Overview on Alphanumeric Series

In this article, we will learn about the alphanumeric series, only number series and different types of number series, missing series and steps to solve missing series.

The combination of alphabetic and numeric characters is known as alphanumeric, which is commonly reduced to alphameric. It is possible for it to contain upper and lower case letters, punctuation marks, and symbols (such as @, &, and *,) in some instances. Questions based on alphabetic or numeric sequences are frequently asked in a variety of different types of competitive examinations. Questions of this style of thinking may involve coding and decoding, series-based reasoning, or locating positions-based reasoning. 

Alphanumeric Series

The term alphanumeric, which is also spelled alphameric, refers to a language set that contains both letters and numerals. Alphanumeric is also spelled alphameric. Characters that are considered to be alphanumeric are those that are formed of the combined set of the 26 alphabetic characters (A to Z) plus the 10 Arabic numerals (0 to 9) used in layouts created for users working with the English language. 

Only Number Series

Number Series

The term “number series” refers to a sequence of numbers that adhere to a particular format. Candidates are tasked with determining which number in the presented series is incorrect or missing. In some of the questions, one of the terms in the series that is provided will be incorrect. In these cases, the candidates will need to determine which term in the series is incorrect by determining the pattern that was utilised in the process of forming the series.

There is no predetermined pattern, and each question may follow a different type of pattern or sequential arrangement of letters or digits. In order to answer the questions, candidates will need to use their common sense and ability to reason. We have divided the number series reasoning part into a few different categories based on the many different kinds of problems that are posed in the many different kinds of competitive examinations that are out there. 

Types of Number Series

Let’s take a look at the many different kinds of questions that might be asked in the order that they are listed below. 

Addition Series 

To get at the following number using this line of reasoning, particular integers are joined together in accordance with a predetermined pattern. 

Subtraction Series 

To arrive at the next number using this line of reasoning about number series, certain numbers that are based on some pattern are subtracted to get to the following number.

The Multiplication and Counting Series 

Multiplying a specific kind of number pattern in order to arrive at the next number is the method utilised in this type of reasoning based on number series.

Division Series

In this manner of deducing the next number in a series of numbers, a specific sort of number pattern is divided in order to obtain the following number.

Square Series

Each number in this line of reasoning about number sequences is a square that is a perfect representation of a specific number pattern.

Series of Cubes

The line of reasoning known as “number series reasoning” holds that every number is the perfect cube of a specific number pattern.

Fibonacci Series

In this way of thinking about number sequences, the following number is arrived at by adding the two numbers that came before it.

Alternating Series

The formation of a series is accomplished in this manner by utilising a variety of different number patterns in a rotational fashion.

Mixed Operator Series

In this kind of reasoning about number series, more than one operator is employed in order to arrive at the next number in the series.

Arranging Number 

In this kind of number series reasoning, applicants are required to rearrange numbers in accordance with the instructions, and then they must answer the questions that are presented to them. 

Missing Number Series

A number series is a collection of numbers that adheres to a specific rule or formula as we have seen. There are many different kinds of series, and one of those is called a missing number series. In the game missing number series, you are presented with a series that is missing one number, and it is up to you to choose what that number should be. In order to find the missing number, we must first determine the rule or formula that is used in the missing number series that has been provided to us. 

Finding the Missing Number in a Series

You might find missing numbers at the beginning of the given missing number series, or you might find missing numbers at the conclusion of the given missing number series. The format of the missing number series is quite similar to the format of the erroneous number series; first, you must determine the rule, and then you must apply the rule to make an estimate of the next number. 

Steps to Find the Missing Number in a Series

  • Choose two or three terms from the text that best fit the rule that will be used to determine the missing number. Take, for instance: If there are five numbers in a series, you should choose the first three terms to check the rule that is supposed to be applied. 
  • Choose the number that is straightforward to operate when you are deciding which number to use to check the rule. These include terms with a factor of 2, 3, 5, or 10 in their definition. Examine the sequence using some tried-and-true techniques, such as calculating the sum of the terms, squares, or cubes, among other options. 


An alphanumeric series is a series that is formed by combining both alphabets and numbers, as the name suggests. This type of series is also known as an alphabetic series. The majority of questions pertaining to this subject can be found in the introductory section of any and all government examinations. Candidates can anticipate being asked at least one to three questions relating to this topic while taking the exam. The questions pertaining to this topic are straightforward and easy to solve.


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