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Factors and Multiples are Inverse Concepts

A factor is a number that divides a given number without leaving a remainder. A number that can be divided evenly by another number without leaving a residue is called a multiple of that number.

A factor is a number that divides a given number without leaving a remainder. A number that can be divided evenly by another number without leaving a residue is called a multiple of that number. Multiples and factors are the polar opposites of each other.

We may grasp factors by using a number sentence. 3x 4 Equals 12, for instance. 3 and 4 are both factors of 12, while 12 is a multiple of both 3 and 4.

Definition of Factors

The phrase ‘factors’ refers to the numbers that divide a given number precisely, leaving no residue. For example, 2 is one of the many factors of 8 because dividing 8 by 2 yields 4 and leaves no residue. The other 8 factors are 1, 4, and 8.

Furthermore, factors are numbers that can be multiplied by another number to obtain the desired number. Every number has at least two elements, namely 1, and the number itself.

To find the factors of a given number, you must first identify the numbers that evenly divide it. Start with 1 because it is the factor of all numbers.

Definition of Multiples

The multiple of two whole numbers is defined in mathematics as the product of the two whole numbers. For instance, 2 x 4 Equals 8, indicating that 8 is a multiple of 2 and 4. Furthermore, a multiple is indeed a number that, when divided by a certain integer, leaves no residue.

A given number has an infinite number of multiples. Every integer is a multiple of itself and 0.

To find multiples of a number, multiply it by integers starting with 1. After multiplying the provided values, the resultant number is a multiple of the original number.

Common Factors and Multiples

Find common factors and multiples of any number in this area. A factor is defined as an integer that divides a given number exactly. As a result, a factor is simply the number’s divisor. Both multiplication and division can be used to find the factors. Follow the steps below to see if two or more numbers have similar factors:

Put the numbers in the correct order.

Make a list of all the numbers’ possible factors.

Find the numbers that have the same factors.

Surround the common factors with a circle.

Properties of Factors and Multiples

Many properties of factors and multiples will aid in your understanding of this idea. Below is a list of those properties:

Every number is multiplied by 1.

Every number has a multiple of 0.

Only full numbers are factored or multiplied.

The smallest factor for any number is 1 and the largest factor is the number itself.

Every number is a multiple of another number.

For each number, there exist infinite multiples and a finite number of factors.

A factor is a number that divides a given number without leaving a remainder

A factor is a number that divides another number without leaving any residue, according to its definition. A multiple, on the other hand, is a number that leaves no residue when divided by another number. 10 is a multiple of 2 and 5, therefore 2 and 5 are both factors of 10.

A number that can be divided evenly by another number without leaving a residue is called a multiple of that number.

Three and four are two factors of twelve because three plus four equals twelve. We say a number is divisible by another integer if it can be divided by it without leaving a residue. 20 is divisible by four, for example. A multiple of a number is one that is divisible by another number. COMMON FACTOR WITH THE HIGHEST IMPACT (GCF).

A factor of a number is a number that divides another number equally. For instance, 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16 can be divided evenly. Factors of 16 are hence the digits 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16.


A factor is a number that divides a given number without leaving a remainder. A number that can be divided evenly by another number without leaving a residue is called a multiple of that number. Multiples and factors are the polar opposites of each other. We may grasp factors by using a number sentence.

To summarise, factors are numbers that can be multiplied to produce a different number. Multiples, on the other hand, refer to the result of multiplying two numbers. A prime number is one that has only two factors: one and itself.

A prime number is one that has just two elements, namely 1 and the number itself. Any number’s multiples are limitless. As a result, an unlimited number of common multiples can exist for any pair of numbers.

The smallest common multiple of any two or more numbers is known as the Least Common Multiple (LCM). The LCM of 3 and 4 is, for instance, 12.


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