Number Series Categories

In this lecture we’re going to learn about number series categories,perfect square series, two-stage type series and the odd man out series, questions on number series and the odd man out series and many more things.

A number series is a collection of numbers that follow a pattern. Candidates must locate the missing or incorrect number in the given series. In some problems, one of the terms in the supplied series may be wrong, and candidates must figure out which term is faulty by identifying the pattern involved in the series’ creation.

Each question may follow a particular form of pattern or sequential arrangement of characters or digits, which applicants must detect using their common sense and thinking abilities.

Number Series Types

Let’s take a look at the many types of inquiries that might be asked one by one.

1. Series of additions

Specific numbers depending on some pattern are added to get the following number in this type of number series explanation.

2. Addition Series

Specific integers depending on some pattern are removed to get the following number in this type of number series reasoning.

3. Series of Multiplication

A specific form of number pattern is multiplied to acquire the next number in this type of number series logic.

4. Division Series 

A specific form of number pattern is divided to produce the next number in this type of number series logic.

5. Square Series

Each number is a perfect square of a particular number pattern in this form of number series reasoning.

Odd Man Out series

On the surface, the questions in the Odd Man Out Series appear to be simple. You’re given five options, and the student’s job is to figure out which one is the odd one out. However, these questions can become rather complicated, and candidates frequently become perplexed.

When answering such queries, keep two things in mind. Before you mark your answer, you must thoroughly reason it. Make sure the answer follows solid logic and fundamental reasoning. Before you mark the solution, double-check your logic.

Because time is limited, different problems relating to alphabets, numbers, metals, and so on can be asked. As a result, different rules and differences must be figured out rapidly to answer.


The phrases or elements follow a sequential law that cannot be generalised. You should be aware of the definite link between the numbers that make up the sequence of phrases. Such series are formed by the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and transposition of terms and series. The following factors may influence the types of questions asked:

1. Prime numbers/odd numbers/even numbers

Except for one number, which will be the odd man out, the series can be made up of odd numbers, even numbers, or prime numbers. As a result, before addressing numerical problems on this topic, all basic principles must be reviewed.

2. Series of perfect squares

A Perfect Square Series is a collection of numbers that are perfect squares of each other. The parent sequence to the series is this set of numbers from which we derive the Perfect square series. The rule that we use to put a sequence together is sometimes found in the parent series, and other times it is found in the square series itself.

Squares: 9, 16, 49, 81 ….

Cubes: 27, 64, 125, 216 ….

How to Answer a Number Series Question

Candidates can use the strategies and tactics listed below to help them answer questions in the Number Series reasoning portion.

Step 1:To obtain the correct answer, candidates must first identify the processes involved in the provided series, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and so on.

Step 2: To discover the correct answer for arranging type number series, applicants must rearrange the given series using multiple procedures.


1)3, 6, 11, 18, 27, ?, 51 (based on addition series)


The series’ answer is as follows.

3 + 3 = 6

6 + 5 = 11

11 + 7 = 18

18 + 9 = 27

27 +11 = 38

38 + 13 = 51

As a result, the appropriate response is 38.

2)50, 45, 40, 35, 30, ? (based on a succession of subtraction)


The series’ answer is as follows.

50 – 5 = 45

45 – 5 = 40

40 – 5 = 35

35 – 5 = 30

30 – 5 25

As a result, the right response is 25.

3) 5, 11, 24.2, 53.24, ?, 257.6816 (based on multiplication series)


The series’ answer is as follows.

5 x 2.2 = 11

11 x 2.2 = 24.2

24.2 x 2.2 = 53.24

53.24 x 2.2 = 117.128

117.128 x 2.2 = 257.6816

As a result, 117.128 is the correct answer.

4)6, 9, 15, 21, 24, 28, 30

A. 28

B. 21

C. 24

D. 30

Option A is the correct answer.


Except for 28, each of the numbers is a multiple of three.

5) 3, 5, 11, 14, 17, 21

A. 21

B. 17

C. 14

D. 3

Option C is correct.


Except for 14, each of the integers is an odd number.

Only the number ’14’ is an even number.

6)10, 25, 45, 54, 60, 75, 80

A. 10

B. 45

C. 54

D. 75

Option C is the correct answer.


Except for 54, every number is a multiple of 5.


A Series is a sequential sequence of letters, numbers, or both constructed in such a way that each term in the series is obtained according to some specified principles in number series logic. These criteria can be based on mathematical processes, alphabetical order, and other factors.

Questions about the odd man out are fairly common. In odd man out puzzles, all of the objects in the question, with the exception of one, follow a pattern or a group. The solution will be the thing that is unique and does not belong in that category.


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