of the important chapters of verbal reasoning. Now, let’s take a look at the different kinds of verbal reasoning described below, which are also considered to be a subset of logical reasoning.

Different Categories of Verbal Reasoning

Let’s take a look at the different kinds of questions that might be asked in the Verbal Reasoning section one at a time using the list below.

  1. Alphabet Test

Questions in this type of verbal reasoning are based on determining whether an English letter is located to the left or right of another English letter in the alphabetical order. This type of verbal reasoning is also known as “left-right correspondence.” The questions will sometimes require you to determine the number of English letters that are sandwiched between two different letters.

  1. Relationship to the Family

In this form of verbal reasoning, you will be required to conduct an analysis of data demonstrating the familial connections between different family members. In this, a chain of relationships is presented in the form of information, and on the basis of this information, candidates are asked questions about the relationships between two different members of the chain.

  1. Calendars

Finding the day on a specific date when a reference date is given; finding the day on a specific date when a reference day is not given; and finally, finding a week day on the basis of another week day are all covered in the calendar verbal reasoning sections.

  1. Clocks

An apparatus for displaying and keeping track of the passage of time is known as a clock. It is a piece of electronic equipment that displays the time in terms of the hour, the minute, and the second. The Clock reasoning section of the exam includes a variety of question types, such as those pertaining to the angle between the hands of the clock, the position of the hands of the clock, faulty clocks, and so on.

  1. Data Sufficiency

The process of checking and testing a given set of information to determine whether or not it is sufficient to answer a question is referred to as “data sufficiency.” Questions of this type assess a candidate’s ability to draw conclusions based on information that is provided to them and relate it to other information in the same set.

  1. The Art of Making Decisions

The act or process of deciding critically important matters, such as who should be chosen for a position, is referred to as decision making. In this section of the test for verbal reasoning, the criteria for selection of any post or admission will be given. These are the requirements that a candidate needs to meet in order to be considered for a particular job or post.

  1. Location in Relation to Distance

The distance and/or direction puzzle serves as the foundation for the direction and/or distance questions. Candidates are required to determine, based on the distance and direction that have been provided, the final direction from the starting point and/or the distance that has been covered between the starting point and the final or end point, whichever comes first.

  1. Input Output

Input The process of rearrangement of data or sequence or message that consists of words or numbers or both is referred to as output reasoning. This process is based on some rule. A sequence of words, letters, or both can be considered an input in input-output reasoning questions. After that, the sequence of words, letters, or both is either put through a processing machine or reorganised to produce a sequence of outputs.

  1. Puzzle

Analyzing the data presented, placing the data in the correct order, and selecting the appropriate response are the three pillars of puzzle reasoning. In this section, candidates are required to analyse the piece of information that is provided to them, select the information that is important, and leave out the information that is not required in order to solve the set of questions that is provided to them.

  1. Seating Arrangement

The process of causing a group of individuals to sit in a predetermined fashion is referred to as “Seating Arrangement.” These inquiries are founded on a collection of data that also incorporates a particular arrangement of prerequisites. 


Candidates will be given information regarding the arrangement of the people in a row or around the circle, and they will be required to arrange people in either the row or the circle or the square according to the conditions that have been provided.


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