Embedded images in Illustrator

In this article, we are going to learn about how to embed images in an illustrator. We will go through the passage and learn interesting facts about it.

The ability to invisibly insert photos into your document is one of Adobe Illustrator’s most useful features. Knowing this one fundamental concept enables one to design a wide variety of objects. Make sure you are familiar with the proper procedures for embedding photographs so that you do not waste a significant amount of your valuable time. In addition, make sure that you have a solid understanding of certain Illustrator-related concerns, such as knowing when to link rather than embed.

How to Incorporate Photos Into Illustrator Documents

In Illustrator, the links palette will display a list of all the images that are related to the current document. You will have the ability to take a connected image and embed it into your document if you access this location. Be sure to get rid of any unnecessary pictures you won’t use in the final output (Illustrator increases in storage size quite a bit). After you have ensured that this is the case, it is time to check that the appropriate image has been chosen for embedding.

Look in the links palette of your Illustrator application to view every image that is being utilized by the project you are working on right now. Find the image you want to include in your document by clicking the dropdown menu next to it and selecting the “Embed” option. When you click on an image in your palette, a new window will appear next to it. This indicates that your image has successfully been incorporated into the Illustrator file.

Modify the Image You Have Embedded

After being imported into Illustrator, a picture can no longer be modified unless the source file is re-opened. Despite the fact that this is the case, there are still some strategies to avoid its consequences. The first thing that should be brought to everyone’s attention is that it is in everyone’s best interest to modify the original image if it is available. This is due to the fact that if we alter the original and embed it again, there will be less of an impact on the resolution.

Even if you can’t find the original image, you can still use Illustrator to alter the embedded image; however, the results won’t be as polished as they otherwise would be. You will need to open the file with a piece of third-party software in order to make any changes to an embedded image (not Illustrator). You may, for instance, open the file in Adobe Photoshop and modify the image so that it better suits your needs.

When it’s better to link to a picture in Illustrator than to embed it

You will note that Illustrator provides you with the option to link a picture in addition to the embedded option whenever you embed an image. Why wouldn’t you want to just embed the picture instead of linking to it? A linked image is not part of the Illustrator file, and it will always be presented in this manner. This is the single most critical facet to keep in mind. Because of this, you are able to utilize an external editor tool to make adjustments to the image. For instance, if you wanted to alter your image using Paintshop pro, you would be able to do so, and the modifications that you made would also apply to your photo when it is contained within the Illustrator file.

When consumers are worried about storage space, a linked image allows them to avoid increases in file size that might otherwise result from repeatedly pasting the image. This helps to maintain the compact nature of Illustrator files, particularly in comparison to files that have images embedded rather than linked within them.

The process of embedding images in Illustrator documents is an essential component of developing high-quality projects. Ensure that you have a solid grasp of the myriad of intricacies that come with this process.


Adobe Illustrator allows you to embed photos into your documents. Make sure you are familiar with the proper procedures for embedding photographs. A picture can no longer be modified after being imported into Illustrator unless the source file is re-opened. There are some strategies to avoid its consequences. The process of embedding images in Illustrator documents is an essential component of developing high-quality projects.

A linked image is not part of the Illustrator file, and it will always be presented in this manner. Because of this, you are able to utilize an external editor tool to make adjustments to the image.


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