CAT 2023 » CAT Study Material » Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning » Direction Test in Logical Reasoning

Direction Test in Logical Reasoning

In this lecture we are going to learn about direction reasoning questions with answers, direction sense test tricks, distance and direction reasoning questions ,logic to solve distance questions and many other things.

The shortest distance between an object’s starting point and final location is called displacement, while direction is the measurement of its position in relation to another object. In this section, we’ll look at questions in which the candidate must determine the final direction or distance between two points after a series of directions has been given. The directions and distance problem contains instructions for moving a person or an object from a beginning place, also known as origin, to a destination position, also known as destination. These instructions usually specify the movement’s size and direction. This section’s questions are meant to assess the candidates’ sense of direction.

Direction sense test tricks

  • There are only four primary directions: north, south, east and west.

  • North-East, North-West, South-East, and South-West are the four cardinal directions.

  • If a man stands facing east at sunrise, his shadow will be cast towards the west.

  • The shadow of an item is always in the east during sunset.

  • If a guy stands facing North at daybreak, his shadow will be to his left, and at sunset, it will be to his right .

  • The sun’s beams are vertically downward at 12:00 noon, therefore there will be no shadow.

Direction reasoning questions with answers

1. Anuj began walking back, keeping his back towards the sun. After some time, he turned left, then right, and then back to the left. What is his current direction?

(A) South or West

(B) North or West

(C) North or South

(D) East or West

2. Rohit took a 25-meter walk to the south. He then turned left and walked about 20 metres. He moved 25 metres to his left after that. He moved 15 metres to his right after turning . What is his distance from the beginning location and in which direction is he moving ?

(A) 35 metres North

(B) 35 metres East

(C) 40 metres East

(D) 60 metres East

3. A young lady leaves her home. She walks for 30 metres in a north-south direction, then 30 metres in a south-west direction. She then travels 30 metres to the south-east. She finally returns to her home. What direction is she heading ?

(A) South-east

(B) South-west

(C) North-east

(D) North-west

4. Deepak begins travelling directly eastward. He turns left after walking 75 metres and walks 25 metres straight. He goes to the left again and travels 40 metres straight before turning to the left again and walking 25 metres. What is his distance from the starting point ?

(A) 35 metres

(B) 50 metres

(C) 115 metres

(D) 140 metres

Distance and direction reasoning questions 

1. Rita drives to the north of her lodging at A and discovers that she has driven in the incorrect direction after 25 kilometres. She then turns right and goes 2 kilometres before turning right and driving straight for another 25 kilometres. How far does she have to travel to get back to the beginning point ?

A) 25 km

B) 2 km

C) 4km

D) 40 km

2. Walk 4 kilometres north, then turn right and walk 5 kilometres. He then goes 2 kilometres south before turning west and walking 3 kilometres before stopping. Then we walked another 3 kilometres. What is A’s starting point’s distance from him ?

A) 16 Kms

B) 12 Kms

C) 2 Kms

D) 4 Kms

3. A father searching for his child went 90 metres east before turning right. He walked 20 metres before turning right to look for his child at his uncle’s house, which was 30 metres away. His child was absent. He then travelled 100 metres north before meeting his child on a street. How far away from the beginning point did the father meet his son?

A) 80 mts

B) 100 mts

C) 140 mts

D) 260 mts

4. Ravi walks 10 metres to the south, then turns left and walks 20 metres before turning right. He turns right after walking 20 metres and continues another 20 metres. Finally, he moves a distance of 10 metres to the right. What is his distance from the starting point and also direction from that starting point ?

A) 10 mts North

B) 20 mts South

C) 20 mts North

D) 10 mts South


To complete the majority of Direction Sense questions, a person must travel through a series of routes that include several turns. It is the purpose of these questions to determine a test taker’s ability to successfully trace, follow, and locate written directions.


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