Figure Matrix

The answers to Figure Matrix questions are presented in the form of a rectangular matrix, which contains a collection of diagrams or figures.

The answers to Figure Matrix questions are presented in the form of a rectangular matrix, which contains a collection of diagrams or figures. The term “figure matrix” refers to this configuration of various diagrams in the form of a matrix. The presence of each diagram in the figure matrix may be traced back to a certain rule. You will be responsible for figuring out this regulation and using your newfound knowledge to make any appropriate judgments.

Figure Matrix

When answering questions of this kind, you will be presented with more than one set of figures in the form of a matrix. These figures will all be organised in accordance with the same rule. The candidate is needed to examine the sets that are complete, discover the common rule, and then, using that rule as a foundation, find the missing figure in the incomplete set.

Checking the student’s ability to access shapes and symbols that are related through a rule is a significant component of the non-verbal reasoning portion of the assessment. For instance, in a number series, a few different numbers are related to one another by the application of a rule. In a manner analogous to this, each section of the figure matrix is linked together by a rule.

Figures Arranged in Groups

In the activity known as Grouping of Figures, various figures are grouped together on the basis of a certain rule, pattern, or attribute. Many of the problems and concepts that we will cover in this section on the grouping of figures are going to be similar to those that we covered in the previous year. These questions will focus on a certain group of figures that have been provided. While it is possible to group together some of these numbers, it is not possible to do so with others. The objective of this activity is to identify any rules or commonalities shared by the many distinct sets.

Depending on the number of groups that need to be compared, matrices can take one of the following six possible forms: L, T, Y, X, C, or roof-shaped.

When to use each matrix diagram shape

The several applications of matrices are broken below in Table 1. To view an example of each category, simply follow the links provided below. In the instances, the axes of the matrices have been coloured to draw attention to the letter that is part of the name of each matrix.

  • A matrix in the form of a L connects two distinct groups of things to one another (or one group to itself)
  • There are three different groups of things that are associated in a T-shaped matrix: group B is related to group C, and group B and group C are not related to each other
  • A Y-shaped matrix establishes relationships between three distinct groups of things, with each group having a circular connection to the other two
  • A C-shaped matrix can simultaneously and simultaneously associate three different sets of items in three dimensions
  • There are four different groups of things that are related in an X-shaped matrix; each group is related to two others in a circular pattern
  • One group of objects is related to itself by the usage of a roof-shaped matrix, which is typically utilised in conjunction with an L-shaped or T-shaped matrix

L- shaped 

2 groups 

A <-> B ( or A<->A)

T- shaped

3 groups

B<-> A <->C

Y- shaped 

3 groups 


C- shaped

3 groups 

All three simultaneously 

X- groups 

4 groups 


Roof – shaped

1 group 

A<->A when also A<->B

L-Shaped Matrix Diagram

The criteria of the clients are outlined in this L-shaped matrix. The group affixed numbers to the boxes to indicate numerical requirements, and they used checkmarks to denote the many available packaging options. The L-shaped matrix is actually an inverted L when viewed from above. This format for a matrix is the most fundamental and widespread one.

T-Shaped Matrix Diagram

The product models, which are located in group A, are related to the manufacturing facilities, which are in group B, and the customers, which are in group C. (group C).

When you investigate the matrix in a variety of ways, you will obtain distinct pieces of information. For instance, concentrating on model A reveals that it is manufactured in significant quantities at the Texas factory, but only in a limited capacity at the Alabama site. The majority of model A sales are made to Time Inc., while Arlo Company only purchases a minor quantity. When we zoom in on the customer rows, we see that Arlo Company is the only client who buys all four different models. Zig Corp. buys just one. While Time, Inc. is a significant purchaser of A and D, Lyle Company is only a moderately important client.

Y-Shaped Matrix Diagram

This Y-shaped matrix illustrates the relationships between the many departments participating in the process, the client needs, and the internal process metrics. The strength of the relationships is represented by symbols as follows: primary relationships, such as the responsibility that the manufacturing department has for production capacity; secondary relationships, such as the link that exists between product availability and inventory levels; minor relationships, such as the responsibility that the distribution department has for order lead time; and no relationship, such as the one that exists between the purchasing department and on-time delivery.


You’ll be given a matrix of figures to answer these questions. These numbers will follow the same rule. Examine the entire set, locate the common rule, and use that rule to find the missing figure in the incomplete set.

The capacity to retrieve shapes and symbols associated by a rule is a major component of the non-verbal reasoning element of the test. In a number series, a rule links several numbers. Each section of the figure matrix is linked by a rule.


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