Machine Input and Output

In this lecture, we are going to learn about input-output reasoning, reasoning input-output, input-output questions, types of questions in input-output reasoning and many things.

Input-output questions, also referred to as simply input-output questions, consist of a series of statements that are broken up into separate parts and are stated in a jumbled manner. The information that is fed into this device, which is similar to a computer or a word processor, is processed by this device, which then generates output. The term “output” refers to an artefact of the arrangement that has been generated by someone or some process, whereas “input” refers to a collection of words, figures, or data that is fed into the system in order to obtain output or a result. Input can be used interchangeably with “output.”. 

What is Input-Output?

Input from machines Output is a sort of inquiry in which the candidate is given a word and number arrangement to complete. The order of the words and numbers changes with each operation. These actions are repeated indefinitely or until a final arrangement is established. The learner must find the hidden pattern in the rearrangement and apply it to the questions about machine input and output.

Types of Questions in Input-Output in Reasoning

Based on the logic used behind the rearrangement, we can classify these types of questions as:

A. Rearrangements based on Ordering:

Words are organised alphabetically (forward or backward) according to their dictionary locations, whilst numerals are arranged ascending/descending.

In each phase, both words and numbers might be organised separately or concurrently. The rearrangement can begin on the left or right side of the sentence, or even on both sides at the same time. A word or a number could be used to begin the rearranging. Whatever the exact details, one or two words/numbers are shifted at a time in these types of rearrangements, with the remaining words/numbers remaining in their original order.

B. Rearrangements based on Word and Number Positions Being Swapped:

Specific positions are chosen, and only those words/numbers’ positions are switched. All others’ positions stay unchanged.

C. Rearrangements based on Mathematical operations:

In each stage, a mathematical operation (such as squaring the number, adding the digits within the number, applying a common number to each number, etc.) is performed on the numbers.

How to Solve Input-Output Questions

  • We can answer these questions by writing down each stage of the input.
  • An alternative to writing each step over and again is to number each word/number of the input according to their location in each step.

Input- Output Reasoning Questions

Directions (Qs. 1-5):

Input: Wind packet 19 7 back 12 task 34

Step 1: 34 wind packet 19 7 back 12 task

Step 2: 34 back wind packet 19 7 12 task

Step 3: 34 back 19 wind packet 7 task 12

Step 4: 34 back 19 packet wind 7 12 task

Step 5: 34 back 19 packet 12 wind 7 task

Step 6: 34 back 19 packet 12 task wind 7

Step 7: 34 back 19 packet 12 task 7 wind

1. with Stage VII being the final step. 9 13 concerning the tariff 24 call 29 even Step IV will be which of the following?

Sol:  29 about 24 call 9 13 tariff even.

2. The final stage is Step 7. If step 2 an input has the following steps: 37 desk 34 garden 5 father victory 17 Which of the stages below will be the final step?

Sol: Step 4.

3. If the first step of an input is: ’59 bead tenure father 38 11 ultimate 24′, then the second step is: Step 3 will be which of the following?

Sol: 59 bead 38 father tenure 11 ultimate 24.

4. and Step 7 is the last step. If the last step of an input is: 41 cost 32 over 28 project 17 violet. Which of the following must be the input?

Sol:  Cannot be determined

5. and Step 7 is the last step. Which of the following will be the Step 3 of the following input? Input: 24 12 entry sand butter 51 32 carry.

Sol: 51 butter 32 24 12 entry sand carry.


The reasoning questions based on this topic involve an Input that is presented in the form of numbers and words, and then gives out an Output that follows a specific format, similar to the computer notion of Input-Output.


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